Interface StylesheetProcedure

All Known Implementing Classes:
XSLAttributeSet, XSLFunction, XSLKey, XSLParam, XSLTemplate, XSLVariable, XSLVariableDeclaration

public interface StylesheetProcedure

This interface is implemented by all XSL elements that can contain local variable declarations. Specifically, a top-level xsl:template, xsl:variable, xsl:param, or xsl:function element or an xsl:attribute-set element or xsl:key element.

Method Summary
 SlotManager getSlotManager()
          Get the SlotManager associated with this stylesheet construct.

Method Detail


SlotManager getSlotManager()
Get the SlotManager associated with this stylesheet construct. The SlotManager contains the information needed to manage the local stack frames used by run-time instances of the code.

the associated SlotManager object

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