Saxon API for .NET

XQueryCompiler.Compile Method (String)

Compile a query supplied as a String.

public XQueryExecutable Compile(
   string query


A string containing the source text of the query

Return Value

An XQueryExecutable which represents the compiled query object. The XQueryExecutable may be run as many times as required, in the same or a different thread. The XQueryExecutable is not affected by any changes made to the XQueryCompiler once it has been compiled.


Using this method the query processor is provided with a string of Unicode characters, so no decoding is necessary. Any encoding information present in the version declaration is therefore ignored.


Exception TypeCondition
StaticErrorThrows a StaticError if errors were detected during static analysis of the query. Details of the errors will be added as StaticError objects to the ErrorList if supplied; otherwise they will be written to the standard error stream. The exception that is returned is merely a summary indicating the status.


            XQueryExecutable q = compiler.Compile("distinct-values(//*/node-name()");

See Also

XQueryCompiler Class | Saxon.Api Namespace | XQueryCompiler.Compile Overload List