This section describes extension functions built in to the Saxon product. For information on writing your own extension functions, see Writing extension functions (Java) or Writing extension functions (.NET)
A Saxon extension function is invoked using a name such as saxon:localname()
The saxon
prefix (or whatever prefix you choose to use) must be associated with the
Saxon namespace URI
For example, to invoke the saxon:evaluate()
function in XSLT, write:
<xsl:variable name="expression"
select="concat('child::', $param, '[', $index, ']')"/>
<xsl:copy-of select="saxon:evaluate($expression)"
The equivalent in XQuery is:
declare namespace saxon="";
declare variable $param as xs:string external;
declare variable $index as xs:integer external;
declare variable $expression :=
concat('child::', $param, '[', $index, ']');
The extension functions supplied with the Saxon product are as follows:
saxon:adjust-to-civil-time(): converts an xs:dateTime to the local civil time in a named timezone
saxon:analyze-string(): analyzes a string using a regular expression
saxon:base64Binary-to-octets(): converts an xs:base64Binary value to a sequence of octets
saxon:base64Binary-to-string(): converts an xs:base64Binary value to a string, given its encoding
saxon:call(): calls a first-class function previously created using saxon:function()
saxon:column-number(node): gets the column number of a node in the source document
saxon:compile-query(): compiles a query that can subsequently be used as input to saxon:query()
saxon:compile-stylesheet(): compiles a stylesheet that can subsequently be used as input to saxon:transform()
saxon:decimal-divide(): performs decimal division with user-specified precision
saxon:deep-equal(): compares two sequences for deep equality
saxon:discard-document(): marks a document as being eligible for garbage collection
saxon:eval(): evaluates a stored expression created using saxon:expression
saxon:evaluate(): evaluates an XPath expression supplied dynamically as a string
saxon:evaluate-node(): evaluates an XPath expression held in a node of a source document
saxon:expression(): creates a stored expression for subsequent evaluation using saxon:eval()
saxon:find(): finds items that match a given key value within an indexed sequence
saxon:for-each-group(): groups a set of items on the basis of a grouping key
saxon:format-dateTime(): formats a date, time, or dateTime value
saxon:format-number(): formats a number for output
saxon:function(): creates a first-class function that can be passed as an argument to other functions
saxon:generate-id(): generates a unique ASCII identifier for a node
saxon:get-pseudo-attribute(): parses the content of a processing instruction
saxon:has-same-nodes(): tests whether two sequences contain the same nodes
saxon:hexBinary-to-octets(): converts an xs:hexBinary value to a sequence of octets
saxon:hexBinary-to-string(): converts an xs:hexBinary value to a string, given its encoding
saxon:highest(): finds the nodes having the highest value for some expression
saxon:index(): creates an indexed sequence, allowing efficient retrieval using a key value
saxon:in-summer-time(): tests whether a given date/time is in summer time (daylight savings time)
saxon:is-whole-number(): tests whether a given value has no fractional part
saxon:item-at(): selects the item at a given position in a sequence
saxon:last-modified(): determines when a file was last modified
saxon:leading(): returns items in a sequence up to the first one matching a condition
saxon:line-number(node): gets the line number of a node in the source document
saxon:lowest(): finds the nodes having the lowest value for some expression
saxon:namespace-node(): creates a namespace node
saxon:stream(): evaluates an expression in streaming mode
saxon:octets-to-base64Binary(): converts a sequence of octets to an xs:base64Binary value
saxon:octets-to-hexBinary(): converts a sequence of octets to an xs:hexBinary value
saxon:parse(): parses an XML document supplied as a string
saxon:parse-html(): parses an HTML document supplied as a string
saxon:path(): returns an XPath expression that identifies a node
saxon:print-stack(): returns a formatted string representing the current execution stack
saxon:query(): Runs an XQuery that was previously compiled using saxon:compile-query()
saxon:result-document(): constructs a document and serializes it, writing the result to a file in filestore
saxon:serialize(): returns the XML representation of a document or element, as a string
saxon:sort(): sorts a sequence of nodes or atomic values
saxon:string-to-base64Binary(): encodes a string to an xs:base64Binary value, using a given encoding
saxon:string-to-hexBinary(): encodes a string to an xs:hexBinary value, using a given encoding
saxon:string-to-utf8(): returns the UTF8 representation of a string
saxon:system-id(): returns the system ID of the document containing the context node
saxon:transform(): Runs an XSLT transformation
saxon:try(): allows recovery from dynamic errors
saxon:type-annotation(): returns the type annotation of a node or atomic value
saxon:unparsed-entities(): returns a list of the unparsed entities declared within a document
These extension functions are available in Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE except where otherwise stated. They are not available in Saxon-HE.