Class FeatureKeys

  extended by net.sf.saxon.FeatureKeys

public abstract class FeatureKeys
extends java.lang.Object

FeatureKeys defines a set of constants, names of Saxon configuration options which can be supplied to the Saxon implementations of the JAXP interfaces TransformerFactory, SchemaFactory, Validator, and ValidationHandler.

Michael H. Kay

Field Summary
static java.lang.String ALLOW_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS
          ALLOW_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS must be a Boolean; it determines whether calls to external functions are allowed.
static java.lang.String COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER
          COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER must be a CollationURIResolver.
static java.lang.String COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS
          COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS must be the name of a class that implements the interface CollationURIResolver.
static java.lang.String COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER
          COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER must be a CollectionURIResolver.
          COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER must be must be the name of a class that implements the interface CollectionURIResolver.
static java.lang.String COMPILE_WITH_TRACING
          COMPILE_WITH_TRACING must be a Boolean.
static java.lang.String CONFIGURATION
          CONFIGURATION must be an instance of Configuration.
static java.lang.String DTD_VALIDATION
          DTD_VALIDATION must be a Boolean.
static java.lang.String EXPAND_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULTS
          EXPAND_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULTS must be a Boolean; it determines whether fixed and default values defined in a schema or DTD will be expanded.
static java.lang.String LINE_NUMBERING
          LINE_NUMBERING must be a Boolean; it determines whether line and column numbers are maintained for source documents.
static java.lang.String MESSAGE_EMITTER_CLASS
          MESSAGE_EMITTER_CLASS must be the class name of a class that implements net.sf.saxon.event.Receiver.
static java.lang.String MODULE_URI_RESOLVER
          MODULE_URI_RESOLVER must be an instance of ModuleURIResolver.
static java.lang.String MODULE_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS
          MODULE_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS must be the name of a class that implements the interface ModuleURIResolver.
static java.lang.String NAME_POOL
          NAME_POOL must be an instance of
static java.lang.String OUTPUT_URI_RESOLVER
          OUTPUT_URI_RESOLVER must be an instance of OutputURIResolver.
static java.lang.String OUTPUT_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS
          OUTPUT_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS must be the name of a class that implements the interface OutputURIResolver.
static java.lang.String PRE_EVALUATE_DOC_FUNCTION
          PRE_EVALUATE_DOC_FUNCTION is a boolean.
static java.lang.String PREFER_JAXP_PARSER
          PREFER_JAXP_PARSER is a boolean.
          RECOGNIZE_URI_QUERY_PARAMETERS must be a Boolean; it determines whether query parameters (things after a question mark) in a URI passed to the document() or doc() function are specially recognized by the system default URIResolver.
static java.lang.String RECOVERY_POLICY
          RECOVERY_POLICY must be an Integer: one of Configuration.RECOVER_SILENTLY, Configuration.RECOVER_WITH_WARNINGS, or Configuration.DO_NOT_RECOVER
static java.lang.String RECOVERY_POLICY_NAME
          RECOVERY_POLICY_NAME must be a string: one of "recoverSilently", "recoverWithWarnings", "doNotRecover"
static java.lang.String SCHEMA_URI_RESOLVER
          SCHEMA_URI_RESOLVER must be an instance of SchemaURIResolver.
static java.lang.String SCHEMA_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS
          SCHEMA_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS must be the name of a class that implements SchemaURIResolver.
static java.lang.String SCHEMA_VALIDATION
          SCHEMA_VALIDATION must be an Integer.
static java.lang.String SCHEMA_VALIDATION_MODE
          SCHEMA_VALIDATION_MODE must be a String: one of "strict", "lax", "preserve", or "skip".
static java.lang.String SOURCE_PARSER_CLASS
          SOURCE_PARSER_CLASS must be the full class name of an XMLReader.
static java.lang.String STRIP_WHITESPACE
          STRIP_WHITESPACE must be a string set to one of the values "all", "none", or "ignorable".
static java.lang.String STYLE_PARSER_CLASS
          STYLE_PARSER_CLASS must be an XMLReader.
static java.lang.String TIMING
          TIMING must be an Boolean; it determines whether basic timing information is output to System.err (This attribute is a bit of a misnomer; it outputs timing information when used from the command line, but also basic tracing information when used from the Java API: for example, names of output files written using xsl:result-document, and names of classes dynamically loaded)
static java.lang.String TRACE_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS
          TRACE_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS must be a Boolean; it determines whether the loading and binding of extension functions is traced
static java.lang.String TRACE_LISTENER
          TRACE_LISTENER must be an instance of a class that implements TraceListener.
static java.lang.String TRACE_LISTENER_CLASS
          TRACE_LISTENER_CLASS must be the name of a class that implements TraceListener.
static java.lang.String TRACE_OPTIMIZER_DECISIONS
          TRACE_OPTIMIZER_DECISIONS must be a Boolean; it determines whether decisions made by the optimizer are traced
static java.lang.String TREE_MODEL
          TREE_MODEL must be an Integer: Builder.LINKED_TREE or Builder.TINY_TREE
static java.lang.String TREE_MODEL_NAME
          TREE_MODEL_NAME must be a string: "linkedTree" or "tinyTree"
static java.lang.String USE_PI_DISABLE_OUTPUT_ESCAPING
          USE_PI_DISABLE_OUTPUT_ESCAPING must be a Boolean.
static java.lang.String USE_XSI_SCHEMA_LOCATION
          USE_XSI_SCHEMA_LOCATION must be a Boolean.
static java.lang.String VALIDATION_WARNINGS
          VALIDATION_WARNINGS must be a Boolean.
static java.lang.String VERSION_WARNING
          VERSION_WARNING must be a Boolean.
static java.lang.String XINCLUDE
          XINCLUDE must be a Boolean.
static java.lang.String XML_VERSION
          XML_VERSION is a character string.
static java.lang.String XSD_VERSION
          XSD_VERSION is a character string.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String ALLOW_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS
ALLOW_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS must be a Boolean; it determines whether calls to external functions are allowed. More specifically, it disallows all of the following:

Note that this option does not disable use of the doc() function or similar functions to access the filestore of the machine where the transformation or query is running. That should be done using a user-supplied URIResolver

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER
COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER must be a CollationURIResolver. This resolver will be used to resolve collation URIs used in stylesheets compiled or executed under the control of this TransformerFactory

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS
COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS must be the name of a class that implements the interface CollationURIResolver. The class will be instantiated, and the instance will act as the value of the COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER property.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER
COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER must be a CollectionURIResolver. This resolver will be used to resolve collection URIs used in calls of the collection() function

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS
COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER must be must be the name of a class that implements the interface CollectionURIResolver. The class will be instantiated, and the instance will act as the value of the COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER property.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String COMPILE_WITH_TRACING
COMPILE_WITH_TRACING must be a Boolean. If true, stylesheets and queries are compiled with tracing enabled, but the choice of a trace listener is deferred until run time (see Controller.addTraceListener(net.sf.saxon.trace.TraceListener))

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CONFIGURATION
CONFIGURATION must be an instance of Configuration. This attribute cannot be set on the Configuration itself, but it can be set on various JAXP factory objects such as a TransformerFactory or DocumentBuilderFactory, to ensure that several such factories use the same configuration. Note that other configuration options are held in the Configuration object, so setting this attribute will cancel all others that have been set. Also, if two factories share the same configuration, then setting an attribute on one affects all the others.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DTD_VALIDATION
DTD_VALIDATION must be a Boolean. This determines whether source documents should be parsed with DTD-validation enabled.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String EXPAND_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULTS
EXPAND_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULTS must be a Boolean; it determines whether fixed and default values defined in a schema or DTD will be expanded. By default (and for conformance with the specification) validation against a DTD or schema will cause default values defined in the schema or DTD to be inserted into the document. Setting this feature to false suppresses this behaviour. In the case of DTD-defined defaults this only works if the XML parser reports whether each attribute was specified in the source or generated by expanding a default value. Not all XML parsers report this information.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String LINE_NUMBERING
LINE_NUMBERING must be a Boolean; it determines whether line and column numbers are maintained for source documents. Note that some tree implementations do not support line numbering, and some may support it only partially; the implementation always has the option of returning -1 as the line number or column number of a node if the location is unknown. This value sets the default for the Configuration; it can be overridden for individual documents, or for a PipelineConfiguration

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String MESSAGE_EMITTER_CLASS
MESSAGE_EMITTER_CLASS must be the class name of a class that implements net.sf.saxon.event.Receiver. Despite the name, it is not required to be an instance of net.sf.saxon.event.Emitter

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String MODULE_URI_RESOLVER
MODULE_URI_RESOLVER must be an instance of ModuleURIResolver. This is a user-written class that takes responsibility for locating XQuery modules.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String MODULE_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS
MODULE_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS must be the name of a class that implements the interface ModuleURIResolver. This is a user-written class that takes responsibility for locating XQuery modules.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String NAME_POOL
NAME_POOL must be an instance of

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OUTPUT_URI_RESOLVER
OUTPUT_URI_RESOLVER must be an instance of OutputURIResolver. This is a user-written class that takes responsibility for disposing of the result trees produced using XSLT xsl:result-document instruction

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String OUTPUT_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS
OUTPUT_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS must be the name of a class that implements the interface OutputURIResolver. This is a user-written class that takes responsibility for disposing of the result trees produced using XSLT xsl:result-document instruction

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PRE_EVALUATE_DOC_FUNCTION
PRE_EVALUATE_DOC_FUNCTION is a boolean. If set, calls to the doc() or document() function with a statically-known document URI are evaluated at compile time, so that the document only needs to be parsed and constructed once. The effect of this is that subsequent changes to the contents of the file will not be reflected during query or stylesheet processing

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PREFER_JAXP_PARSER
PREFER_JAXP_PARSER is a boolean. It has no effect when running on the Java platform. When running on the .NET platform, it causes a JAXP XML parser to be used in preference to the .NET XML parser. By default, the .NET XML parser (System.Xml.XmlTextReader) is used. One advantageof this option is that the .NET XML parser does not report ID attributes, which means that the id() function does not work.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String RECOGNIZE_URI_QUERY_PARAMETERS
RECOGNIZE_URI_QUERY_PARAMETERS must be a Boolean; it determines whether query parameters (things after a question mark) in a URI passed to the document() or doc() function are specially recognized by the system default URIResolver. Allowed parameters include, for example validation=strict to perform schema validation, and strip-space=yes to perform stripping of all whitespace-only text nodes.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String RECOVERY_POLICY
RECOVERY_POLICY must be an Integer: one of Configuration.RECOVER_SILENTLY, Configuration.RECOVER_WITH_WARNINGS, or Configuration.DO_NOT_RECOVER

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String RECOVERY_POLICY_NAME
RECOVERY_POLICY_NAME must be a string: one of "recoverSilently", "recoverWithWarnings", "doNotRecover"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SCHEMA_URI_RESOLVER
SCHEMA_URI_RESOLVER must be an instance of SchemaURIResolver. This is a user-written class that takes responsibility for locating schema documents.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SCHEMA_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS
SCHEMA_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS must be the name of a class that implements SchemaURIResolver. This is a user-written class that takes responsibility for locating schema documents.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SCHEMA_VALIDATION
SCHEMA_VALIDATION must be an Integer. This determines whether source documents should be parsed with schema-validation enabled. The string takes one of the values Validation.STRICT, Validation.LAX, Validation.PRESERVE, Validation.SKIP.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SCHEMA_VALIDATION_MODE
SCHEMA_VALIDATION_MODE must be a String: one of "strict", "lax", "preserve", or "skip".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String SOURCE_PARSER_CLASS
SOURCE_PARSER_CLASS must be the full class name of an XMLReader. This identifies the parser used for source documents.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String STRIP_WHITESPACE
STRIP_WHITESPACE must be a string set to one of the values "all", "none", or "ignorable". This determines what whitespace is stripped during tree construction: "all" removes all whitespace-only text nodes; "ignorable" removes whitespace text nodes in element-only content (as identified by a DTD or Schema), and "none" preserves all whitespace. This whitespace stripping is additional to any stripping caused by the xsl:strip-space declaration in a stylesheet.

This option also controls stripping of whitespace by a JAXP identity Transformer or identity transformerHandler.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String STYLE_PARSER_CLASS
STYLE_PARSER_CLASS must be an XMLReader. This identifies the parser used for stylesheets and schema modules.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String TIMING
TIMING must be an Boolean; it determines whether basic timing information is output to System.err (This attribute is a bit of a misnomer; it outputs timing information when used from the command line, but also basic tracing information when used from the Java API: for example, names of output files written using xsl:result-document, and names of classes dynamically loaded)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String TRACE_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS
TRACE_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS must be a Boolean; it determines whether the loading and binding of extension functions is traced

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String TRACE_OPTIMIZER_DECISIONS
TRACE_OPTIMIZER_DECISIONS must be a Boolean; it determines whether decisions made by the optimizer are traced

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String TRACE_LISTENER
TRACE_LISTENER must be an instance of a class that implements TraceListener. Setting this property automatically sets COMPILE_WITH_TRACING to true.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String TRACE_LISTENER_CLASS
TRACE_LISTENER_CLASS must be the name of a class that implements TraceListener. A new instance of this class will be created as the trace listener for each query or transformation run under this Configuration. Setting this property automatically sets COMPILE_WITH_TRACING to true.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String TREE_MODEL
TREE_MODEL must be an Integer: Builder.LINKED_TREE or Builder.TINY_TREE

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String TREE_MODEL_NAME
TREE_MODEL_NAME must be a string: "linkedTree" or "tinyTree"

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String USE_PI_DISABLE_OUTPUT_ESCAPING
USE_PI_DISABLE_OUTPUT_ESCAPING must be a Boolean. This determines whether a TransformerHandler created with this Factory or Configuration recognizes the processing instructions Result.PI_DISABLE_OUTPUT_ESCAPING and Result.PI_ENABLE_OUTPUT_ESCAPING in the input stream as instructions to disable or to re-enable output escaping.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String USE_XSI_SCHEMA_LOCATION
USE_XSI_SCHEMA_LOCATION must be a Boolean. This determines whether the schema processor takes notice of (and attempts to dereference) URIs specified in the xsi:schemaLocation and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes of the instance document. The default is true.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String VALIDATION_WARNINGS
VALIDATION_WARNINGS must be a Boolean. This determines whether validation errors in result documents should be treated as fatal. By default they are fatal; with this option set, they are treated as warnings.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String VERSION_WARNING
VERSION_WARNING must be a Boolean. This determines whether a warning should be output when running an XSLT 2.0 processor against an XSLT 1.0 stylesheet. The XSLT specification requires this to be done by default.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String XINCLUDE
XINCLUDE must be a Boolean. This determines whether XInclude processing should be performed by default when XML source documents (including stylesheets and schemas) are read.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String XML_VERSION
XML_VERSION is a character string. This determines the XML version used by the Configuration: the value must be "1.0" or "1.1". For details, see Configuration.setXMLVersion(int).

Note that source documents specifying xml version="1.0" or "1.1" are accepted regardless of this setting. The effect of this switch is to change the validation rules for types such as Name and NCName, to change the meaning of \i and \c in regular expressions, and to determine whether the serializer allows XML 1.1 documents to be constructed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String XSD_VERSION
XSD_VERSION is a character string. This determines the version of XML Schema used by the Configuration: the value must be "1.0" or "1.1".

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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