Package net.sf.saxon

Class Version

  • public final class Version
    extends java.lang.Object
    The Version class holds the SAXON version information.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static java.lang.String getMajorReleaseDate()
      Get the issue date of the most recent major release of the product, that is, a release offering new functionality rather than just bug fixes (typically, a release in which the first two digits of the version number change, for example 9.2 to 9.3).
      static java.lang.String getProductName()
      Return the name of this product.
      static java.lang.String getProductTitle()
      Get a message used to identify this product when a transformation is run using the -t option
      static java.lang.String getProductVariantAndVersion​(java.lang.String edition)
      Get the version number of the schema-aware version of the product
      static java.lang.String getProductVendor()
      Return the name of the product vendor.
      static java.lang.String getProductVersion()
      Get the user-visible version number of this version of the product
      static java.lang.String getReleaseDate()
      Get the issue date of this version of the product.
      static java.lang.String getSoftwarePlatform()
      Get a string identifying the execution platform: "J" for "Java", "CS" for C#, etc
      static int[] getStructuredVersionNumber()
      Get the components of the structured version number.
      static java.lang.String getWebSiteAddress()
      Return a web site address containing information about the product.
      static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)
      Invoking net.sf.saxon.Version from the command line outputs the build number
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • softwareEdition

        public static java.lang.String softwareEdition
      • platform

        public static Platform platform
    • Method Detail

      • getProductName

        public static java.lang.String getProductName()
        Return the name of this product. Supports the XSLT 2.0 system property xsl:product-name
        the string "SAXON"
      • getProductVendor

        public static java.lang.String getProductVendor()
        Return the name of the product vendor.
        the string "Saxonica"
      • getProductVariantAndVersion

        public static java.lang.String getProductVariantAndVersion​(java.lang.String edition)
        Get the version number of the schema-aware version of the product
        edition - the Saxon edition code, e.g. "EE" or "JS"
        the version number of this version of Saxon, as a string
      • getProductVersion

        public static java.lang.String getProductVersion()
        Get the user-visible version number of this version of the product
        the version number of this version of Saxon, as a string: for example "10.1"
      • getStructuredVersionNumber

        public static int[] getStructuredVersionNumber()
        Get the components of the structured version number. This is used in the .NET product to locate an assembly in the dynamic assembly cache; it is also used by XQJ. The caller can assume that there will always be at least two components. The current implementation in Saxon 12 returns [12, n, b, p] where n is the minor version number (initially 0, incremented for each maintenance release), b is the build number, which is typically a six-digit number, and p is the patch number (initially 0, incremented for each patch release).
        the four components of the version number, as an array: for example {12, 4, 120112, 1}
      • getReleaseDate

        public static java.lang.String getReleaseDate()
        Get the issue date of this version of the product. This will be the release date of the latest maintenance release
        the release date, as an ISO 8601 string
      • getMajorReleaseDate

        public static java.lang.String getMajorReleaseDate()
        Get the issue date of the most recent major release of the product, that is, a release offering new functionality rather than just bug fixes (typically, a release in which the first two digits of the version number change, for example 9.2 to 9.3).
        the release date, as an ISO 8601 string
      • getProductTitle

        public static java.lang.String getProductTitle()
        Get a message used to identify this product when a transformation is run using the -t option
        A string containing both the product name and the product version
      • getSoftwarePlatform

        public static java.lang.String getSoftwarePlatform()
        Get a string identifying the execution platform: "J" for "Java", "CS" for C#, etc
        "J" for "Java", "CS" for C#
      • getWebSiteAddress

        public static java.lang.String getWebSiteAddress()
        Return a web site address containing information about the product. Supports the XSLT system property xsl:vendor-url
        the string ""
      • main

        public static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)
        Invoking net.sf.saxon.Version from the command line outputs the build number
        args - not used