Class SchemaValidator

  extended by net.sf.saxon.s9api.SchemaValidator
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SchemaValidator
extends java.lang.Object
implements Destination

A SchemaValidator is an object that is used for validating instance documents against a schema. The schema consists of the collection of schema components that are available within the schema cache maintained by the SchemaManager, together with any additional schema components located during the course of validation by means of an xsl:schemaLocation or xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute within the instance document.

If validation fails, an exception is thrown. If validation succeeds, the validated document can optionally be written to a specified destination. This will be a copy of the original document, augmented with default values for absent elements and attributes, and carrying type annotations derived from the schema processing. Expansion of defaults can be suppressed by means of the method setExpandAttributeDefaults(boolean).

A SchemaValidator is a Destination, which allows it to receive the output of a query or transformation to be validated.

Saxon does not deliver the full PSVI as described in the XML schema specifications, only the subset of the PSVI properties featured in the XDM data model.

Constructor Summary
protected SchemaValidator(Configuration config)
Method Summary
 Destination getDestination()
          Get the Destination that will receive the validated document.
 QName getDocumentElementName()
          Get the name of the required top-level element of the document to be validated.
protected  SchemaType getDocumentElementType()
          Get the schema type against which the document element is to be validated
 QName getDocumentElementTypeName()
          Get the name of the required type of the top-level element of the document to be validated.
 javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener getErrorListener()
          Get the ErrorListener being used while validating instance documents
 Receiver getReceiver(Configuration config)
          Return a Receiver.
 boolean isExpandAttributeDefaults()
          Ask whether attribute defaults defined in a schema are to be expanded or not (by default, fixed and default attribute values are expanded, that is, they are inserted into the document during validation as if they were present in the instance being validated)
 boolean isLax()
          Ask whether validation is to be in lax mode.
 boolean isUseXsiSchemaLocation()
          Ask whether the schema processor is to take account of any xsi:schemaLocation and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes encountered while validating an instance document
 void setDestination(Destination destination)
          Set the Destination to receive the validated document.
 void setDocumentElementName(QName name)
          Set the name of the required top-level element of the document to be validated (that is, the name of the outermost element of the document).
 void setDocumentElementTypeName(QName name)
          Set the name of the required type of the top-level element of the document to be validated.
 void setErrorListener(javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener listener)
          Set the ErrorListener to be used while validating instance documents.
 void setExpandAttributeDefaults(boolean expand)
          Set whether attribute defaults defined in a schema are to be expanded or not (by default, fixed and default attribute values are expanded, that is, they are inserted into the document during validation as if they were present in the instance being validated)
 void setLax(boolean lax)
          The validation mode may be either strict or lax.
 void setUseXsiSchemaLocation(boolean recognize)
          Say whether the schema processor is to take account of any xsi:schemaLocation and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes encountered while validating an instance document
 void validate(javax.xml.transform.Source source)
          Validate an instance document supplied as a Source object
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected SchemaValidator(Configuration config)
Method Detail


public void setLax(boolean lax)
The validation mode may be either strict or lax. The default is strict; this method may be called to indicate that lax validation is required. With strict validation, validation fails if no element declaration can be located for the outermost element. With lax validation, the absence of an element declaration results in the content being considered valid.

lax - true if validation is to be lax, false if it is to be strict


public boolean isLax()
Ask whether validation is to be in lax mode.

true if validation is to be in lax mode, false if it is to be in strict mode.


public void setErrorListener(javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener listener)
Set the ErrorListener to be used while validating instance documents.

listener - The error listener to be used. This is notified of all errors detected during the validation episode.


public javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener getErrorListener()
Get the ErrorListener being used while validating instance documents

listener The error listener in use. This is notified of all errors detected during the validation episode. Returns null if no user-supplied ErrorListener has been set.


public void setUseXsiSchemaLocation(boolean recognize)
Say whether the schema processor is to take account of any xsi:schemaLocation and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes encountered while validating an instance document

recognize - true if these two attributes are to be recognized; false if they are to be ignored. Default is true.


public boolean isUseXsiSchemaLocation()
Ask whether the schema processor is to take account of any xsi:schemaLocation and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes encountered while validating an instance document

true if these two attributes are to be recognized; false if they are to be ignored. Default is true.


public void setDestination(Destination destination)
Set the Destination to receive the validated document. If no destination is supplied, the validated document is discarded.

destination - the destination to receive the validated document


public Destination getDestination()
Get the Destination that will receive the validated document. Return null if no destination has been set.

the destination to receive the validated document, or null if none has been supplied


public void setDocumentElementName(QName name)
Set the name of the required top-level element of the document to be validated (that is, the name of the outermost element of the document). If no value is supplied, there is no constraint on the required element name

name - the name of the document element, as a QName; or null to remove a previously-specified value.


public QName getDocumentElementName()
Get the name of the required top-level element of the document to be validated.

the name of the required document element, or null if no value has been set.


public void setDocumentElementTypeName(QName name)
                                throws SaxonApiException
Set the name of the required type of the top-level element of the document to be validated. If no value is supplied, there is no constraint on the required type

name - the name of the type of the document element, as a QName; or null to remove a previously-specified value. This must be the name of a type in the schema (typically but not necessarily a complex type).
SaxonApiException - if there is no known type with this name


public QName getDocumentElementTypeName()
Get the name of the required type of the top-level element of the document to be validated.

the name of the required type of the document element, or null if no value has been set.


protected SchemaType getDocumentElementType()
Get the schema type against which the document element is to be validated

the schema type


public void setExpandAttributeDefaults(boolean expand)
Set whether attribute defaults defined in a schema are to be expanded or not (by default, fixed and default attribute values are expanded, that is, they are inserted into the document during validation as if they were present in the instance being validated)

expand - true if defaults are to be expanded, false if not


public boolean isExpandAttributeDefaults()
Ask whether attribute defaults defined in a schema are to be expanded or not (by default, fixed and default attribute values are expanded, that is, they are inserted into the document during validation as if they were present in the instance being validated)

true if defaults are to be expanded, false if not


public void validate(javax.xml.transform.Source source)
              throws SaxonApiException
Validate an instance document supplied as a Source object

source - the instance document to be validated. The call getSystemId() applied to this source object must return the base URI used for dereferencing any xsi:schemaLocation or xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes
SaxonApiException - if the source document is found to be invalid


public Receiver getReceiver(Configuration config)
                     throws SaxonApiException
Description copied from interface: Destination
Return a Receiver. Saxon calls this method to obtain a Receiver, to which it then sends a sequence of events representing the content of an XML document.

Specified by:
getReceiver in interface Destination
config - The Saxon configuration. This is supplied so that the destination can use information from the configuration (for example, a reference to the name pool) to construct or configure the returned Receiver.
the Receiver to which events are to be sent. It is the caller's responsibility to initialize this Receiver with a PipelineConfiguration before calling its open() method.
SaxonApiException - if the Receiver cannot be created

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