Class ExpressionPresenter

  • public class ExpressionPresenter
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class handles the display of an abstract expression tree in an XML format with some slight resemblance to XQueryX
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExpressionPresenter

        public ExpressionPresenter()
        Make an uncommitted ExpressionPresenter. This must be followed by a call on init()
      • ExpressionPresenter

        public ExpressionPresenter​(Configuration config)
        Make an ExpressionPresenter that writes indented output to the standard error output destination of the Configuration
        config - the Saxon configuration
      • ExpressionPresenter

        public ExpressionPresenter​(Configuration config,
        Make an ExpressionPresenter that writes indented output to a specified output stream
        config - the Saxon configuration
        out - the output destination
      • ExpressionPresenter

        public ExpressionPresenter​(Builder builder)
        Make an ExpressionPresenter that writes to a specified tree builder
        builder - the tree builder
      • ExpressionPresenter

        public ExpressionPresenter​(Configuration config,
                                   boolean checksum)
        Make an ExpressionPresenter that writes indented output to a specified output stream, with optional checksum
        config - the Saxon configuration
        out - the output destination
        checksum - true if a checksum is to be written at the end of the file
      • ExpressionPresenter

        public ExpressionPresenter​(Configuration config,
                                   Logger out)
        Make an ExpressionPresenter that writes indented output to a specified output stream
        config - the Saxon configuration
        out - the output stream
      • ExpressionPresenter

        public ExpressionPresenter​(Configuration config,
                                   Receiver receiver)
        Make an ExpressionPresenter for a given Configuration using a user-supplied Receiver to accept the output
        config - the Configuration
        receiver - the user-supplied Receiver
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init​(Configuration config,
                         boolean checksum)
        Make an ExpressionPresenter that writes indented output to a specified output stream, with checksumming
        config - the Saxon configuration
        out - the output destination
        checksum - true if a checksum is to be written at the end of the file
      • init

        public void init​(Configuration config,
                         Receiver out,
                         boolean checksum)
        Make an ExpressionPresenter that writes indented output to a specified output stream, with checksumming
        config - the Saxon configuration
        out - the output destination
        checksum - true if a checksum is to be written at the end of the file
      • setDefaultNamespace

        public void setDefaultNamespace​(NamespaceUri namespace)
        Set the default namespace, used for subsequent calls on startElement. Must be consistent throughout the whole document
        namespace - the default namespace
      • setRelocatable

        public void setRelocatable​(boolean relocatable)
        Say whether the package can be deployed to a different location, with a different base URI
        relocatable - if true then static-base-uri() represents the deployed location of the package, rather than its compile time location
      • defaultDestination

        public static Receiver defaultDestination​(Configuration config,
                                                  Logger out)
                                           throws XPathException
        Make a receiver, using default output properties, with serialized output going to a specified OutputStream
        config - the Configuration
        out - the OutputStream
        a Receiver that directs serialized output to this output stream
        XPathException - if a serializer cannot be created
      • makeDefaultProperties

        public static SerializationProperties makeDefaultProperties​(Configuration config)
        Make a Properties object containing defaulted serialization attributes for the expression tree
        config - the Configuration
        a default set of properties
      • startElement

        public int startElement​(java.lang.String name,
                                Expression expr)
        Start an element representing an expression in the expression tree
        name - the name of the element
        expr - the expression represented
        the depth of the tree before this element: for diagnostics, this can be compared with the value returned by endElement
      • getNamespacesAsString

        public static java.lang.String getNamespacesAsString​(NamespaceMap sc,
                                                             boolean includeXmlNamespace)
                                                      throws XPathException
        From a NamespaceMap, produce the SEF concise representation, for example "xs=~ xsl=~ example=file://"
        sc - the namespace map
        includeXmlNamespace - for compatibility with SaxonJS 2+, indicate that any explicit binding for the XML namespace should be included in the list
        the concise string representation of the namespace map
        XPathException - if the namespace map contains unsuitable namespaces, for example namespace URIs containing whitespace.
      • startElement

        public int startElement​(java.lang.String name)
        Start an element
        name - the name of the element
        the depth of the tree before this element: for diagnostics, this can be compared with the value returned by endElement
      • setChildRole

        public void setChildRole​(java.lang.String role)
        Set the role of the next element to be output
        role - the value of the role output to be used
      • emitAttribute

        public void emitAttribute​(java.lang.String name,
                                  java.lang.String value)
        Output an attribute node
        name - the name of the attribute
        value - the value of the attribute
      • emitAttribute

        public void emitAttribute​(java.lang.String name,
                                  StructuredQName value)
        Output a QName-valued attribute node
        name - the name of the attribute
        value - the value of the attribute
      • namespace

        public void namespace​(java.lang.String prefix,
                              NamespaceUri uri)
        Output a namespace declaration. All namespaces should be declared at the top level.
        prefix - the namespace prefix
        uri - the namespace URI
      • endElement

        public int endElement()
        End an element in the expression tree
        the depth of the tree after ending this element. For diagnostics, this can be compared with the value returned by startElement()
      • startSubsidiaryElement

        public void startSubsidiaryElement​(java.lang.String name)
        Start a child element in the output
        name - the name of the child element
      • endSubsidiaryElement

        public void endSubsidiaryElement()
        End a child element in the output
      • close

        public void close()
        Close the output
      • getConfiguration

        public Configuration getConfiguration()
        Get the Saxon configuration
        the Saxon configuration
      • getNamePool

        public NamePool getNamePool()
        Get the name pool
        the name pool
      • getTypeHierarchy

        public TypeHierarchy getTypeHierarchy()
        Get the type hierarchy cache
        the type hierarchy cache
      • jsEscape

        public static java.lang.String jsEscape​(java.lang.String in)
        Static method to escape a string using Javascript escaping conventions
        in - the string to be escaped
        the escaped string