Class XSLAttribute

    • Constructor Detail

      • XSLAttribute

        public XSLAttribute()
    • Method Detail

      • prepareAttributes

        public void prepareAttributes()
        Description copied from class: StyleElement
        Set the attribute list for the element. This is called to process the attributes (note the distinction from processAttributes in the superclass). Must be supplied in a subclass
        Specified by:
        prepareAttributes in class StyleElement
      • validate

        public void validate​(ComponentDeclaration decl)
                      throws XPathException
        Description copied from class: StyleElement
        Check that the stylesheet element is valid. This is called once for each element, after the entire tree has been built. As well as validation, it can perform first-time initialisation. The default implementation does nothing; it is normally overriden in subclasses.
        validate in class XSLLeafNodeConstructor
        decl - the declaration to be validated
        XPathException - if any error is found during validation
      • getErrorCodeForSelectPlusContent

        protected java.lang.String getErrorCodeForSelectPlusContent()
        Get the error code to be returned when the element has a select attribute but is not empty.
        Specified by:
        getErrorCodeForSelectPlusContent in class XSLLeafNodeConstructor
        the error code defined for this condition, for this particular instruction
      • compile

        public Instruction compile​(Compilation compilation,
                                   ComponentDeclaration decl)
                            throws XPathException
        Description copied from class: StyleElement
        Compile the instruction on the stylesheet tree into an executable instruction for use at run-time.
        compile in class StyleElement
        compilation - the compilation episode
        decl - the containing top-level declaration, for example xsl:function or xsl:template
        either a ComputedExpression, or null. The value null is returned when compiling an instruction that returns a no-op, or when compiling a top-level object such as an xsl:template that compiles into something other than an instruction.
        XPathException - if validation fails