Class RootFunctionCompiler

  extended by com.saxonica.codegen.ExpressionCompiler
      extended by com.saxonica.codegen.SingletonExpressionCompiler
          extended by com.saxonica.codegen.RootFunctionCompiler

public class RootFunctionCompiler
extends SingletonExpressionCompiler

Generate Java code to implement the expression "root()"

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void compilePush(CompilerService compiler, Expression expr)
          Generate Java code to execute the expression in push mode, that is, code to write events to the current output Receiver
 java.lang.String compileToItem(CompilerService compiler, Expression expr)
          Generate Java code to evaluate the expression as an Item
 java.lang.String compileToIterator(CompilerService compiler, Expression expr)
          Generate Java code to evaluate the expression as a SequenceIterator
Methods inherited from class com.saxonica.codegen.SingletonExpressionCompiler
compileToCharSequence, compileToEffectiveBooleanValue
Methods inherited from class com.saxonica.codegen.ExpressionCompiler
compileAsLoop, compileToValueRepresentation
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RootFunctionCompiler()
Method Detail


public void compilePush(CompilerService compiler,
                        Expression expr)
Description copied from class: ExpressionCompiler
Generate Java code to execute the expression in push mode, that is, code to write events to the current output Receiver

compilePush in class SingletonExpressionCompiler
compiler - the compiler service
expr - the expression to be compiled


public java.lang.String compileToIterator(CompilerService compiler,
                                          Expression expr)
Description copied from class: ExpressionCompiler
Generate Java code to evaluate the expression as a SequenceIterator

compileToIterator in class SingletonExpressionCompiler
compiler - the compiler service
expr - the XPath expression to be compiled
a simple Java expression (usually the name of a variable that has been declared) which will be of class SequenceIterator, and which at run-time will hold an iterator over the the value of the XPath expression


public java.lang.String compileToItem(CompilerService compiler,
                                      Expression expr)
Description copied from class: ExpressionCompiler
Generate Java code to evaluate the expression as an Item

Specified by:
compileToItem in class ExpressionCompiler
compiler - the compiler service
expr - the expression to be compiled
a simple Java expression (usually the name of a variable that has been declared) which will be of class Item, and which will hold the value of the expression at run-time (or hold null, representing an empty sequence).

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