Package com.saxonica.extfn

The package com.saxonica.extfn contains implementations of extension functions in the Saxon namespace.


Class Summary
AnalyzeStringFunction This class implements the extension function saxon:analyze-string().
CompileQuery This class implements the saxon:compile-query() extension function
CompileStylesheet This class implements the saxon:compile-stylesheet() extension function
DeepEqual Implements the saxon:deep-equal() function, a variant of fn:deep-equal that provides additional control over how the comparison is performed.
DynamicErrorInfo This class implements the extension function saxon:dynamic-error-info(), which underpins the variables accessible within saxon:catch such as $err:code etc.
Eval This class implements the saxon:eval() extension function
Evaluate This class implements the saxon:evaluate() extension function
Evaluate.PreparedExpression Inner class PreparedExpression represents a compiled XPath expression together with the standard variables $p1 ..
EvaluateNode This class implements the saxon:evaluate-node() extension function
ExpressionFn This class implements the saxon:expression() extension function
Extensions This class implements functions that are supplied as standard with SAXON, but which are not defined in the XSLT or XPath specifications.
ExtraFunctionLibrary The ExtraFunctionLibrary represents additions to the set of Saxon vendor-supplied extension functions that are available only with the Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE editions
Find This class implements the extension function saxon:find, which finds a value within an indexed sequence
ForEachGroupFunction This class implements the extension function saxon:for-each-group().
GeneralFilterFunction This class provides an abstract framework for a collection of extension functions that have the same general characteristics: (a) the first argument is a sequence, (b) the result is a subset/rearrangement of that sequence, (d) the second argument is a single argument function that is applied to the members of the sequence, (e) the default function if the second argument is omitted is fn:data(), (e) the processing may depend on the default collation.
Highest This class implements the saxon:highest() extension function
HighestOrLowest This class implements the saxon:highest() and saxon:lowest() extension functions.
Index This class supports the extension function saxon:index, which returns an indexed sequence
LastModified Extension function to determined the last-modified date of a file
Leading This class implements the saxon:leading() extension functions.
Lowest This class implements the saxon:lowest() extension function
NamespaceSpecificFunctionLibrary This class is a function library that binds extension functions whose namespace URI uses a recognized URI scheme such as "java" or "clitype".
Parse This class implements the saxon:parse() extension function, which is specially-recognized by the system because it needs access to parts of the static context
ParseHtml Supports the saxon:parse-html() function, a variant of saxon:parse() that differs only in that it uses the TagSoup HTML parser
QueryFn This class implements the saxon:query() extension function
Serialize This class implements the saxon:serialize() extension function, which is specially-recognized by the system because it needs access to parts of the static context
Sort This class implements the saxon:sort() extension functions.
TransformFn This class implements the saxon:transform() extension function

Package com.saxonica.extfn Description

The package com.saxonica.extfn contains implementations of extension functions in the Saxon namespace.

It also contains the class ExtraFunctionLibrary which acts as a factory class for generating instances of these extension functions

Most of these classes are implemented using the new "integrated extension function" mechanism introduced in Saxon 9.2. A few still use the reflection mechanism, these are in class com.saxonica.extfn.Extensions.

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
12 June 2009

Copyright (c) Saxonica Limited. All rights reserved.