Interface Watch

All Known Implementing Classes:
FieldWatch, KeySelectorWatch, RefSelectorWatch, SelectorWatch, SubtreeCopyWatch

public interface Watch

A Watch represents a class that is interested in looking at nodes passing down a push pipeline, typically for the purpose of evaluating uniqueness and key constraints. The nodes that the Watch is interested in are identified by a Selection object.

Method Summary
 Receiver activate(int locationId, int matchKind)
          Signal that an element has been found that matches the selection that this Watch is looking for.
 void close()
          The close() method is called immediately before the Watch is destroyed, that is, when the element whose declaration scopes the constraint implemented by this Watch goes out of scope.
 void deactivate(int locationId)
          Signal that the endElement event has occurred for the element whose startElement event caused the Watch to be activated.
 int getOriginDepth()
          Get the depth within the XML hierarchy of the element whose element declaration contains the unique/key/keyref constraint that this Watch implements
 Selection getSelection()
          Get the selection (that is, the restricted XPath expression) that defines the nodes that this Watch is looking for
 void setNamespaceResolver(NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Set a NamespaceResolver for use by the Watch
 void setOriginDepth(int depth)
          Set the depth within the XML hierarchy of the element whose element declaration contains the unique/key/keyref constraint that this Watch implements
 void setPipelineConfiguration(PipelineConfiguration config)
          Set the Configuration in use

Method Detail


Selection getSelection()
Get the selection (that is, the restricted XPath expression) that defines the nodes that this Watch is looking for

the selection


void setPipelineConfiguration(PipelineConfiguration config)
Set the Configuration in use

config - the Configuration in use


void setNamespaceResolver(NamespaceResolver resolver)
Set a NamespaceResolver for use by the Watch

resolver - the namespace resolver to be used


void setOriginDepth(int depth)
Set the depth within the XML hierarchy of the element whose element declaration contains the unique/key/keyref constraint that this Watch implements

depth - The depth at which the watch is scoped


int getOriginDepth()
Get the depth within the XML hierarchy of the element whose element declaration contains the unique/key/keyref constraint that this Watch implements

The depth at which the watch is scoped


Receiver activate(int locationId,
                  int matchKind)
                  throws ValidationException
Signal that an element has been found that matches the selection that this Watch is looking for. This method is called by the ConstraintChecker while processing the startElement event that matches the selection. For this purpose, any attributes selected by the last step in the selection are ignored

locationId - the location of the element
matchKind - indicates whether the match was on an element in its own right, or as parent of a matched attribute, or both
a Receiver to be notified of all events starting with the startElement event for the matched element, and ending with the endElement event for that element.
ValidationException - May be raised if the constraint implemented by this Watch is violated


void deactivate(int locationId)
                throws XPathException
Signal that the endElement event has occurred for the element whose startElement event caused the Watch to be activated.

locationId - the location of the element
ValidationException - May be raised if the constraint implemented by this Watch is violated


void close()
           throws XPathException
The close() method is called immediately before the Watch is destroyed, that is, when the element whose declaration scopes the constraint implemented by this Watch goes out of scope.


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