Resources and URIs
All external resources used in transformations and queries are identified using URIs. These resources include:
- XML documents used as the primary input to a query or transformation, or accessed using a function such as doc() or document(), or an instruction such as xsl:source-document or xsl:merge-source.
- JSON documents used as the primary input to a query or transformation, or accessed using the json-doc() function.
- Text files accessed using the unparsed-text() function.
- Source XSLT stylesheet modules, and compiled XSLT packages made available as SEF files.
- Source XSD schema documents, and compiled schemas made available as SCM files.
- Source XQuery queries (main modules and library modules).
- Binary resources accessed using the saxon:read-binary-resource() function.
This section describes how URIs referring to XML documents (and in some cases, non-XML resources) are handled within Saxon.