Saxon API for .NET

IResultDocumentHandler Interface

An IResultDocumentHandler can be nominated to handle output produced by the xsl:result-document instruction in an XSLT stylesheet.

For a list of all members of this type, see IResultDocumentHandler Members.

public interface IResultDocumentHandler


This interface affects any xsl:result-document instruction executed by the stylesheet, provided that it has an href attribute.

If no IResultDocumentHandler is nominated (in the IResultDocumentHandler property of the XsltTransformer, the output of

is serialized, and is written to the file or other resource identified by the URI in the href attribute, resolved (if it is relative> against the URI supplied in the BaseOutputUri property of the XsltTransformer.

If an IResultDocumentHandler is nominated, however, its HandleResultDocument method will be called whenever an xsl:result-document instruction with an href attribute is evaluated, and the generated result tree will be passed to the XmlDestination returned by that method.


Namespace: Saxon.Api

Assembly: saxon8api (in saxon8api.netmodule)

See Also

IResultDocumentHandler Members | Saxon.Api Namespace