Interface Summary | |
AttributeCollection | AttributeCollection represents the collection of attributes available on a particular element node. |
AxisIterator | A SequenceIterator is used to iterate over a sequence. |
ClosingAction | A ClosingAction is an action that can be performed by a ClosingIterator when the end of a
sequence is reached |
DocumentInfo | This interface represents a document node as defined in the XPath 2.0 data model. |
ExtendedNodeInfo | This interface contains methods that extend NodeInfo: the extra methods will be added to the NodeInfo interface at some time in the future. |
ExternalObjectModel | This interface must be implemented by any third-party object model that can be wrapped with a wrapper that implements the Saxon Object Model (the NodeInfo interface). |
FingerprintedNode | This is a marker interface used to identify nodes that contain a namepool fingerprint. |
GroundedIterator | This interface is an extension to the SequenceIterator interface; it represents a SequenceIterator that is based on an in-memory representation of a sequence, and that is therefore capable of returned a SequenceValue containing all the items in the sequence. |
GroundedValue | A value that exists in memory and that can be directly addressed |
Item | An Item is an object that can occur as a member of a sequence. |
LookaheadIterator | A SequenceIterator is used to iterate over a sequence. |
NamespaceDeclarations | This interface represents a collection of namespace declarations or undeclarations, typically those appearing together in an element start tag. |
NamespaceResolver | Abstract class that supports lookup of a lexical QName to get the expanded QName. |
NodeInfo | The NodeInfo interface represents a node in Saxon's implementation of the XPath 2.0 data model. |
SequenceIterator | A SequenceIterator is used to iterate over any XPath 2 sequence (of values or nodes). |
SiblingCountingNode | Interface that extends NodeInfo by providing a method to get the position of a node relative to its siblings. |
UnfailingIterator | A SequenceIterator is used to iterate over a sequence. |
ValueRepresentation | A ValueRepresentation is a representation of a Value. |
VirtualNode | This interface is implemented by NodeInfo implementations that act as wrappers on some underlying tree. |
Class Summary | |
AllElementStripper | The AllElementStripper refines the Stripper class to do stripping of all whitespace nodes in a document |
ArrayIterator | ArrayIterator is used to enumerate items held in an array. |
AttributeCollectionImpl | AttributeCollectionImpl is an implementation of both the SAX2 interface Attributes and the Saxon equivalent AttributeCollection. |
Axis | An axis, that is a direction of navigation in the document structure. |
AxisIteratorImpl | A SequenceIterator is used to iterate over a sequence. |
ClosingIterator | A closing iterator returns the items delivered by an underlying iterator unchanged, and calls a user-supplied function when the underlying iterator hits the end of the sequence. |
DocumentNumberAllocator | This class (which has one instance per Configuration) is used to allocate unique document numbers. |
DocumentPool | An object representing the collection of documents handled during a single transformation. |
EmptyIterator | EmptyIterator: an iterator over an empty sequence. |
EmptyNamespaceDeclarationList | A class representing an empty set of namespace declarations |
FastStringBuffer | A simple implementation of a class similar to StringBuffer. |
InscopeNamespaceResolver | A NamespaceResolver that resolves namespace prefixes by reference to a node in a document for which those namespaces are in-scope. |
ListIterator | Class ListIterator, iterates over a sequence of items held in a Java ArrayList, or indeed in any other kind of List |
Name10Checker | The class checks names and characters against the rules of the XML 1.0 and XML Namespaces 1.0 specification |
Name11Checker | The class checks names against the rules of the XML 1.1 and XML Namespaces 1.1 specification |
NameChecker | A NameChecker performs validation and analysis of XML names. |
NamePool | A NamePool holds a collection of expanded names, each containing a namespace URI, a namespace prefix, and a local name; plus a collection of namespaces, each consisting of a prefix/URI pair. |
NamespaceCodeIterator | This class provides an iterator over the namespace codes representing the in-scope namespaces of any node. |
NamespaceConstant | This class is not instantiated, it exists to hold a set of constants representing known namespaces. |
NamespaceDeclarationsImpl | An implementation of the NamespaceDeclarations interface, based on encapsulating an array of namespace codes. |
NamespaceIterator | This class provides an implementation of the namespace axis over any implementation of the data model. |
NamespaceIterator.NamespaceNodeImpl | Inner class: a model-independent representation of a namespace node |
NamespaceResolverAsDeclarations | An implementation of NamespaceDeclarations that contains all the inscope namespaces made available by a NamespaceResolver. |
Navigator | The Navigator class provides helper classes for navigating a tree, irrespective of its implementation |
Navigator.AncestorEnumeration | General-purpose implementation of the ancestor and ancestor-or-self axes |
Navigator.AxisFilter | AxisFilter is an iterator that applies a NodeTest filter to the nodes returned by an underlying AxisIterator. |
Navigator.BaseEnumeration | BaseEnumeration is an abstract implementation of an AxisIterator, it simplifies the implementation of the underlying AxisIterator by requiring it to provide only two methods: advance(), and getAnother(). |
Navigator.DescendantEnumeration | General-purpose implementation of the descendant and descendant-or-self axes, in terms of the child axis. |
Navigator.FollowingEnumeration | General purpose implementation of the following axis, in terms of the ancestor, child, and following-sibling axes |
Navigator.PrecedingEnumeration | Helper method to iterate over the preceding axis, or Saxon's internal preceding-or-ancestor axis, by making use of the ancestor, descendant, and preceding-sibling axes. |
NodeArrayIterator | An iterator over an array of nodes. |
NodeListIterator | Specialization of ListIterator for use when the items in the list are all nodes |
Orphan | A node (implementing the NodeInfo interface) representing an attribute, text node, comment, processing instruction, or namespace that has no parent (and of course no children). |
PrefixNormalizer | |
PrependIterator | An iterator over nodes, that prepends a given node to the nodes returned by another iterator. |
ProcInstParser | ProcInstParser is used to parse pseudo-attributes within Processing Instructions |
ReverseArrayIterator | ReverseArrayIterator is used to enumerate items held in an array in reverse order. |
ReverseNodeArrayIterator | Iterator over an array of nodes in reverse order |
SingleNodeIterator | SingletonIterator: an iterator over a sequence of zero or one values |
SingletonIterator | SingletonIterator: an iterator over a sequence of zero or one values |
StandardNames | Well-known names used in XSLT processing. |
StrippedDocument | A StrippedDocument represents a view of a real Document in which selected whitespace text nodes are treated as having been stripped. |
StrippedNode | A StrippedNode is a view of a node, in a virtual tree that has whitespace text nodes stripped from it. |
StructuredQName | This class provides an economical representation of a QName triple (prefix, URI, and localname). |
Validation | This class contains constants and static methods to manipulate the validation property of a type. |
VirtualCopy | This class represents a node that is a virtual copy of another node: that is, it behaves as a node that's the same as another node, but has different identity. |
VirtualDocumentCopy | A virtual copy of a document node |
VirtualUntypedCopy | This class represents a virtual copy of a node with type annotations stripped |
Exception Summary | |
NamePool.NamePoolLimitException | Uncaught Exception raised when some limit in the design of the name pool is exceeded |
NamespaceException | A NamespaceException represents an error condition whereby a QName (for example a variable name or template name) uses a namespace prefix that is not declared |
QNameException | A QNameException represents an error condition whereby a QName (for example a variable name or template name) is malformed |
This package defines the interface to the Saxon tree structure. This structure is used to represent both the source document and the stylesheet. Essentially, this class represents Saxon's realization of the XPath data model.
The classes in the package are rather a miscellany. What they have in common is that
they describe the way the Saxon tree structure is accessed, in a way that it independent
of the two tree implementations (in packages net.sf.saxon.tree
Broadly speaking, the classes fall into four categories:
package). These classes are
not generally needed by applications, with the exception of NamePool, which complex applications may
need to manipulate.
Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
9 February 2005