Saxon API for .NET

SchemaManager.NewSchemaValidator Method 

Create a new SchemaValidator, which may be used for validating instance documents.

public SchemaValidator NewSchemaValidator();


The SchemaValidator uses the cache of schema components held by the SchemaManager. It may also add new components to this cache (for example, when the instance document references a schema using xsi:schemaLocation). It is also affected by changes to the schema cache that occur after the SchemaValidator is created.

When schema components are used for validating instance documents (or for compiling schema-aware queries and stylesheets) they are sealed to prevent subsequent modification. The modifications disallowed once a component is sealed include adding to the substitution group of an element declaration, adding subtypes derived by extension to an existing complex type, and use of <xs:redefine>

See Also

SchemaManager Class | Saxon.Api Namespace