Class ThreadManagerEE

  • public class ThreadManagerEE
    extends XPathContextMajor.ThreadManager
    The ThreadManager is used to manage asynchronous execution of xsl:result-document instructions in Saxon-EE. It holds an ExecutorService which manages the pool of threads, and allows an exception to be notified if any of the asynchronous threads fails with a run-time error. A ThreadManager is created when an XSLT transformation starts, and is shut down when it ends, which forces the main thread to wait until all asynchronous threads have finished. Executing a try/catch creates a new ThreadManager on the context stack, which is used to manage all xsl:result-document instructions fired off within that try/catch block; the xsl:try waits until it is sure that all such threads have completed, and handles the exception appropriately if any of the threads fails.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ThreadManagerEE

        public ThreadManagerEE​(EnterpriseConfiguration config)
        Create a thread manager. This initializes an ExecutorService using a fixed thread pool, the number of threads being determined (by default) by the number of available CPUs
    • Method Detail

      • getCompletionService

        public CountingCompletionService<Outcome<java.lang.Boolean>> getCompletionService()
        Get the ExecutorService (so that new work can be submitted)
        the ExecutorService
      • waitForChildThreads

        public void waitForChildThreads()
                                 throws XPathException
        Wait for child threads started under the control of this context to finish. This is called at the end of the (main thread of a) transformation, and also at the end of the "try" part of a try/catch. The threads affected are those used to implement xsl:result-document instructions.
        Specified by:
        waitForChildThreads in class XPathContextMajor.ThreadManager
        XPathException - if any of the child threads have failed with a dynamic error.