This page lists contributors to the "Category A" source code of Saxon-HE, as defined above. This list is provided purely for information and does not imply that the contributor has any rights, responsibilities, or liabilities in respect of the code. Definitive information about contributors to each module is included in the standard wording of the Mozilla Public License present in each module of the source code.
The aim is to acknowledge all contributions, however small. The information has been compiled after the event, so there may be contributions that are not mentioned here. I apologize for any omissions and will be happy to rectify them. I will also remove any names from this list on request, though the names cannot be omitted from the source code itself.
All contributors listed explicitly asked or agreed to have their code published as part of the Saxon open source product and thus explicitly or implicitly agreed to its release under the Mozilla public license.
The LOC figure is an estimate of the number of lines of code contributed, including comments.
Name |
Company if stated |
Contribution |
Date |
Rick Bonnett |
250 |
Enhancements to the Saxon code for accessing relational databases (package net.sf.saxon.sql, modules SQLQuery and SQLClose) |
2004? |
Erik Bruchez |
Orbeon |
1800 |
Code to interface Saxon with DOM4J. Package net.sf.saxon.dom4j. |
2006 |
Dominique Devienne and Dave Hale |
Landmark Graphics |
1000 |
Utilities for handling integer sets and maps. Package net.sf.saxon.sort, modules IntHashMap, IntHashSet, IntToIntHashMap |
2005? |
Ruud Diterwich |
300 |
Code for efficient copying of trees. package net.sf.saxon.event module DocumentSender; package net.sf.saxon.tinytree module TimyElementImpl method copy() |
2004? |
Efraim Feinstein |
100 |
Number formatting in traditional Hebrew. |
2009 |
Edwin Glaser |
1000 |
Diagnostic code for tracing execution of stylesheets (package net.sf.saxon.trace, various modules; and calls to these routines scattered around the Saxon code) |
2001? |
Karel Goossens |
BTR-Services, Belgium |
1000 |
Number and date formatting for Danish, Swedish, Italian, Dutch, Belgian French, and Flemish. Package net.sf.saxon.number, module Numberer_XX where XX is da, sv, it, nl, frBE, nlBE |
2007 |
Wolfgang Hoschek |
Lawrence Berkeley [US] National Laboratory |
1800 |
Code to interface Saxon with XOM. Package net.sf.saxon.xom, all modules |
2005? |
Dmitry Kirsanov |
12 |
Data used for Cyrillic numbering. Package net.sf.saxon.number, module Numberer_en |
2002? |
Mathias Payer |
140 |
Enhancements to the Saxon code for accessing relational databases Package net.sf.saxon.sql, module SQLDelete |
2002? |
Murakami Shinyu |
30 |
Data used for Japanese numbering. Package net.sf.saxon.number, module Numberer_en |
2002? |
Luc Rochefort (with testing by Laurent Bourbeau and Grégoire Djénandji |
250 |
Number and date formatting in French. Package net.sf.saxon.number, module Numberer_fr |
2005? |
Gunther Schadow |
20 |
Enhancements to Query command line interface to allow input from stdin. Package net.sf.saxon, module Query |
2004? |
Simon StLaurent |
; |
320 |
EXSLT math library. Package net.sf.saxon.option.exslt, module Math |
2004? |
Martin Szugat |
140 |
EXSLT random library. Package net.sf.saxon.option.exslt, module Random |
June 2004 |
Claudio Thomas |
290 |
Enhancements to the Saxon code for accessing relational databases. Package net.sf.saxon.sql, module SQLQuery |
2003? |