Saxon API for .NET

Saxon.Api Namespace


DocumentBuilder The DocumentBuilder class enables XDM documents to be built from various sources. The class is always instantiated using the NewDocumentBuilder method on the Processor object.
DomDestination A DomDestination represents an XmlDocument that is constructed to hold the output of a query or transformation.
DynamicError The DynamicError class contains information about a dynamic error detected during execution of a stylesheet, query, or XPath expression.
Processor The Processor class serves three purposes: it allows global Saxon configuration options to be set; it acts as a factory for generating XQuery, XPath, and XSLT compilers; and it owns certain shared resources such as the Saxon NamePool and compiled schemas. This is the first object that a Saxon application should create. Once established, a Processor may be used in multiple threads.
QName The QName class represents an instance of xs:QName, as defined in the XPath 2.0 data model. Internally, it has three components, a namespace URI, a local name, and a prefix. The prefix is intended to be used only when converting the value back to a string.
SchemaManager A SchemaManager is responsible for compiling schemas and maintaining a cache of compiled schemas that can be used for validating instance documents.
SchemaValidator A SchemaValidator is an object that is used for validating instance documents against a schema. The schema consists of the collection of schema components that are available within the schema cache maintained by the SchemaManager, together with any additional schema components located during the course of validation by means of an xsl:schemaLocation or xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute within the instance document.
SequenceEnumerator This class represents an enumeration of the values in an XPath sequence. It implements the IEnumerator interface, and the objects returned are always instances of XPathItem
Serializer A Serializer takes a tree representation of XML and turns it into lexical XML markup.
StaticError The StaticError class contains information about a static error detected during compilation of a stylesheet, query, or XPath expression.
TextWriterDestination A TextWriterDestination is an implementation of XmlDestination that wraps an instance of XmlTextWriter.
XdmAtomicValue The class XdmAtomicValue represents an item in an XPath 2.0 sequence that is an atomic value. The value may belong to any of the 19 primitive types defined in XML Schema, or to a type derived from these primitive types, or to the XPath 2.0 type xdt:untypedAtomic
XdmDestination An XdmDestination represents an XdmNode that is constructed to hold the output of a query or transformation: that is, a tree using Saxon's implementation of the XDM data model
XdmEmptySequence The class XdmEmptySequence represents an empty sequence in the XDM Data Model.
XdmItem The class XdmItem represents an item in a sequence, as defined by the XDM data model. An item is either an atomic value or a node.
XdmNode The class XdmNode represents a Node in the XDM Data Model. A Node is an XdmItem, and is therefore an XdmValue in its own right, and may also participate as one item within a sequence value.
XdmValue An value in the XDM data model. A value is a sequence of zero or more items, each item being either an atomic value or a node.
XmlDestination An abstract destination for the results of a query or transformation
XPathCompiler An XPathCompiler object allows XPath queries to be compiled. The compiler holds information that represents the static context for the expression.
XPathExecutable An XPathExecutable represents the compiled form of an XPath expression. To evaluate the expression, it must first be loaded to form an XPathSelector.
XPathSelector An XPathSelector represents a compiled and loaded XPath expression ready for execution. The XPathSelector holds details of the dynamic evaluation context for the XPath expression.
XQueryCompiler An XQueryCompiler object allows XQuery queries to be compiled.
XQueryEvaluator An XQueryEvaluator represents a compiled and loaded query ready for execution. The XQueryEvaluator holds details of the dynamic evaluation context for the query.
XQueryExecutable An XQueryExecutable represents the compiled form of a query. To execute the query, it must first be loaded to form an XQueryEvaluator.
XsltCompiler An XsltCompiler object allows XSLT 2.0 stylesheets to be compiled. The compiler holds information that represents the static context for the compilation.
XsltExecutable An XsltExecutable represents the compiled form of a stylesheet. To execute the stylesheet, it must first be loaded to form an XsltTransformer.
XsltTransformer An XsltTransformer represents a compiled and loaded stylesheet ready for execution. The XsltTransformer holds details of the dynamic evaluation context for the stylesheet.


IQueryResolver Interface defining a user-supplied class used to retrieve XQUery library modules listed in an import module declaration in the query prolog.
IResultDocumentHandlerAn IResultDocumentHandler can be nominated to handle output produced by the xsl:result-document instruction in an XSLT stylesheet.
SchemaResolver The SchemaResolver is a user-supplied class used for resolving references to schema documents. It applies to references from one schema document to another appearing in xs:import, xs:include, and xs:redefine; to references from an instance document to a schema in xsi:schemaLocation and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation, to xsl:import-schema in XSLT, and to the import schema declaration in XQuery.


SchemaValidationMode Enumeration identifying the various Schema validation modes
WhitespacePolicy Enumeration identifying the various Whitespace stripping policies
XdmAxis Enumeration identifying the thirteen XPath axes