Class HTML40Emitter

    • Constructor Detail

      • HTML40Emitter

        public HTML40Emitter()
    • Method Detail

      • isHTMLElement

        protected boolean isHTMLElement​(NodeName name)
        Decide whether an element is "serialized as an HTML element" in the language of the 3.0 specification
        Specified by:
        isHTMLElement in class HTMLEmitter
        true if the element is to be serialized as an HTML element
      • openDocument

        protected void openDocument()
                             throws XPathException
        Description copied from class: XMLEmitter
        Do the real work of starting the document. This happens when the first content is written.
        openDocument in class HTMLEmitter
        XPathException - if an error occurs opening the output file
      • rejectControlCharacters

        protected boolean rejectControlCharacters()
        Ask whether control characters should be rejected: true for HTML4, false for HTML5
        Specified by:
        rejectControlCharacters in class HTMLEmitter
        true if control characters should be rejected