
Class DocumentBuilder

Class DomDestination

Class DynamicError

Class NullDestination

Class Processor

Class QName

Class SchemaManager

Class SchemaValidator

Class SequenceEnumerator

Class Serializer

Class StaticError

Class TextWriterDestination

Class XPathCompiler

Class XPathExecutable

Class XPathSelector

Class XQueryCompiler

Class XQueryEvaluator

Class XQueryExecutable

Class XdmAtomicValue

Class XdmDestination

Class XdmEmptySequence

Class XdmItem

Class XdmNode

Class XdmValue

Class XmlDestination

Class XsltCompiler

Class XsltExecutable

Class XsltTransformer

Enum RecoveryPolicy

Enum SchemaValidationMode

Enum TreeModel

Enum WhitespacePolicy

Enum XdmAxis

Interface IMessageListener

Interface IQueryResolver

Interface IResultDocumentHandler

Interface IXmlLocation

Interface SchemaResolver


Class Processor

public class Processor
implements object

The Processor class serves three purposes: it allows global Saxon configuration options to be set; it acts as a factory for generating XQuery, XPath, and XSLT compilers; and it owns certain shared resources such as the Saxon NamePool and compiled schemas. This is the first object that a Saxon application should create. Once established, a Processor may be used in multiple threads.

Constructor Summary

Create a new Processor

Processor(bool schemaAware)

Create a Processor, indicating whether it is to be schema-aware.

Processor(bool schemaAware, bool loadLocally)

Create a Processor, indicating whether it is to be schema-aware.

Property Summary
 string ProductTitle

Get the full name of the Saxon product version implemented by this Processor

 string ProductVersion

Get the Saxon product version number (for example, "8.8.1")

 bool IsSchemaAware

Indicates whether the Processor is schema-aware


Gets the SchemaManager for the Processor. Returns null if the Processor is not schema-aware.


An XmlResolver, which will be used while compiling and running queries, XPath expressions, and stylesheets, if no other XmlResolver is nominated

 decimal XmlVersion

The XML version used in this Processor (for example, this determines what characters are permitted in a name)

 net.sf.saxon.Configuration Implementation

The underlying Configuration object in the Saxon implementation

Method Summary
 DocumentBuilder NewDocumentBuilder()

Create a new DocumentBuilder, which may be used to build XDM documents from a variety of sources.

 XQueryCompiler NewXQueryCompiler()

Create a new XQueryCompiler, which may be used to compile XQuery queries.

 XsltCompiler NewXsltCompiler()

Create a new XsltCompiler, which may be used to compile XSLT stylesheets.

 XPathCompiler NewXPathCompiler()

Create a new XPathCompiler, which may be used to compile XPath expressions.

 void RegisterCollection(System.Uri collectionUri, System.Collections.IEnumerable contents)

Register a named collection. A collection is identified by a URI (the collection URI), and its content is represented by an IEnumerable that enumerates the contents of the collection. The values delivered by this enumeration are Uri values, which can be mapped to nodes using the registered XmlResolver.

 void WriteXdmValue(XdmValue , XmlDestination )

Copy an XdmValue to an XmlDestination

 void SetProperty(string name, string value)

Set a configuration property

 String GetProperty(string name)

Get the value of a configuration property

Constructor Detail


public Processor()

Create a new Processor


public Processor(bool schemaAware)

Create a Processor, indicating whether it is to be schema-aware.

schemaAware -
Set to true if the Processor is to be schema-aware. This requires the Saxon-SA product to be installed, with a valid license key.


public Processor(bool schemaAware,
                 bool loadLocally)

Create a Processor, indicating whether it is to be schema-aware.

schemaAware -
Set to true if the Processor is to be schema-aware. This requires the Saxon-SA product to be installed, with a valid license key.
loadLocally -
This option has no effect at this release.

Property Detail


public string ProductTitle {get; }

Get the full name of the Saxon product version implemented by this Processor


public string ProductVersion {get; }

Get the Saxon product version number (for example, "8.8.1")


public bool IsSchemaAware {get; }

Indicates whether the Processor is schema-aware


public  SchemaManager {get; }

Gets the SchemaManager for the Processor. Returns null if the Processor is not schema-aware.


public  XmlResolver {get; set; }

An XmlResolver, which will be used while compiling and running queries, XPath expressions, and stylesheets, if no other XmlResolver is nominated

By default an XmlUrlResolver is used. This means that the responsibility for resolving and dereferencing URIs rests with the .NET platform, not with the GNU Classpath.

When Saxon invokes a user-written XmlResolver, the GetEntity method may return any of: a System.IO.Stream; a System.IO.TextReader; or a java.xml.transform.Source.


public decimal XmlVersion {get; set; }

The XML version used in this Processor (for example, this determines what characters are permitted in a name)

The value must be 1.0 or 1.1, as a decimal. The default version is currently 1.0, but may change in the future.


public net.sf.saxon.Configuration Implementation {get; }

The underlying Configuration object in the Saxon implementation

This property provides access to internal methods in the Saxon engine that are not specifically exposed in the .NET API. In general these methods should be considered to be less stable than the classes in the Saxon.Api namespace.

The internal methods follow Java naming conventions rather than .NET conventions.

Information about the returned object (and the objects it provides access to) is included in the Saxon JavaDoc docmentation, available online.

Method Detail


public DocumentBuilder NewDocumentBuilder()

Create a new DocumentBuilder, which may be used to build XDM documents from a variety of sources.

A new DocumentBuilder


public XQueryCompiler NewXQueryCompiler()

Create a new XQueryCompiler, which may be used to compile XQuery queries.

The returned XQueryCompiler retains a live link to the Processor, and may be affected by subsequent changes to the Processor.

A new XQueryCompiler


public XsltCompiler NewXsltCompiler()

Create a new XsltCompiler, which may be used to compile XSLT stylesheets.

The returned XsltCompiler retains a live link to the Processor, and may be affected by subsequent changes to the Processor.

A new XsltCompiler


public XPathCompiler NewXPathCompiler()

Create a new XPathCompiler, which may be used to compile XPath expressions.

The returned XPathCompiler retains a live link to the Processor, and may be affected by subsequent changes to the Processor.

A new XPathCompiler


public void RegisterCollection(System.Uri collectionUri,
                          System.Collections.IEnumerable contents)

Register a named collection. A collection is identified by a URI (the collection URI), and its content is represented by an IEnumerable that enumerates the contents of the collection. The values delivered by this enumeration are Uri values, which can be mapped to nodes using the registered XmlResolver.

Collections should be stable: that is, two calls to retrieve the same collection URI should return the same sequence of document URIs. This requirement is imposed by the W3C specifications, but in the case of a user-defined collection it is not enforced by the Saxon product.

A collection may be "unregistered" by providing null as the value of the contents argument. A collection may be replaced by specifying the URI of an existing collection.

Collections registered with a processor are available to all queries and stylesheets running under the control that processor. Collections should not normally be registered while queries and transformations are in progress.

collectionUri -
The URI used to identify the collection in a call of the XPath collection() function. The default collection is registered by supplying null as the value of this argument (this is the collection returned when the XPath collection() function is called with no arguments).
contents -
An enumerable object that represents the contents of the collection, as a sequence of document URIs. The enumerator returned by this IEnumerable object must return instances of the Uri class.


public void WriteXdmValue(XdmValue ,
                     XmlDestination )

Copy an XdmValue to an XmlDestination

This method can be used to copy any kind of XdmValue to any kind of XdmDestination. The supplied XdmValue is first converted to an XML document according to the rules of the XSLT/XQuery serialization specification (for example, if the XdmValue is a sequence of atomic values, they will be turned in a text node in which the values are converted to strings and separated by single spaces). The resulting document is then written to the supplied XmlDestination.


public void SetProperty(string name,
                   string value)

Set a configuration property

This method provides the ability to set named properties of the configuration. The property names are set as strings, whose values can be found in the Java class net.sf.saxon.FeatureKeys. The property values are always strings. Properties whose values are other types are not available via this interface: however all properties have an effective equivalent whose value is a string. Note that on/off properties are set using the strings "true" and "false".

Method added in Saxon 9.1

name -
The property name
value -
The property value


public String GetProperty(string name)

Get the value of a configuration property

This method provides the ability to get named properties of the configuration. The property names are supplied as strings, whose values can be found in the Java class net.sf.saxon.FeatureKeys. The property values are always returned as strings. Properties whose values are other types are returned by converting the value to a string. Note that on/off properties are returned using the strings "true" and "false".

Method added in Saxon 9.1

name -
The property name
The property value, as a string; or null if the property is unset.