Class DeleteAction

  extended by com.saxonica.update.DeleteAction
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DeleteAction
extends java.lang.Object
implements PendingUpdateAction

A pending update action representing the effect of a delete expression

Constructor Summary
DeleteAction(ValueRepresentation nodes)
          Create a DeleteAction
Method Summary
 void apply(XPathContext context, java.util.Set affectedRootSet)
          Apply the pending update action to the affected nodes
 int getApplyPhase()
          Get the phase of operation in which this pending update action is applied.
 NodeInfo getTargetNode()
          Get the target node of the update action
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DeleteAction(ValueRepresentation nodes)
Create a DeleteAction

nodes - the sequence of nodes to be deleted
Method Detail


public void apply(XPathContext context,
                  java.util.Set affectedRootSet)
           throws XPathException
Apply the pending update action to the affected nodes

Specified by:
apply in interface PendingUpdateAction
context - the XPath evaluation context
affectedRootSet - the set of roots of trees that have been modified, which this action should add to as necessary
XPathException - if any error occurs applying the update


public NodeInfo getTargetNode()
Get the target node of the update action

Specified by:
getTargetNode in interface PendingUpdateAction
the target node, the node to which this update action applies. Returns null in the case of a delete action, which affects multiple nodes.


public int getApplyPhase()
Get the phase of operation in which this pending update action is applied. See 3.2.2 upd:applyUpdates, Semantics, rule 2.

Specified by:
getApplyPhase in interface PendingUpdateAction
the phase of operation, an integer in the range 1 to 5 representing the stages labelled a-e in the specification

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