Interface SimpleType

    • Method Detail

      • isAtomicType

        boolean isAtomicType()
        Test whether this Simple Type is an atomic type
        Specified by:
        isAtomicType in interface SchemaType
        true if this is an atomic type
      • isListType

        boolean isListType()
        Test whether this Simple Type is a list type
        true if this is a list type
      • isUnionType

        boolean isUnionType()
        Test whether this Simple Type is a union type
        true if this is a union type
      • isBuiltInType

        boolean isBuiltInType()
        Determine whether this is a built-in type or a user-defined type
        true if this is a built-in type
      • getBuiltInBaseType

        SchemaType getBuiltInBaseType()
        Get the built-in type from which this type is derived by restriction
        the built-in type from which this type is derived by restriction. This will not necessarily be a primitive type.
      • getTypedValue

        AtomicSequence getTypedValue​(java.lang.CharSequence value,
                                     NamespaceResolver resolver,
                                     ConversionRules rules)
                              throws ValidationException
        Get the typed value corresponding to a given string value, assuming it is valid against this type
        value - the string value
        resolver - a namespace resolver used to resolve any namespace prefixes appearing in the content of values. Can supply null, in which case any namespace-sensitive content will be rejected.
        rules - the conversion rules from the configuration
        the atomic sequence comprising the typed value. The objects returned by this SequenceIterator will all be of type AtomicValue,
        ValidationException - if the supplied value is not in the lexical space of the data type
      • validateContent

        ValidationFailure validateContent​(java.lang.CharSequence value,
                                          NamespaceResolver nsResolver,
                                          ConversionRules rules)
        Check whether a given input string is valid according to this SimpleType
        value - the input string to be checked
        nsResolver - a namespace resolver used to resolve namespace prefixes if the type is namespace sensitive. The value supplied may be null; in this case any namespace-sensitive content will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
        rules - the conversion rules from the configuration
        null if validation succeeds; or return a ValidationFailure describing the validation failure if validation fails. Note that the exception is returned rather than being thrown.
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the type is namespace-sensitive and no namespace resolver is supplied
      • isNamespaceSensitive

        boolean isNamespaceSensitive()
        Test whether this type is namespace sensitive, that is, if a namespace context is needed to translate between the lexical space and the value space. This is true for types derived from, or containing, QNames and NOTATIONs
        true if the type is namespace-sensitive, or if the namespace-sensitivity cannot be determined because there are missing schema components. (However, for xs:anyAtomicType, the result returned is false, even though the type allows xs:QName instances.)
      • preprocess

        java.lang.CharSequence preprocess​(java.lang.CharSequence input)
                                   throws ValidationException
        Apply any pre-lexical facets, other than whitespace. At the moment the only such facet is saxon:preprocess
        input - the value to be preprocessed
        the value after preprocessing
        ValidationException - if preprocessing detects that the value is invalid
      • postprocess

        java.lang.CharSequence postprocess​(java.lang.CharSequence input)
                                    throws ValidationException
        Reverse any pre-lexical facets, other than whitespace. At the moment the only such facet is saxon:preprocess. This is called when converting a value of this type to a string
        input - the value to be postprocessed: this is the "ordinary" result of converting the value to a string
        the value after postprocessing
        ValidationException - if postprocessing detects that the value is invalid