Saxon API for .NET

Serializer Members

Serializer overview

Public Static Fields

BYTE_ORDER_MARKQName identifying the serialization parameter "byte-order-mark"
CDATA_SECTION_ELEMENTSQName identifying the serialization parameter "cdata-section-elements". The value of this parameter is given as a space-separated list of expanded QNames in Clark notation, that is "{uri}local".
DOCTYPE_PUBLICQName identifying the serialization parameter "doctype-public"
DOCTYPE_SYSTEMQName identifying the serialization parameter "doctype-system"
ENCODINGQName identifying the serialization parameter "encoding"
ESCAPE_URI_ATTRIBUTESQName identifying the serialization parameter "escape-uri-attributes". The value is the string "yes" or "no".
INCLUDE_CONTENT_TYPEQName identifying the serialization parameter "include-content-type". The value is the string "yes" or "no".
INDENTQName identifying the serialization parameter "indent". The value is the string "yes" or "no".
MEDIA_TYPEQName identifying the serialization parameter "media-type".
METHODQName identifying the serialization parameter "method". If the method is a user-defined method, then it is given as a QName in Clark notation, that is "{uri}local".
NEXT_IN_CHAINQName identifying the serialization parameter "saxon:next-in-chain". This is available only with XSLT, and identifies the URI of a stylesheet that is to be used to process the results before passing them to their final destination.
NORMALIZATION_FORMQName identifying the serialization parameter "normalization-form"
OMIT_XML_DECLARATIONQName identifying the serialization parameter "omit-xml-declaration". The value is the string "yes" or "no".
SAXON_CHARACTER_REPRESENTATIONQName identifying the serialization parameter "saxon:character-representation"
SAXON_INDENT_SPACESQName identifying the serialization parameter "saxon:indent-spaces". The value is an integer (represented as a string) indicating the amount of indentation required. If specified, this parameter overrides indent="no".
SAXON_REQUIRE_WELL_FORMEDQName identifying the serialization parameter "require-well-formed". The value is the string "yes" or "no". If set to "yes", the output must be a well-formed document, or an error will be reported.
STANDALONEQName identifying the serialization parameter "standalone". The value is the string "yes" or "no" or "omit".
UNDECLARE_PREFIXESQName identifying the serialization parameter "undeclare-prefixes". The value is the string "yes" or "no".
USE_CHARACTER_MAPSQName identifying the serialization parameter "use-character-maps". This is available only with XSLT. The value of the parameter is a list of expanded QNames in Clark notation giving the names of character maps defined in the XSLT stylesheet.
VERSIONQName identifying the serialization parameter "version"

Public Instance Constructors

Serializer ConstructorCreate a Serializer

Public Instance Methods

Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
SetOutputFileSpecify the destination of the serialized output, in the form of a file name
SetOutputPropertySet a serialization property
SetOutputStreamSpecify the destination of the serialized output, in the form of a Stream
SetOutputWriterSpecify the destination of the serialized output, in the form of a TextWriter
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

See Also

Serializer Class | Saxon.Api Namespace