Interface XQueryFunctionBinder

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
FunctionLibraryList, ImportedFunctionLibrary, XQueryFunctionLibrary

public interface XQueryFunctionBinder
extends FunctionLibrary

XQueryFunctionBinder is an extension of the FunctionLibrary interface used for function libraries that contain user-written XQuery functions. It provides a method that allows the XQueryFunction with a given name and arity to be located.

Method Summary
 XQueryFunction getDeclaration(StructuredQName functionName, Expression[] staticArgs)
          Get the function declaration corresponding to a given function name and arity
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.functions.FunctionLibrary
bind, copy, isAvailable

Method Detail


XQueryFunction getDeclaration(StructuredQName functionName,
                              Expression[] staticArgs)
Get the function declaration corresponding to a given function name and arity

functionName - the name of the function as a QName
staticArgs - the expressions supplied as arguments in the function call (typically, we only need to know the number of arguments)
the XQueryFunction if there is one, or null if not.

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