Interface Summary | |
ReturnAction | Defines how the result of compiling an expression should be returned to the calling expression |
Class Summary | |
AdjustCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath adjust-xx-to-timezone() family of functions |
AnyURIValueCompiler | Generate Java code for an xs:anyURI constant |
ArithmeticCompiler | Compiler for arithmetic expressions where it is not known in advance whether numeric arithmetic or date/time/duration arithmetic will be used |
AtomicSequenceConverterCompiler | Compile Java code to implement an atomic sequence converter |
AtomizerCompiler | |
AverageCompiler | Generate Java code for the avg() function. |
AxisExpressionCompiler | Generate code for an AxisExpression |
Base64BinaryValueCompiler | Compile Java code representing a Base64Binary constant value |
BaseURICompiler | Generate Java code to support XPath functions such as name(), local-name(), namespace-uri(), node-name() |
BigIntegerValueCompiler | Compile Java code representing a big integer constant value. |
BlockCompiler | Generate Java code for a Block, that is a sequence of expressions or instructions |
BooleanExpressionCompiler | Compile a boolean expression (and/or) to Java code |
BooleanFnCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath boolean() and not() functions |
BooleanValueCompiler | |
CardinalityCheckerCompiler | Compile Java code for a cardinality check (this is typically an expression added to the expression tree during static type checking) |
CastableExpressionCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath castable expression |
CastExpressionCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath cast expression |
ChooseCompiler | Generate Java code to implement a conditional ("if/choose") expression |
CodepointEqualCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the codepoint-equal() function |
CodepointsToStringCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath codepoints-to-string() function |
CollectionCompiler | Compile code to implement the XPath collection() function. |
CommentCompiler | Compile a comment constructor to Java source code |
CompareCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the compare() function |
CompareToIntegerConstantCompiler | Generate Java code for a comparison to an integer constant, for example EXP gt 22 |
CompilerClassMapper | For each class of expression found on the expression tree, deliver a corresponding instance of the helper class used to generate Java code for the expression |
CompilerService | The class contains the generic logic for generating Java code to evaluate an XQuery expression. |
ComponentCompiler | Generate Java code to implement XPath component extractions functions, such as month-from-dateTime() or namespace-uri-from-QName() |
ComputedAttributeCompiler | Compile a computed attribute constructor to Java source code |
ComputedElementCompiler | Compile a computed element constructor to Java source code |
ConcatCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the concat() function |
ConditionalSorterCompiler | Generate code for a DocumentSorter (which conditionally sorts nodes into document order) |
ContainsCompiler | Generate Java code to implement one of the functions contains(), starts-with(), ends-with(), substring-before(), substring-after() |
ContextItemCompiler | Compile code to implement a ContextItemExpression |
CopyOfCompiler | Compile a CopyOf expression/instruction to Java source code. |
CountCompiler | Generate Java code for the count() function. |
CurrentDateTimeCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the current-dateTime, current-date, and current-time() functions; also implicit-timezone() |
DateTimeConstructorCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath dateTime(date, time) function |
DateTimeValueCompiler | Compile Java code representing a dateTime constant value |
DateValueCompiler | Compile Java code representing a date constant value |
DayTimeDurationValueCompiler | Compile Java code representing an xs:dayTimeDuration constant value |
DecimalValueCompiler | Compile Java code representing a decimal constant value |
DeepEqualCompiler | Compile the XPath function deep-equal() to Java code |
DistinctValuesCompiler | Compile code to implement the distinct-values() function. |
DocAvailableCompiler | Compile code to implement the doc-available\() function. |
DocCompiler | Compile code to implement the doc() function. |
DocumentInstrCompiler | Compile a document node constructor to Java source code |
DocumentSorterCompiler | Generate code for a DocumentSorter (which sorts nodes into document order |
DoubleValueCompiler | The class generates Java code to implement an XPath xs:double literal |
DurationValueCompiler | Compile Java code representing an xs:duration constant value |
EmptyCompiler | Generate Java code for an empty() function call |
EmptySequenceCompiler | Generate Java code to implement an XPath empty sequence |
ErrorCompiler | Generate Java code to implement a call on the XPath error() function |
ErrorExpressionCompiler | Generate Java code to implement an ErrorExpression: this is an expression generated by the parser when it is known statically that execution of an expression will necessarily fail, but where the error is not generated at compile time because the expression might not be evalauated. |
EscapeURICompiler | Generate Java code for the three functions encode-for-uri(), iri-to-uri(), escape-html-uri() |
ExistsCompiler | Generate Java code for an exists() function call |
ExpressionCompiler | This abstract class represents the compiler (that is, Java code generator) for a particular kind of expression on the expression tree. |
ExtensionFunctionCallCompiler | Generate Java code to implement an extension function call |
FilterExpressionCompiler | Generate Java code to implement an XPath filter expression |
FirstItemExpressionCompiler | Compiler for a FirstItemExpression. |
FixedAttributeCompiler | Compile a FixedAttribute expression to Java source code |
FixedElementCompiler | Compile a FixedElement expression to Java source code |
FloatValueCompiler | The class generates Java code to implement an XPath xs:float literal |
ForceCaseCompiler | Generate Java code for the upper-case() and lower-case() functions |
ForEachCompiler | Generate Java code to evaluate a simple mapping expression (that is, the "/" operator, when the expression on the rhs is known to return atomic values). |
ForExpressionCompiler | Compile code to implement a "for" expression (for $x in sequence return action) |
FormatDateCompiler | Generate Java code for the format-number() functions |
FormatNumberCompiler | Generate Java code for the format-number() functions |
GDayValueCompiler | Compile Java code representing a date constant value |
GeneralComparisonCompiler | |
GMonthDayValueCompiler | Compile Java code representing an xs:gYearMonth constant value |
GMonthValueCompiler | Compile Java code representing an xs:gMonth constant value |
GYearMonthValueCompiler | Compile Java code representing an xs:gYearMonth constant value |
GYearValueCompiler | Compile Java code representing an xs:gYear constant value |
HexBinaryValueCompiler | Compile Java code representing a HexBinary constant value |
IdCompiler | Compile code to implement the id() function. |
IdentityComparisonCompiler | Generate Java code to implement an identity comparison (a is b) or a node order comparison (a << b, a >> b) |
IdrefCompiler | Compile code to implement the idref() function. |
IndexedFilterExpressionCompiler | Generate Java code to implement an XPath filter expression, one that has already been marked by the Saxon-EE optimizer as suitable for implementation using an indexed lookup |
IndexedLookupExpressionCompiler | Generate Java code to implement an indexed lookup expression. |
IndexOfCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath index-of() function |
InScopePrefixesCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the in-scope-prefixes function |
InsertCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath insert-before() function |
InstanceOfCompiler | Generate Java code for an "instance of" expression |
Int64ValueCompiler | Compile Java code representing an integer constant value. |
IntegerRangeCompiler | Generate Java code to implement an XPath integer range expression of the form (1 to 10) with constant end points. |
IntegerRangeTestCompiler | Generate Java code for a integer range test (a = (b to c)) |
IntegratedFunctionCallCompiler | Generate Java code to implement a call on an "integrated extension function" |
IntegratedFunctionCompiler | This abstract class represents the compiler (that is, Java code generator) for an integrated extension function appearing on the expression tree |
IsLastExpressionCompiler | Generate Java code for an IsLastExpression (position() = last()) |
IsWholeNumberCompiler | Generate Java code for a call on saxon:is-whole-number() |
ItemAtCompiler | Generate Java code to implement a saxon:item-at() expression |
ItemCheckerCompiler | Generate Java code to implement an item type check |
JavaAssignment | A return action that assigns the value of the expression to a variable supplied by the caller |
JavaDeclaration | A return action that assigns the value of the expression to a variable supplied by the caller |
JavaVariable | A top-level field within the Java class being generated by the CompilerService |
KeyFnCompiler | Compile code to implement the key() function. |
LangCompiler | Generate Java code for the lang() function |
LastCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath last() function |
LastItemExpressionCompiler | Compiler for a FirstItemExpression. |
LazyExpressionCompiler | Compile code for a LazyExpression - an expression which is always evaluated lazily |
LetExpressionCompiler | Compiles Java code to implement a Let expression |
LiteralCompiler | Compile an literal expression to Java code |
LocalVariableReferenceCompiler | Generate Java code to implement an XPath local variable reference |
LoopAction | Callback interface to generate code to insert within a compiled loop |
MatchesCompiler | Compile the XPath function matches() to Java code |
MinimaxCompiler | Generate Java code for a call on the min() or max() function |
NamePartCompiler | Generate Java code to support XPath functions such as name(), local-name(), namespace-uri(), node-name() |
NamespaceForPrefixCompiler | Generate Java code for the XPath namespace-uri-for-prefix() function |
NegateExpressionCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath unary minus operator |
NilledCompiler | Generate Java code for the nilled() function |
NormalizeSpaceCompiler | Generate Java code for the normalize-space() functions |
NormalizeUnicodeCompiler | Generate Java code for the normalize-unicode function |
NotationValueCompiler | Generate Java code for a Notation literal |
NumberFnCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath number() function |
NumericPromoterCompiler | Generate Java code to implement a numeric promotion for classes PromoteToDouble and PromoteToFloat |
ParentNodeExpressionCompiler | Compile code to implement a ContextItemExpression |
PathExpressionCompiler | Generate Java code to evaluate a path expression (that is, the "/" operator, when the expression on the rhs is known to return nodes) |
PatternCompiler | Compile a PatternMatchExpression (. |
PatternMatchExpressionCompiler | Compile a PatternMatchExpression (. |
PositionCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath position() function |
ProcessingInstructionCompiler | Compile a processing-instruction constructor to Java source code |
PushExpressionCompiler | Superclass for compiling expressions whose natural evaluation mode is "push", that is, expressions that construct new nodes. |
QNameFnCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath QName() function |
QNameValueCompiler | Generate Java code for a QName literal |
QuantifiedExpressionCompiler | |
QueryCompiler | This class handles the compilation (to Java) of a query |
RangeExpressionCompiler | Generate Java code to implement an XPath integer range expression of the form (1 to 10) with computed end points |
RemoveCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath remove() function |
ReplaceCompiler | Compile the XPath function matches() to Java code |
ResolveQNameCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath resolve-QName() function |
ResolveURICompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath resolve-uri() function |
ReverseCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath reverse() function |
RootExpressionCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the expression "/" |
RootFunctionCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the expression "root()" |
RoundingCompiler | Generate Java code for the rounding functions: round(), floor(), ceiling(), abs(), round-half-to-even() |
SequenceExpressionCompiler | Superclass for compiling expressions whose natural evaluation mode is "pull", for example, expressions that read and return existing nodes. |
SequenceExtentCompiler | Generate Java code for a SequenceExtent, that is a sequence of items. |
SingletonAtomizerCompiler | Generate Java code for an expression that atomizes a singleton |
SingletonComparisonCompiler | Generate Java code to implement a value comparison operator |
SingletonExpressionCompiler | Generate Java code for an expression that returns a single value. |
SlashExpressionCompiler | Generate Java code to evaluate a general slash expression (that is, the "/" operator, when it is not known whether the expression on the rhs will return nodes or atomic values) |
StringFnCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath string() function |
StringJoinCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the string-join function |
StringLengthCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath string-length() function |
StringToCodepointsCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath string-to-codepoints() function |
StringValueCompiler | Generate Java code for a string literal |
SubsequenceCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath remove() function |
SubstringCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath translate() function |
SumCompiler | Generate Java code for the sum() function. |
TailCallLoopCompiler | Generate Java code to implement a tail call loop expression. |
TailExpressionCompiler | Generate code for a TailExpression |
TimeValueCompiler | Compile Java code representing an xs:time constant value |
ToBooleanCompiler | Abstract class for compiling expressions that yield a boolean value and are generally used in a boolean context. |
TokenizeCompiler | Compile the XPath function tokenize() to Java code |
TraceCompiler | Generate Java code for the trace() function. |
TranslateCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the XPath translate() function |
TreatFnCompiler | Generate Java code to implement the "treat as" functions exactly-one, etc. |
TupleExpressionCompiler | Compiler for tuple expressions. |
TupleSorterCompiler | Generate code for a TupleSorter |
UntypedAtomicConverterCompiler | Compile Java code for an UntypedAtomicConverter, an expression inserted by the type checker to convert untyped atomic values in a sequence to a given target type. |
UntypedAtomicValueCompiler | Generate Java code for an untypedAtomic literal |
UserFunctionCallCompiler | Compiles Java code to implement a Let expression |
ValueComparisonCompiler | Generate Java code to implement a value comparison operator |
ValueCompiler | Compile a literal value to Java code |
ValueOfCompiler | Compile a text node constructor ( text{} or xsl:value-of ) expression to Java source code |
VariableReferenceCompiler | Generate Java code to implement an XPath variable reference |
VennExpressionCompiler | Generate code for a union, intersect, or except expression |
YearMonthDurationValueCompiler | Compile Java code representing an xs:dayTimeDuration constant value |
This package contains the Java code generator for XQuery.
The only class designed to be used directly by user applications is QueryCompiler
which can be used to drive the compilation of a query from a Java application. Normally, however,
query compilation will be done from the command line using the CompileQuery
entry point.
The other classes in this package fall into two categories:
is used to generate code for a cast expression;CompilerService
, which handles much of the
logic for tracking the generation of different parts of the Java output.These classes are delivered in the JAR file saxon9ee-qc.jar
Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
30 July 2010