This package contains classes supporting configuration of Saxon-PE.
Class Summary Class Description ConfigurationReaderPE Subclass of ConfigurationReader providing functionality particular to Saxon Professional EditionDynamicLoaderPE Specialization of DynamicLoader for use in Saxon-PEICUNumberer_de A numberer for German using the ICU features, which supports variable ordinal suffixing, for example '-en', '-es'ICUNumbererEnUnhyphenated A numberer for English, using the ICU features, which produces space-separated word numbers, for example "Twenty Two" rather than the ICU default, which is hyphen-separated: "Twenty-Two".ICUNumbererPE A numberer using the ICU features, used principally for formatting numbers as words and day/month namesStyleNodeFactoryPE Class StyleNodeFactoryPE: Subclass of StyleNodeFactory used for Saxon-PE.