This section describes extension functions built in to the Saxon product. For information on writing your own extension functions, see Writing extension functions (Java) or Writing extension functions (.NET)
A Saxon extension function is invoked using a name such as saxon:localname()
The saxon
prefix (or whatever prefix you choose to use) must be associated with the
Saxon namespace URI
For example, to invoke the saxon:evaluate()
function in XSLT, write:
<xsl:variable name="expression"
select="concat('child::', $param, '[', $index, ']')"/>
<xsl:copy-of select="saxon:evaluate($expression)"
The equivalent in XQuery is:
declare namespace saxon="";
declare variable $param as xs:string external;
declare variable $index as xs:integer external;
declare variable $expression :=
concat('child::', $param, '[', $index, ']');
The extension functions supplied with the Saxon product are as follows:
saxon:analyze-string(): analyzes a string using a regular expression
saxon:base64Binary-to-octets(): converts an xs:base64Binary value to a sequence of octets
saxon:base64Binary-to-string(): converts an xs:base64Binary value to a string, given its encoding
saxon:call(): calls a first-class function previously created using saxon:function()
saxon:compile-stylesheet(): compiles a stylesheet that can subsequently be used as input to saxon:transform()
saxon:decimal-divide(): performs decimal division with user-specified precision
saxon:deep-equal(): compares two sequences for deep equality
saxon:discard-document(): marks a document as being eligible for garbage collection
saxon:eval(): evaluates a stored expression created using saxon:expression
saxon:evaluate(): evaluates an XPath expression supplied dynamically as a string
saxon:evaluate-node(): evaluates an XPath expression held in a node of a source document
saxon:expression(): creates a stored expression for subsequent evaluation using saxon:eval()
saxon:find(): finds items that match a given key value within an indexed sequence
saxon:for-each-group(): groups a set of items on the basis of a grouping key
saxon:format-dateTime(): formats a date, time, or dateTime value
saxon:format-number(): formats a number for output
saxon:function(): creates a first-class function that can be passed as an argument to other functions
saxon:generate-id(): generates a unique ASCII identifier for a node
saxon:get-pseudo-attribute(): parses the content of a processing instruction
saxon:has-same-nodes(): tests whether two sequences contain the same nodes
saxon:hexBinary-to-octets(): converts an xs:hexBinary value to a sequence of octets
saxon:hexBinary-to-string(): converts an xs:hexBinary value to a string, given its encoding
saxon:highest(): finds the nodes having the highest value for some expression
saxon:index(): creates an indexed sequence, allowing efficient retrieval using a key value
saxon:leading(): finds the values in a sequence up to the first one that doesn't match a condition
saxon:line-number(node): gets the line number of a node in the source document
saxon:lowest(): finds the nodes having the lowest value for some expression
saxon:namespace-node(): creates a namespace node
saxon:octets-to-base64Binary(): converts a sequence of octets to an xs:base64Binary value
saxon:octets-to-hexBinary(): converts a sequence of octets to an xs:hexBinary value
saxon:parse(): parses an XML document supplied as a string
saxon:path(): returns an XPath expression that identifies the context node
saxon:serialize(): returns the XML representation of a document or element, as a string
saxon:sort(): sorts a sequence of nodes or atomic values
saxon:string-to-base64Binary(): encodes a string to an xs:base64Binary value, using a given encoding
saxon:string-to-hexBinary(): encodes a string to an xs:hexBinary value, using a given encoding
saxon:string-to-utf8(): returns the UTF8 representation of a string
saxon:system-id(): returns the system ID of the document containing the context node
saxon:transform(): Runs an XSLT transformation
saxon:try(): allows recovery from dynamic errors
saxon:type-annotation(): returns the type annotation of a node
The Java source code of these functions (which in most cases is extremely simple),
can be used as an example for writing
other user extension functions. It is found in class
. Source code is available in the
download of Saxon-B from SourceForge