The <localizations> element

The localizations element in the configuration file defines classes used to localize the output of the xsl:number instruction in XSLT, and the functions format-date(), format-time(), and format-dateTime().

It has two attributes, defaultLanguage and defaultCountry which provide default values for the lang attribute/argument and the country argument respectively. If no values are supplied, the defaults are taken from the default Locale in the Java VM (which in turn will typically depend on operating system settings).

The element contains zero or more child localization elements as detailed below.

Each localization element may have the following attributes:





An ISO language code, for example "en" or "fr-CA" (mandatory)

The language to which this localization relates


The name of a class that implements the interface net.sf.saxon.number.Numberer

The class that performs localization for the specified language

additional attributes

Additional attributes are passed on to a user-specified LocalizationFactory

The meaning of these attributes depends entirely on the LocalizationFactory.

Note that numberers for various European languages (da, de, fr, dr-BE, it, nl, nl-BE, sv) are supplied in package net.sf.saxon.option.local. In Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE these are compiled into the standard JAR file, but they are not configured by default. In Saxon-HE they are not built-in to the product, but can be integrated from the supplied source code in the same way as user-written localizations.
