Interface ComplexType

  • All Superinterfaces:
    SchemaComponent, SchemaType
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AnyType, Untyped, UserComplexType

    public interface ComplexType
    extends SchemaType
    A complex type as defined in XML Schema: either a user-defined complex type, or xs:anyType, or xs:untyped. In the non-schema-aware version of the Saxon product, the only complex type encountered is xs:untyped.
    • Method Detail

      • isAbstract

        boolean isAbstract()
        Test whether this complex type has been marked as abstract. This corresponds to the {abstract} property in the schema component model.
        true if this complex type is abstract.
      • isComplexContent

        boolean isComplexContent()
        Test whether this complex type has complex content. This represents one aspect of the {content type} property in the schema component model.
        true if and only if this complex type has a complex content model, that is, if its variety is one of empty, mixed, or element-only.
      • isSimpleContent

        boolean isSimpleContent()
        Test whether this complexType has simple content. This represents one aspect of the {content type} property in the schema component model.
        true if and only if this complex type has a simple content model, that is, if its variety is simple.
      • isAllContent

        boolean isAllContent()
        Test whether this complex type has "all" content, that is, a content model using an xs:all compositor
        true if the type has an "all" content model
      • getSimpleContentType

        SimpleType getSimpleContentType()
                                 throws MissingComponentException
        Get the simple content type. This represents one aspect of the {content type} property in the schema component model.
        For a complex type with simple content, returns the simple type of the content. Otherwise, returns null.
      • isRestricted

        boolean isRestricted()
        Test whether this complex type is derived by restriction. This corresponds to one aspect of the {derivation method} property in the schema component model.
        true if this complex type is derived by restriction
      • isEmptyContent

        boolean isEmptyContent()
        Test whether the content model of this complex type is empty. This represents one aspect of the {content type} property in the schema component model.
        true if the content model is defined as empty
      • isEmptiable

        boolean isEmptiable()
                     throws SchemaException
        Test whether the content model of this complex type allows empty content. This property applies only if this is a complex type with complex content.
        true if empty content is valid
      • isMixedContent

        boolean isMixedContent()
        Test whether this complex type allows mixed content. This represents one aspect of the {content type} property in the schema component model. This property applies only if this is a complex type with complex content.
        true if mixed content is allowed
      • getElementParticleType

        SchemaType getElementParticleType​(int elementName,
                                          boolean considerExtensions)
                                   throws MissingComponentException
        Find an element particle within this complex type definition having a given element name (identified by elementName), and return the schema type associated with that element particle. If there is no such particle, return null. If the elementName matches an element wildcard, return the type of the global element declaration with the given name if one exists, or AnyType if none exists and lax validation is permitted by the wildcard.
        elementName - Identifies the name of the child element within this content model
        considerExtensions - True if types derived from this type by extension are to be included in the search
        the schema type associated with the child element particle with the given name. If there is no such particle, return null.
        MissingComponentException - if the schema is incomplete
      • getAttributeUseType

        SimpleType getAttributeUseType​(StructuredQName attributeName)
                                throws SchemaException
        Find an attribute use within this complex type definition having a given attribute name (identified by fingerprint), and return the schema type associated with that attribute. If there is no such attribute use, return null. If the fingerprint matches an attribute wildcard, return the type of the global attribute declaration with the given name if one exists, or AnySimpleType if none exists and lax validation is permitted by the wildcard.

        If there are types derived from this type by extension, search those too.

        attributeName - Identifies the name of the required attribute within this content model
        the schema type associated with the attribute use identified by the fingerprint. If there is no such attribute use, return null.
      • getAttributeUseCardinality

        int getAttributeUseCardinality​(StructuredQName attributeName)
                                throws SchemaException
        Find an attribute use within this complex type definition having a given attribute name (identified by fingerprint), and return the cardinality associated with that attribute, which will always be 0, 1, or 0-or-1. If there is no such attribute use, return 0. If the fingerprint matches an attribute wildcard, return 0-or-1.

        If there are types derived from this type by extension, search those too.

        attributeName - Identifies the name of the required attribute within this content model
        the cardinality associated with the attribute use identified by the fingerprint.
      • allowsAttributes

        boolean allowsAttributes()
                          throws MissingComponentException
        Return true if this type (or any known type derived from it by extension) allows the element to have one or more attributes.
        true if attributes (other than the standard xsi: attributes) are allowed. The value false indicates that only the standard attributes in the xsi namespace are permitted.
      • gatherAllPermittedChildren

        void gatherAllPermittedChildren​(IntHashSet children,
                                        boolean ignoreWildcards)
                                 throws SchemaException
        Get a list of all the names of elements that can appear as children of an element having this complex type, as integer fingerprints. If the list is unbounded (because of wildcards or the use of xs:anyType), return null.
        children - a set, initially empty, which on return will hold the names of all permitted child elements; if the result contains the value -1, this indicates that it is not possible to enumerate all the children, typically because of wildcards. In this case the other contents of the set should be ignored
        ignoreWildcards - true if wildcards should be ignored
      • gatherAllPermittedDescendants

        void gatherAllPermittedDescendants​(IntHashSet descendants)
                                    throws SchemaException
        Get a list of all the names of elements that can appear as descendants of an element having this complex type, as integer fingerprints. If the list is unbounded (because of wildcards or the use of xs:anyType), include a -1 in the result.
        descendants - a set, initially empty, which on return will hold the names of all permitted descendant elements; if the result contains the value -1, this indicates that it is not possible to enumerate all the descendants, typically because of wildcards. In this case the other contents of the set should be ignored.
      • getDescendantElementType

        SchemaType getDescendantElementType​(int fingerprint)
                                     throws SchemaException
        Assuming an element is a permitted descendant in the content model of this type, determine the type of the element when it appears as a descendant. If it appears with more than one type, return xs:anyType.
        fingerprint - the name of the required descendant element
        the type of the descendant element; null if the element cannot appear as a descendant; anyType if it can appear with several different types
      • getDescendantElementCardinality

        int getDescendantElementCardinality​(int elementFingerprint)
                                     throws SchemaException
        Assuming an element is a permitted descendant in the content model of this type, determine the cardinality of the element when it appears as a descendant.
        elementFingerprint - the name of the required descendant element
        the cardinality of the descendant element within this complex type
      • containsElementWildcard

        boolean containsElementWildcard()
                                 throws MissingComponentException
        Ask whether this type (or any known type derived from it by extension) allows the element to have children that match a wildcard
        true if the content model of this type, or its extensions, contains an element wildcard
      • hasAssertions

        boolean hasAssertions()
        Ask whether there are any assertions defined on this complex type
        true if there are any assertions
      • getPreferredJsonLayout

        java.lang.String getPreferredJsonLayout()
        Decide what kind of layout to use when formatting an element of this type using the xdm-to-json function. The result is a layout name, such as "record", "list", "mixed", "sequence"