Class TeeOutputter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    javax.xml.transform.Result, Receiver
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class TeeOutputter
    extends SequenceReceiver
    TeeOutputter: a SequenceReceiver that duplicates received events to two different destinations
    • Method Detail

      • setFirstDestination

        protected void setFirstDestination​(Receiver seq1)
        Set the first destination
        seq1 - the first output destination
      • setSecondDestination

        protected void setSecondDestination​(Receiver seq2)
        Set the second destination
        seq2 - the second output destination
      • getFirstDestination

        protected Receiver getFirstDestination()
        Get the first destination
        the first output destination
      • getSecondDestination

        protected Receiver getSecondDestination()
        Get the second destination
        the second output destination
      • setUnparsedEntity

        public void setUnparsedEntity​(java.lang.String name,
                                      java.lang.String systemID,
                                      java.lang.String publicID)
                               throws XPathException
        Pass on information about unparsed entities
        Specified by:
        setUnparsedEntity in interface Receiver
        setUnparsedEntity in class SequenceReceiver
        name - The name of the unparsed entity
        systemID - The system identifier of the unparsed entity
        publicID - The public identifier of the unparsed entity
        XPathException - in the event of an error
      • append

        public void append​(Item item,
                           Location locationId,
                           int properties)
                    throws XPathException
        Output an item (atomic value or node) to the sequence
        Specified by:
        append in interface Receiver
        Specified by:
        append in class SequenceReceiver
        item - the item to be appended
        locationId - the location of the calling instruction, for diagnostics
        properties - if the item is an element node, this indicates whether its namespaces need to be copied. Values are ReceiverOption.ALL_NAMESPACES; the default (0) means
        XPathException - if an error occurs
      • startDocument

        public void startDocument​(int properties)
                           throws XPathException
        Notify the start of a document node
        properties - bit-significant integer indicating properties of the document node. The definitions of the bits are in class ReceiverOption
        XPathException - if an error occurs
      • endDocument

        public void endDocument()
                         throws XPathException
        Notify the end of a document node
        XPathException - if an error occurs
      • startElement

        public void startElement​(NodeName elemName,
                                 SchemaType type,
                                 AttributeMap attributes,
                                 NamespaceMap namespaces,
                                 Location location,
                                 int properties)
                          throws XPathException
        Notify the start of an element
        elemName - the name of the element.
        type - the type annotation of the element.
        attributes - the attributes of this element
        namespaces - the in-scope namespaces of this element: generally this is all the in-scope namespaces, without relying on inheriting namespaces from parent elements
        location - an object providing information about the module, line, and column where the node originated
        properties - bit-significant properties of the element node. If there are no relevant properties, zero is supplied. The definitions of the bits are in class ReceiverOption
        XPathException - if an error occurs
      • endElement

        public void endElement()
                        throws XPathException
        Notify the end of an element. The receiver must maintain a stack if it needs to know which element is ending.
        XPathException - if an error occurs
      • characters

        public void characters​(UnicodeString chars,
                               Location locationId,
                               int properties)
                        throws XPathException
        Notify character data. Note that some receivers may require the character data to be sent in a single event, but in general this is not a requirement.
        chars - The characters
        locationId - an integer which can be interpreted using a LocationMap to return information such as line number and system ID. If no location information is available, the value zero is supplied.
        properties - Bit significant value. The following bits are defined:
        XPathException - if an error occurs
      • processingInstruction

        public void processingInstruction​(java.lang.String name,
                                          UnicodeString data,
                                          Location locationId,
                                          int properties)
                                   throws XPathException
        Output a processing instruction
        name - The PI name. This must be a legal name (it will not be checked).
        data - The data portion of the processing instruction
        locationId - an integer which can be interpreted using a LocationMap to return information such as line number and system ID. If no location information is available, the value zero is supplied.
        properties - Additional information about the PI. The following bits are defined:
        Data is known to be legal (e.g. doesn't contain "?>")
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - the content is invalid for an XML processing instruction
        XPathException - if an error occurs
      • comment

        public void comment​(UnicodeString content,
                            Location locationId,
                            int properties)
                     throws XPathException
        Notify a comment. Comments are only notified if they are outside the DTD.
        content - The content of the comment
        locationId - an integer which can be interpreted using a LocationMap to return information such as line number and system ID. If no location information is available, the value zero is supplied.
        properties - Additional information about the comment. The following bits are defined:
        Comment is known to be legal (e.g. doesn't contain "--")
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - the content is invalid for an XML comment
        XPathException - if an error occurs
      • usesTypeAnnotations

        public boolean usesTypeAnnotations()
        Ask whether this Receiver (or the downstream pipeline) makes any use of the type annotations supplied on element and attribute events
        true if the Receiver makes any use of this information. If false, the caller may supply untyped nodes instead of supplying the type annotation