Reference: XSLT elements

This section of the Saxon documentation lists all of the standard XSLT elements in the namespace, providing brief descriptions of their function, details about their structure and usage, and any information specific to the Saxon implementation. Many also have further detailed descriptions and examples.

For information about the additional extension elements provided with the Saxon product, see Extension instructions.


Saxon implements the XSLT 3.0 Recommendation from the World Wide Web Consortium: see XSLT 3.0 conformance. The information here is designed to give a comprehensive summary of the features, but for the full specification, consult the official standard.

Also included in this section are descriptions of experimental additions being considered for a possible XSLT version 4.0. These are all clearly marked as being experimental. They are available only if explicitly enabled, and they are very likely to change in later versions.

XSLT patterns

This section of the documentation also contains an informal description of the syntax of Patterns in XSLT 3.0.

Standard attributes

There are a number of standard attributes that may appear on any XSLT element (or any literal result element, in which case the names of the attributes must be in the XSLT namespace): default-collation, default-mode, default-validation, exclude-result-prefixes, expand-text, extension-element-prefixes, use-when, version, and xpath-default-namespace. For information about these, see the xsl:stylesheet element.

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