Configuration using the .NET API

In Saxon's Saxon.API interface on .NET the root API object is the Saxon.Api.Processor object. This again is a wrapper around a Configuration. All the configuration properties are exposed via the Processor methods getProperty(name) and setProperty(name, value) which map directly to the methodsgetConfigurationProperty(name) and setConfigurationProperty(name, value) on the underlying Configuration.

The s9api Processor object also has a constructor new Processor(stream) which allows the underlying Configuration to be built from a supplied configuration file, which must have the format described in Configuration file. Configuration files are available only in Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE.

In many cases with the Saxon.Api interface it is more appropriate to set options at a finer level of granularity than the Processor. For example, options that affect XSLT stylesheet compilation can be set on the XsltCompiler object, and options that affect XQuery compilation on the XQueryCompiler.