Class OptimizerEE

  • public class OptimizerEE
    extends Optimizer
    This class performs a number of optimizations that are specific to the Saxon-EE product. The relevant methods override dummy methods (that generally perform no optimization) in the superclass, which is used by Saxon-HE.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OptimizerEE

        public OptimizerEE​(Configuration config)
        Create the Saxon-EE optimizer
        config - the Saxon-EE configuration
    • Method Detail

      • optimizeGeneralComparison

        public Expression optimizeGeneralComparison​(ExpressionVisitor visitor,
                                                    GeneralComparison gc,
                                                    boolean backwardsCompatible,
                                                    ContextItemStaticInfo contextItemType)
        Optimize a GeneralComparison expression. Saxon-EE has a number of strategies for handling these; for example when comparing against a constant set of values, the expression is turned into a call on map:contains().
        optimizeGeneralComparison in class Optimizer
        visitor - the expression visitor
        gc - the GeneralComparison to be optimized
        backwardsCompatible - true if in 1.0 compatibility mode
        contextItemType - the static type of the context item
        the simplified expression
      • optimizeSaxonStreamFunction

        public Expression optimizeSaxonStreamFunction​(ExpressionVisitor visitor,
                                                      ContextItemStaticInfo cisi,
                                                      Expression select)
                                               throws XPathException
        Attempt to optimize a copy operation. Return null if no optimization is possible.
        optimizeSaxonStreamFunction in class Optimizer
        select - the expression that selects the items to be copied
        visitor - the expression visitor
        cisi - Static information about the context item
        null if no optimization is possible, or an expression that does an optimized copy of these items otherwise
        XPathException - if any error occurs
      • makeCopyOperationsExplicit

        public void makeCopyOperationsExplicit​(Expression parent,
                                               Operand childOp)
        In streaming mode, make the copy operation applied to subexpressions of a complex-content sequence constructor into explicit copy-of operations. This makes constructs such as <e><xsl:sequence select="y"/></e> streamable, by using the same run-time logic as if xsl:copy-of had been used.
        makeCopyOperationsExplicit in class Optimizer
        parent - The parent expression of the expression that is to be wrapped in an implicit copy-of.
        childOp - The operand that is to be wrapped in an implicit copy-of, if it is suitable.
      • checkStreamability

        public void checkStreamability​(XSLTemplate sourceTemplate,
                                       TemplateRule compiledTemplate)
                                throws XPathException
        Check the streamability of a template
        checkStreamability in class Optimizer
        sourceTemplate - the source of the template in the stylesheet tree
        compiledTemplate - the compiled template
        XPathException - if the template is declared streamable but does not satisfy the straming rules
      • optimizeForExpressionForStreaming

        public Expression optimizeForExpressionForStreaming​(ForExpression expr)
        In streaming mode, optimize a ForExpression for streaming. This is possible if the "in" part of the for expression does a downward selection of the streamed input, while the "return" part does not access the streamed input at all (specifically, if it has no dependencies on the context node). The expression is converted to streamable form by rewriting "for $t in S return f($t)" as "for-each S return f(.)". This depends on the generated for-each expression being streamable, which will not always be the case, for example if the return expression makes two downward selections from the range variable, or a non-downward selection.
        optimizeForExpressionForStreaming in class Optimizer
        expr - the expression to be optimized
        the optimized expression, or the original expression if no optimization was possible.
      • optimizeQuantifiedExpressionForStreaming

        public Expression optimizeQuantifiedExpressionForStreaming​(QuantifiedExpression expr)
                                                            throws XPathException
        In streaming mode, optimize a QuantifiedExpression for streaming. This is possible if the "select" part of the quantified expression does a downward selection of the streamed input, while the "satisfies" part does not access the streamed input at all (specifically, if it has no dependencies on the context node). The expression is converted to streamable form by rewriting "some $t in S satisfies f($t)" as "exists(for-each S return boolean(f(.)[.])", and likewise mutatis mutandis for "every $t....". This depends on the generated for-each expression being streamable, which will not always be the case, for example if the satisfies expression makes two downward selections from the range variable, or a non-downward selection.
        optimizeQuantifiedExpressionForStreaming in class Optimizer
        expr - the expression to be optimized
        the optimized expression, or the original expression if no optimization was possible.
        XPathException - if any error occurs
      • convertPathExpressionToKey

        public Expression convertPathExpressionToKey​(SlashExpression pathExp,
                                                     ExpressionVisitor visitor)
        Examine a path expression to see whether it can be replaced by a call on the key() function; if so, generate an appropriate key definition and return the call on key(). If not, return null.
        convertPathExpressionToKey in class Optimizer
        pathExp - The path expression to be converted.
        visitor - The expression visitor
        the optimized expression, or null if no optimization is possible
      • tryIndexedFilter

        public Expression tryIndexedFilter​(FilterExpression f,
                                           ExpressionVisitor visitor,
                                           boolean indexFirstOperand,
                                           boolean contextIsDoc)
        Try converting a filter expression to a call on the key function. Return the supplied expression unchanged if not possible
        tryIndexedFilter in class Optimizer
        f - the filter expression to be converted
        visitor - the expression visitor, which must be currently visiting the filter expression f
        indexFirstOperand - true if the first operand of the filter comparison is to be indexed;
        contextIsDoc - true if the context item is known to be a document node
        the optimized expression, or the unchanged expression f if no optimization is possible
      • convertToFilterExpression

        public FilterExpression convertToFilterExpression​(SlashExpression pathExp,
                                                          TypeHierarchy th)
        Convert a path expression such as a/b/c[predicate] into a filter expression of the form (a/b/c)[predicate]. This is possible whenever the predicate is non-positional. The conversion is useful in the case where the path expression appears inside a loop, where the predicate depends on the loop variable but a/b/c does not.
        convertToFilterExpression in class Optimizer
        pathExp - the path expression to be converted
        th - the type hierarchy cache
        the resulting filterexpression if conversion is possible, or null if not
      • isIndexableFilter

        public int isIndexableFilter​(Expression filter)
        Test whether a filter predicate is indexable.
        isIndexableFilter in class Optimizer
        filter - the predicate expression
        0 if not indexable; +1 if the predicate is in the form expression=value; -1 if it is in the form value=expression
      • evaluateStreamingArgument

        public Sequence evaluateStreamingArgument​(Expression expr,
                                                  XPathContext context)
                                           throws XPathException
        Evaluate the streaming (first) argument of a streamable stylesheet function
        evaluateStreamingArgument in class Optimizer
        expr - the expression supplied for the value of the streaming argument
        context - the XPath evaluation context of the caller
        the (nominal) result of the evaluation
        XPathException - if any error occurs
      • makeConditionalDocumentSorter

        public Expression makeConditionalDocumentSorter​(DocumentSorter sorter,
                                                        SlashExpression path)
        Make a conditional document sorter. This optimization is attempted when a DocumentSorter is wrapped around a path expression
        makeConditionalDocumentSorter in class Optimizer
        sorter - an expression that sorts and deduplicates its operand
        path - the slash expression that is the operand of the sorter
        either the original sorter, if no optimization is possible; or a ConditionalSorter which first tests a condition, and performs the sort if the condition is true, or returns the unsorted operand if not. In practice the condition is always a test whether the first item in the path expression contains more than one item
      • tryInlineFunctionCall

        public Expression tryInlineFunctionCall​(UserFunctionCall functionCall,
                                                ExpressionVisitor visitor,
                                                ContextItemStaticInfo contextItemType)
        Replace a function call by the body of the function, assuming all conditions for inlining the function are satisfied
        tryInlineFunctionCall in class Optimizer
        functionCall - the functionCall expression
        visitor - the expression visitor
        contextItemType - the static type of the context item
        either the original expression unchanged, or an expression that consists of the inlined function body, with all function parameters bound as required.
      • trySwitch

        public Expression trySwitch​(Choose choose,
                                    ExpressionVisitor visitor)
        Try to convert a Choose expression (or an XQuery 3.0 switch) into an optimized switch
        trySwitch in class Optimizer
        choose - the Choose expression
        visitor - the expression visitor
        the result of optimizing this (the original expression if no optimization was possible)
      • gatherOrExpressions

        public int gatherOrExpressions​(int commonParts,
                                       ExpressionVisitor visitor,
                                       ContextItemStaticInfo contextItemType,
                                       java.util.HashMap<Expression,​java.util.List<Expression>> map,
                                       java.util.List<Expression> otherExps,
                                       Expression expr)
        Try to convert a collection of comparisons connected by "or" operators into a single GeneralComparison
        commonParts - the number of common subexpressions found at this level
        visitor - the expression visitor
        contextItemType - static information about the context item type
        map - a map to be populated with comparison expressions, keyed on the common operand
        otherExps - a list to be populated with expressions in the "or" tree that are not comparison expressions, so they are retained "as is"
        expr - the Or expression to be optimized
        a tally of the common expressions so far
      • tryGeneralComparison

        public Expression tryGeneralComparison​(ExpressionVisitor visitor,
                                               ContextItemStaticInfo contextItemType,
                                               OrExpression orExpr)
                                        throws XPathException
        Try to convert an Or expression into a comparison with Literal sequence
        tryGeneralComparison in class Optimizer
        visitor - the expression visitor
        contextItemType - static information about the context item type
        orExpr - the Choose expression
        the result of optimizing the Or expression (the original expression if no optimization was possible)
        XPathException - if any error occurs
      • promoteExpressionsToGlobal

        public Expression promoteExpressionsToGlobal​(Expression expr,
                                                     GlobalVariableManager globalVariableManager,
                                                     ExpressionVisitor visitor)
                                              throws XPathException
        Identify expressions within a function or template body that can be promoted to be evaluated as global variables.
        promoteExpressionsToGlobal in class Optimizer
        expr - the expression; either this expression or any subexpression might be promoted
        visitor - the expression visitor
        globalVariableManager - the global variable manager
        the expression after subexpressions have been promoted to global variables; or null if no action was taken
        XPathException - if any error occurs
      • eliminateCommonSubexpressions

        public Expression eliminateCommonSubexpressions​(Expression in)
        Description copied from class: Optimizer
        Eliminate common subexpressions. Rewrites (contains(X, 'x') and contains(X, 'y')) as (let $vv:C := X return (contains($vv:C, 'x') and contains($vv:C, 'y'))). Dummy method; the optimization happens only in Saxon-EE.
        eliminateCommonSubexpressions in class Optimizer
        in - the expression to be optimized
        out the optimized expression (possibly the same as the input).
      • generateMultithreadedInstruction

        public Expression generateMultithreadedInstruction​(Expression instruction)
        Generate a multi-threaded version of an instruction. Supported in Saxon-EE only; ignored with no action in Saxon-HE and Saxon-PE
        generateMultithreadedInstruction in class Optimizer
        instruction - the instruction to be multi-threaded
        the multi-threaded version of the instruction
      • compileToByteCode

        public Expression compileToByteCode​(ICompilerService compilerService,
                                            Expression expr,
                                            java.lang.String objectName,
                                            int evaluationMethods)
        Generate Java byte code for an expression
        compileToByteCode in class Optimizer
        compilerService - the compiler service
        expr - the expression to be compiled
        objectName - the name of the object to be compiled, used as a hint for the Java class/method name
        evaluationMethods - The evaluation modes for which code is generated. Currently a subset of Expression.PROCESS_METHOD, Expression.ITERATE_METHOD. If no code is generated for a given evaluation method, the fallback implementation from the superclass is used.
        the compiled expression if possible, or null if compilation is not possible
      • makeByteCodeCandidate

        public Expression makeByteCodeCandidate​(ExpressionOwner owner,
                                                Expression expr,
                                                java.lang.String objectName,
                                                int requiredEvaluationModes)
        Insert a ByteCodeCandidate into the expression tree. A ByteCodeCandidate monitors how many times it is executed, and after reaching a certain threshold, generates bytecode for faster evaluation of its target expression
        makeByteCodeCandidate in class Optimizer
        owner - the owning construct in the expression tree
        expr - the child (target) expression
        objectName - name to be used in forming the name of the bytecode class
        requiredEvaluationModes - the evaluation modes for which code should be generated
        a new ByteCodeCandidate if the expression is suitable for bytecode generation, or the supplied target expression otherwise.
      • assessFunctionStreamability

        public void assessFunctionStreamability​(XSLFunction sourceFunction,
                                                UserFunction compiledFunction)
        Assess whether a declared-streamable function is actually streamable. This analysis takes no account of the actual function call, which is assessed later in the streaming adjunct for the UserFunctioncall class
        assessFunctionStreamability in class Optimizer