Interface ValueRepresentation
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- DocumentInfo, FunctionItem, GroundedValue, Item, MutableNodeInfo, NodeInfo, SiblingCountingNode, VirtualNode
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- AbsentExtensionElement, AbstractFunctionItem, AnnotationParent, AnyURIValue, AtomicValue, Base64BinaryValue, BigIntegerValue, BooleanValue, CalendarValue, Closure, CoercedFunction, CompiledClosure, CompiledMemoClosure, CurriedFunction, DataElement, DateTimeValue, DateValue, DayTimeDurationValue, DecimalValue, DocumentImpl, DocumentWrapper, DocumentWrapper, DocumentWrapper, DocumentWrapper, DoubleValue, DurationValue, ElementImpl, EmptySequence, ExtensionInstruction, FirstClassFunction, FleetingDocumentNode, FleetingElementNode, FleetingNode, FloatValue, GDateValue, GDayValue, GMonthDayValue, GMonthValue, GYearMonthValue, GYearValue, HexBinaryValue, IndexedValue, InlineFunctionWithExternals, Int64Value, IntegerRange, IntegerValue, ItemClosure, LiteralResultElement, MemoClosure, NamespaceIterator.NamespaceNodeImpl, NodeImpl, NodeWrapper, NodeWrapper, NodeWrapper, NodeWrapper, NotationValue, NumericValue, ObjectValue, Orphan, QNameValue, QualifiedNameValue, SaxonAssign, SaxonBreak, SaxonCallTemplate, SaxonCatch, SaxonCollation, SaxonContinue, SaxonDoctype, SaxonEntityRef, SaxonFinally, SaxonImportQuery, SaxonIterate, SaxonMode, SaxonPreprocess, SaxonTry, SaxonWhile, SchemaElement, SequenceExtent, ShareableSequence, SingletonClosure, SingletonItem, SpaceStrippedDocument, SpaceStrippedNode, SQLClose, SQLColumn, SQLConnect, SQLDelete, SQLInsert, SQLQuery, SQLUpdate, StringValue, StyleElement, Tail, TextFragmentValue, TimeValue, TinyDocumentImpl, TinyElementImpl, TinyNodeImpl, TinyParentNodeImpl, TinyTextImpl, TypeStrippedDocument, TypeStrippedNode, UnconstructedDocument, UnconstructedElement, UnconstructedParent, UnknownElement, UntypedAtomicValue, UserFunctionItem, Value, VirtualCopy, VirtualDocumentCopy, VirtualUntypedCopy, WhitespaceTextImpl, XSDAlternative, XSDAnnotation, XSDAny, XSDAnyAttribute, XSDAssert, XSDAttribute, XSDAttributeGroup, XSDComplexContent, XSDComplexContentRestriction, XSDComplexType, XSDCompositor, XSDDefaultOpenContent, XSDDocumentation, XSDElement, XSDExtension, XSDFacet, XSDFieldOrSelector, XSDGroup, XSDIdentityConstraint, XSDImport, XSDInclude, XSDList, XSDNotation, XSDOpenContent, XSDOverride, XSDRedefine, XSDSchema, XSDSimpleContent, XSDSimpleContentRestriction, XSDSimpleType, XSDSimpleTypeRestriction, XSDUnion, XSLAnalyzeString, XSLApplyImports, XSLApplyTemplates, XSLAttribute, XSLAttributeSet, XSLCallTemplate, XSLCharacterMap, XSLChoose, XSLComment, XSLCopy, XSLCopyOf, XSLDecimalFormat, XSLDocument, XSLElement, XSLFallback, XSLForEach, XSLForEachGroup, XSLFunction, XSLGeneralIncorporate, XSLGeneralVariable, XSLIf, XSLImport, XSLImportSchema, XSLInclude, XSLKey, XSLMatchingSubstring, XSLMessage, XSLNamespace, XSLNamespaceAlias, XSLNextMatch, XSLNumber, XSLOtherwise, XSLOutput, XSLOutputCharacter, XSLParam, XSLPerformSort, XSLPreserveSpace, XSLProcessingInstruction, XSLResultDocument, XSLSequence, XSLSort, XSLStringConstructor, XSLStylesheet, XSLTemplate, XSLText, XSLValueOf, XSLVariable, XSLVariableDeclaration, XSLWhen, XSLWithParam, YearMonthDurationValue
public interface ValueRepresentation
A ValueRepresentation is a representation of a Value. This is a marker interface
used to represent the union of two classes: Value, and NodeInfo.
Either of these two classes can be used to represent a value. The class is used primarily
to represent the value of a variable.
This class is intended primarily for internal use, and should not be considered part
of the Saxon public API.
static final ValueRepresentation[] EMPTY_VALUE_ARRAY
- An empty array of ValueRepresentation objects
String getStringValue()
throws XPathException
- Convert the value to a string, using the serialization rules.
For atomic values this is the same as a cast; for sequence values
it gives a space-separated list. For nodes, it returns the string value of the
node as defined in XDM.
- Throws:
- The method can fail if evaluation of the value
has been deferred, and if a failure occurs during the deferred evaluation.
No failure is possible in the case of an AtomicValue or a Node.
CharSequence getStringValueCS()
throws XPathException
- Convert the value to a string, using the serialization rules,
and returning the result as a CharSequence. In some cases this may be more
efficient than obtaining the result as a string.
For atomic values the result is the same as a cast; for sequence values
it gives a space-separated list. For nodes, it returns the string value of the
node as defined in XDM.
- Throws:
- The method can fail if evaluation of the value
has been deferred, and if a failure occurs during the deferred evaluation.
No failure is possible in the case of an AtomicValue or a Node.
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