Class DominoNode

    • Constructor Detail

      • DominoNode

        public DominoNode​(DominoTree tree,
                          int nodeNr)
    • Method Detail

      • getNodeNr

        public final int getNodeNr()
      • setParentNode

        protected void setParentNode​(DominoNode parent)
        Set the parent of this node. Providing this information is useful, if it is known, because otherwise getParent() has to search backwards through the document.
        parent - the parent of this node
      • effectiveBooleanValue

        public boolean effectiveBooleanValue()
                                      throws XPathException
        Get the effective boolean value of this sequence
        Specified by:
        effectiveBooleanValue in interface GroundedValue
        the effective boolean value
        XPathException - if the sequence has no effective boolean value (for example a sequence of two integers)
      • getDomNode

        public org.w3c.dom.Node getDomNode()
      • compareOrder

        public int compareOrder​(NodeInfo other)
        Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.

        The other node must always be in the same tree; the effect of calling this method when the two nodes are in different trees is undefined. To obtain a global ordering of nodes, the application should first compare the result of getDocumentNumber(), and only if the document number is the same should compareOrder() be called.

        Specified by:
        compareOrder in interface NodeInfo
        other - The other node, whose position is to be compared with this node
        -1 if this node precedes the other node, +1 if it follows the other node, or 0 if they are the same node. (In this case, isSameNode() will always return true, and the two nodes will produce the same result for generateId())
      • isAncestorOrSelf

        public boolean isAncestorOrSelf​(NodeInfo d)
        Test if this node is an ancestor-or-self of another
        d - the putative descendant-or-self node
        true if this node is an ancestor-or-self of d
      • generateId

        public void generateId​(java.lang.StringBuilder buffer)
        Construct a character string that uniquely identifies this node. Note: a.isSameNode(b) if and only if generateId(a)==generateId(b)
        Specified by:
        generateId in interface NodeInfo
        buffer - a buffer which will be updated to hold a string that uniquely identifies this node, across all documents.
      • getAttributeValue

        public java.lang.String getAttributeValue​(NamespaceUri uri,
                                                  java.lang.String local)
        Get the string value of a given attribute of this node
        Specified by:
        getAttributeValue in interface NodeInfo
        uri - the namespace URI of the attribute name. Supply the empty string for an attribute that is in no namespace
        local - the local part of the attribute name.
        the attribute value if it exists, or null if it does not exist. Always returns null if this node is not an element.
      • getBaseURI

        public java.lang.String getBaseURI()
        Get the Base URI for the node, that is, the URI used for resolving a relative URI contained in the node. This will be the same as the System ID unless xml:base has been used. Where the node does not have a base URI of its own, the base URI of its parent node is returned.
        Specified by:
        getBaseURI in interface NodeInfo
        the base URI of the node. This may be null if the base URI is unknown, including the case where the node has no parent.
      • getDeclaredNamespaces

        public NamespaceBinding[] getDeclaredNamespaces​(NamespaceBinding[] buffer)
        Get all namespace declarations and undeclarations defined on this element.

        This method is intended primarily for internal use. User applications needing information about the namespace context of a node should use iterateAxis(Axis.NAMESPACE). (However, not all implementations support the namespace axis, whereas all implementations are required to support this method.)

        Specified by:
        getDeclaredNamespaces in interface NodeInfo
        buffer - If this is non-null, and the result array fits in this buffer, then the result may overwrite the contents of this array, to avoid the cost of allocating a new array on the heap.
        An array of integers representing the namespace declarations and undeclarations present on this element. For a node other than an element, return null. Otherwise, the returned array is a sequence of namespace codes, whose meaning may be interpreted by reference to the name pool. The top half word of each namespace code represents the prefix, the bottom half represents the URI. If the bottom half is zero, then this is a namespace undeclaration rather than a declaration. The XML namespace is never included in the list. If the supplied array is larger than required, then the first unused entry will be set to -1.

        For a node other than an element, the method returns null.

      • getAllNamespaces

        public NamespaceMap getAllNamespaces()
        Get all the namespace bindings that are in-scope for this element.

        For an element return all the prefix-to-uri bindings that are in scope. This may include a binding to the default namespace (represented by a prefix of ""). It will never include "undeclarations" - that is, the namespace URI will never be empty; the effect of an undeclaration is to remove a binding from the in-scope namespaces, not to add anything.

        For a node other than an element, returns null.

        Specified by:
        getAllNamespaces in interface NodeInfo
        the in-scope namespaces for an element, or null for any other kind of node.
      • getDisplayName

        public java.lang.String getDisplayName()
        Get the display name of this node, in the form of a lexical QName. For elements and attributes this is [prefix:]localname. For unnamed nodes, it is an empty string.
        Specified by:
        getDisplayName in interface NodeInfo
        The display name of this node. For a node with no name, returns an empty string.
      • getFingerprint

        public int getFingerprint()
        Get fingerprint. The fingerprint is a coded form of the expanded name of the node: two nodes with the same name code have the same namespace URI and the same local name. The fingerprint contains no information about the namespace prefix. For a name in the null namespace, the fingerprint is the same as the name code.
        Specified by:
        getFingerprint in interface NodeInfo
        an integer fingerprint; two nodes with the same fingerprint have the same expanded QName. For unnamed nodes (text nodes, comments, document nodes, and namespace nodes for the default namespace), returns -1.
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if this kind of node does not hold namepool fingerprints (specifically, if hasFingerprint() returns false).
        8.4 (moved into FingerprintedNode at 9.7; then back into NodeInfo at 9.8).
      • getLineNumber

        public int getLineNumber()
        Get line number. Line numbers are not maintained by default, except for stylesheets and schema documents. Line numbering can be requested using the -l option on the command line, or by setting options on the TransformerFactory or the Configuration before the source document is built.

        The granularity of line numbering is normally the element level: for other nodes such as text nodes and attributes, the line number of the parent element will normally be returned.

        In the case of a tree constructed by taking input from a SAX parser, the line number will reflect the SAX rules: that is, the line number of an element is the line number where the start tag ends. This may be a little confusing where elements have many attributes spread over multiple lines, or where single attributes (as can easily happen with XSLT 2.0 stylesheets) occupy several lines.

        In the case of a tree constructed by a stylesheet or query, the line number may reflect the line in the stylesheet or query that caused the node to be constructed.

        The line number can be read from within an XPath expression using the Saxon extension function saxon:line-number()

        Specified by:
        getLineNumber in interface Location
        Specified by:
        getLineNumber in interface org.xml.sax.Locator
        Specified by:
        getLineNumber in interface NodeInfo
        Specified by:
        getLineNumber in interface javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator
        the line number of the node in its original source document; or -1 if not available
      • getLocalPart

        public java.lang.String getLocalPart()
        Get the local part of the name of this node. This is the name after the ":" if any.
        Specified by:
        getLocalPart in interface NodeInfo
        the local part of the name. For an unnamed node, returns "". Unlike the DOM interface, this returns the full name in the case of a non-namespaced name.
      • getNodeKind

        public int getNodeKind()
        Get the kind of node. This will be a value such as Type.ELEMENT or Type.ATTRIBUTE. There are seven kinds of node: documents, elements, attributes, text, comments, processing-instructions, and namespaces.
        Specified by:
        getNodeKind in interface NodeInfo
        an integer identifying the kind of node. These integer values are the same as those used in the DOM
        See Also:
      • getParent

        public DominoNode getParent()
        Get the NodeInfo object representing the parent of this node
        Specified by:
        getParent in interface NodeInfo
        the parent of this node; null if this node has no parent
      • getPrefix

        public java.lang.String getPrefix()
        Get the prefix of the name of the node. This is defined only for elements and attributes. If the node has no prefix, or for other kinds of node, returns a zero-length string.
        Specified by:
        getPrefix in interface NodeInfo
        The prefix of the name of the node.
      • getRoot

        public DominoNode getRoot()
        Get the root node of the tree containing this node
        Specified by:
        getRoot in interface NodeInfo
        the NodeInfo representing the top-level ancestor of this node. This will not necessarily be a document node. If this node has no parent, then the method returns this node.
      • getSystemId

        public java.lang.String getSystemId()
        Get the System ID for the node. Note this is not the same as the base URI: the base URI can be modified by xml:base, but the system ID cannot. The base URI is used primarily for resolving relative URIs within the content of the document. The system ID is used primarily in conjunction with a line number, for identifying the location of elements within the source XML, in particular when errors are found. For a document node, the System ID represents the value of the document-uri property as defined in the XDM data model.
        Specified by:
        getSystemId in interface Location
        Specified by:
        getSystemId in interface org.xml.sax.Locator
        Specified by:
        getSystemId in interface NodeInfo
        Specified by:
        getSystemId in interface javax.xml.transform.Source
        Specified by:
        getSystemId in interface javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator
        the System Identifier of the entity in the source document containing the node, or null if not known or not applicable.
      • getTreeInfo

        public TreeInfo getTreeInfo()
        Get information about the tree to which this NodeInfo belongs
        Specified by:
        getTreeInfo in interface NodeInfo
        the TreeInfo
      • getNamespaceUri

        public NamespaceUri getNamespaceUri()
        Get the URI part of the name of this node. This is the URI corresponding to the prefix, or the URI of the default namespace if appropriate.
        Specified by:
        getNamespaceUri in interface NodeInfo
        The URI of the namespace of this node. For an unnamed node, or for an element or attribute that is not in a namespace, or for a processing instruction, returns an empty string.
      • hasChildNodes

        public boolean hasChildNodes()
        Determine whether the node has any children.

        Note: the result is equivalent to iterateAxis(Axis.CHILD).next() != null

        Specified by:
        hasChildNodes in interface NodeInfo
        True if the node has one or more children
      • hasAttributes

        public boolean hasAttributes()
        Ask whether the node has any attributes
        true if this is an element node and it has one or more attributes (not counting namespace declarations)
      • hasNamespaces

        public boolean hasNamespaces()
        Ask whether the node has any locally-declared namespaces
        true if this is an element node and it has one or more locally-declared namespaces
      • hasFingerprint

        public boolean hasFingerprint()
        Ask whether this NodeInfo implementation holds a fingerprint identifying the name of the node in the NamePool. If the answer is true, then the getFingerprint() method must return the fingerprint of the node. If the answer is false, then the getFingerprint() method should throw an UnsupportedOperationException. In the case of unnamed nodes such as text nodes, the result can be either true (in which case getFingerprint() should return -1) or false (in which case getFingerprint may throw an exception).
        Specified by:
        hasFingerprint in interface NodeInfo
        true if the implementation of this node provides fingerprints.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object other)
        Determine whether this is the same node as another node.

        Note that two different NodeInfo instances can represent the same conceptual node. Therefore the "==" operator should not be used to test node identity. The equals() method should give the same result as isSameNodeInfo(), but since this rule was introduced late it might not apply to all implementations.

        Note: a.equals(b) if and only if generateId(a)==generateId(b).

        This method has the same semantics as isSameNode() in DOM Level 3, but works on Saxon NodeInfo objects rather than DOM Node objects.

        Specified by:
        equals in interface NodeInfo
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        other - the node to be compared with this node
        true if this NodeInfo object and the supplied NodeInfo object represent the same node in the tree.
      • iterateAxis

        public AxisIterator iterateAxis​(int axisNumber,
                                        NodePredicate predicate)
        Return an iteration over all the nodes reached by the given axis from this node that match a given NodeTest
        Specified by:
        iterateAxis in interface NodeInfo
        axisNumber - an integer identifying the axis; one of the constants defined in class AxisInfo
        predicate - A condition to be satisfied by the returned nodes; nodes that do not satisfy this condition are not included in the result
        an AxisIterator that delivers the nodes reached by the axis in turn. The nodes are returned in axis order (document order for a forwards axis, reverse document order for a reverse axis).
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the namespace axis is requested and this axis is not supported for this implementation.
        See Also:
      • getUnicodeStringValue

        public UnicodeString getUnicodeStringValue()
        Get the string value of the item as a UnicodeString. This is in some cases more efficient than the version of the method that returns a String. The method satisfies the rule that X.getStringValueCS().toString() returns a string that is equal to X.getStringValue().

        If the calling code can handle a UnicodeString, this method should be used. If the caller requires a string, the Item.getStringValue() method is preferred.

        Specified by:
        getUnicodeStringValue in interface GroundedValue
        Specified by:
        getUnicodeStringValue in interface Item
        the string value of the item
        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if the item is a function item (an unchecked exception is used here to avoid introducing exception handling to a large number of paths where it is not needed)
      • saveLocation

        public Location saveLocation()
        Get an immutable copy of this Location object. By default Location objects may be mutable, so they should not be saved for later use. The result of this operation holds the same location information, but in an immutable form.
        Specified by:
        saveLocation in interface Location
        an immutable copy (which may be the original object, if it is already immutable)
      • setSystemId

        public void setSystemId​(java.lang.String systemId)
        Set the system identifier for this Source.

        The system identifier is optional if the source does not get its data from a URL, but it may still be useful to provide one. The application can use a system identifier, for example, to resolve relative URIs and to include in error messages and warnings.

        Specified by:
        setSystemId in interface NodeInfo
        Specified by:
        setSystemId in interface javax.xml.transform.Source
        systemId - The system identifier as a URL string.
      • getRealNode

        public org.w3c.dom.Node getRealNode()
        Get the node underlying this virtual node. If this is a VirtualNode the method will automatically drill down through several layers of wrapping.

        In some cases a single VirtualNode may represent an XPath text node that maps to a sequence of adjacent nodes (for example text nodes and CDATA nodes) in the underlying tree. In this case the first node in this sequence is returned.

        Specified by:
        getRealNode in interface VirtualNode
        The underlying DOM node.
      • getUnderlyingNode

        public org.w3c.dom.Node getUnderlyingNode()
        Get the node underlying this virtual node. Note that this may itself be a VirtualNode; you may have to drill down through several layers of wrapping.

        In some cases a single VirtualNode may represent an XPath text node that maps to a sequence of adjacent nodes (for example text nodes and CDATA nodes) in the underlying tree. In this case the first node in this sequence is returned.

        Specified by:
        getUnderlyingNode in interface VirtualNode
        The underlying DOM node.