Saxon API for .NET

DocumentBuilder.Build Method (Uri)

Load an XML document, retrieving it via a URI.

public XdmNode Build(
   Uri uri


The URI identifying the location where the document can be found. This will also be used as the base URI of the document (regardless of the setting of the BaseUri property).

Return Value

An XdmNode. This will be the document node at the root of the tree of the resulting in-memory document.


Note that the type Uri requires an absolute URI.

The URI is dereferenced using the registered XmlResolver.

This method takes no account of any fragment part in the URI.

The role passed to the GetEntity method of the XmlResolver is "application/xml", and the required return type is System.IO.Stream.

The document located via the URI is parsed using the System.Xml parser.

Note that the Microsoft System.Xml parser does not report whether attributes are defined in the DTD as being of type ID and IDREF. This is true whether or not DTD-based validation is enabled. This means that such attributes are not accessible to the id() and idref() functions.

See Also

DocumentBuilder Class | Saxon.Api Namespace | DocumentBuilder.Build Overload List