966590 With the HTML output method, characters in strings produced using character maps are subjected to escaping
965882 Applications using the Java API to access namespaced attributes in a standard tree may get incorrect answers or failures
962737 When non-standard prefixes are used for standard namespaces in the result document (e.g. the XSLT namespace), Saxon may serialize them incorrectly.
962068 Casting xs:integer to xs:long returns the original xs:integer unchanged.
959979 The distinct-values() function may fail with a ClassCastException when processing a heterogeous sequence.
959940 In XQuery, unpredictable errors occur if global variables are declared in multiple query modules.
957362 In XSLT, xsl:fallback instructions within unrecognized extension elements are not properly validated.
949841 In XQuery, declaring a variable in the default clause of a typeswitch expression does not work.
949840 When objects such as variables or parameters are defined in a reserved namespace, the error is not always reported correctly.
949839 Space stripping (xsl:strip-space) does not work correctly when input is supplied in the form of a pre-built tree (DOMSource, JDOM, etc).
940778 When buiding a result tree, adjacent text nodes are not merged.
940227 When using a DOMSource, unprefixed attributes are assumed to be in the default namespace rather than the null namespace.
938531 In XQuery, a namespace prefix declared in the prolog takes precedence over one declared in an element constructor.
938530 In XQuery, an element constructor of the form <a>{1}{2}</a> causes a spurious space character to be output.
932417 In XQuery, the default collation specified in the prolog is ignored.
With xs:decimal operands, the expression A mod B
gives the wrong answer
if A is less than B.
In XSLT, the checks that parameters in xsl:call-template
match the parameters in the template being called incorrectly take account of
tunnel parameters.
The saxon:evaluate()
function fails if the expression uses local variables
and is used in a context such as xsl:for-each
where lazy evaluation occurs.
927057 Under particular conditions an invalid type annotation (numeric zero) can be attached to a node.
In XQuery, the "empty greatest/least" functionality in order by
does not work.