Class SequenceExchanger.EvaluationThread

  extended by com.saxonica.extra.SequenceExchanger.Producer
      extended by com.saxonica.extra.SequenceExchanger.EvaluationThread
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class SequenceExchanger.EvaluationThread
extends SequenceExchanger.Producer

EvaluationThread is a producer that evaluates an expression in "push" mode, writing the results to a Conduit.

Constructor Summary
SequenceExchanger.EvaluationThread(Expression exp, PipelineConfiguration pipe, XPathContext context, com.saxonica.extra.Conduit conduit)
          Create an EvaluationThread
Method Summary
 SequenceExchanger.Producer getAnother(com.saxonica.extra.Conduit conduit)
          Make a copy of this Producer, evaluating the expression again starting at the beginning, and writing the results to a new Conduit
 void run()
          Run the thread, evaluating the expression and writing its results to the Conduit
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SequenceExchanger.EvaluationThread(Expression exp,
                                          PipelineConfiguration pipe,
                                          XPathContext context,
                                          com.saxonica.extra.Conduit conduit)
Create an EvaluationThread

exp - the expression to be evaluated
pipe - configuration information, for example the error listener to be used
context - the evaluation context for the expression
conduit - the conduit to which the expression results are to be written
Method Detail


public void run()
Run the thread, evaluating the expression and writing its results to the Conduit


public SequenceExchanger.Producer getAnother(com.saxonica.extra.Conduit conduit)
Make a copy of this Producer, evaluating the expression again starting at the beginning, and writing the results to a new Conduit

Specified by:
getAnother in class SequenceExchanger.Producer
conduit - the new Conduit
the new EvaluationThread

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