Class Numberer_en

    • Constructor Detail

      • Numberer_en

        public Numberer_en()
    • Method Detail

      • setTensUnitsSeparatorCardinal

        public void setTensUnitsSeparatorCardinal​(java.lang.String separator)
        Set the separator to be used between tens and units for cardinal numbers. This allows customization of the output, for example "thirty six", "thirty-six", or "thirtysix". Default is a single space.

        Currently the only way of calling this is from a subclass, which can be nominated by setting a LocalizerFactory on the Configuration

        separator - the separator to be used between tens and units when cardinal numbers are written as words.
      • setTensUnitsSeparatorOrdinal

        public void setTensUnitsSeparatorOrdinal​(java.lang.String separator)
        Set the separator to be used between tens and units for ordinal numbers. This allows customization of the output, for example "thirty sixth", "thirty-sixth", or "thirtysixth". Default is a hyphen.

        Currently the only way of calling this is from a subclass, which can be nominated by setting a LocalizerFactory on the Configuration

        separator - the separator to be used between tens and units when ordinal numbers are written as words.
      • setLanguage

        public void setLanguage​(java.lang.String language)
        Set the language used by this numberer. Useful because it can potentially handle variants of English (and subclasses can handle other languages)
        setLanguage in class AbstractNumberer
        language - the requested language. Note that "en-x-hyphen" is recognized as a request to hyphenate numbers in the range 21-99.
      • ordinalSuffix

        protected java.lang.String ordinalSuffix​(java.lang.String ordinalParam,
                                                 long number)
        Construct the ordinal suffix for a number, for example "st", "nd", "rd"
        ordinalSuffix in class AbstractNumberer
        ordinalParam - the value of the ordinal attribute (used in non-English language implementations)
        number - the number being formatted
        the ordinal suffix to be appended to the formatted number
      • toWords

        public java.lang.String toWords​(java.lang.String cardinal,
                                        long number)
        Show the number as words in title case. (We choose title case because the result can then be converted algorithmically to lower case or upper case).
        Specified by:
        toWords in class AbstractNumberer
        cardinal -
        number - the number to be formatted
        the number formatted as English words
      • monthName

        public java.lang.String monthName​(int month,
                                          int minWidth,
                                          int maxWidth)
        Get a month name or abbreviation
        Specified by:
        monthName in interface Numberer
        Specified by:
        monthName in class AbstractNumberer
        month - The month number (1=January, 12=December)
        minWidth - The minimum number of characters
        maxWidth - The maximum number of characters
        the month name or abbreviation as a string (for example, "September" or "Sep")
      • dayName

        public java.lang.String dayName​(int day,
                                        int minWidth,
                                        int maxWidth)
        Get a day name or abbreviation
        Specified by:
        dayName in interface Numberer
        Specified by:
        dayName in class AbstractNumberer
        day - The day of the week (1=Monday, 7=Sunday)
        minWidth - The minimum number of characters
        maxWidth - The maximum number of characters
        the day name or abbreviation as a string (for example, "Monday" or "Mon")