Saxon API for .NET

IResultDocumentHandler.HandleResultDocument Method 

Handle output produced by the xsl:result-document instruction in an XSLT stylesheet. This method is called by the XSLT processor when an xsl:result-document with an href attribute is evaluated.

XmlDestination HandleResultDocument(
   string href,
   Uri baseUri


An absolute or relative URI. This will be the effective value of the href attribute of the xsl:result-document in the stylesheet.
The base URI that should be used for resolving the value of href if it is relative. This will always be the value of the BaseOutputUri property of the XsltTransformer.

Return Value

An XmlDestination to handle the result tree produced by the xsl:result-document instruction. The Close method of the returned XmlDestination will be called when the output is complete.


The XSLT processor will ensure that the stylesheet cannot create two distinct result documents which are sent to the same URI. It is the responsibility of the IResultDocumentHandler to ensure that two distinct result documents are not set to the same XmlDestination. Failure to observe this rule can result in output streams being incorrectly closed.

Note that more than one result document can be open at the same time, and that the order of opening, writing, and closing result documents chosen by the processor does not necessarily bear any direct resemblance to the way that the XSLT source code is written.

See Also

IResultDocumentHandler Interface | Saxon.Api Namespace