Class CompilerService

  extended by com.saxonica.bytecode.util.CompilerService

public class CompilerService
extends Object

Controlling/service class for compilation of expressions to Java bytecode

Nested Class Summary
static class CompilerService.GeneratedClassInfo
 class CompilerService.GeneratedExpression
          sub-class GeneratedExpression - used to keep track of ExpressionCompiler classes that need to generate a method
static class CompilerService.StaticSubClasses
static class CompilerService.StaticVariableInfo
Field Summary
 HashMap<com.saxonica.bytecode.util.CompilerService.ObjectIdentityWrapper,CompilerService.StaticSubClasses> cClassMap
static int tracePoint
Constructor Summary
CompilerService(Configuration config)
Method Summary
 void addNewMethod(ExpressionCompiler ec, Expression e)
          The methods adds the
 CompilerService.StaticVariableInfo allocateStaticVariableInfo(Object value)
          Create a StaticVariableInfo containing the information needed to allow a static reference to a given object to be added as a static field in the currently-being-compiled class
 boolean canCompileToLoop(Expression expr)
          Ask if an expression can be compiled using the compileToLoop() method
 void compileToBoolean(Expression expr)
          Generate bytecode to evaluate an expression leaving a boolean on the stack.
 CompiledExpression compileToByteCode(Expression expr, String objectName, int evaluationModes)
          Compile a top-level expression to bytecode, and return the resulting expression
 void compileToItem(Expression expr)
          Generate bytecode to evaluate an expression leaving either an Item or null on the stack (null indicating that the expression evaluated to an empty sequence).
 void compileToIterator(Expression expr)
          Generate bytecode to evaluate an expression leaving a SequenceIterator on the stack
 void compileToLoop(Expression expr, LoopBodyGenerator bodyGen)
 void compileToPrimitive(Expression expr, Class requiredClass, OnEmpty onEmpty)
          Compile an expression that returns a singleton (or empty) result of type xs:double, xs:float, xs:string, xs:untypedAtomic.
 void compileToPush(Expression expr)
          Generate bytecode to evaluate an expression by writing events to the current SequenceReceiver (leaving nothing on the stack at execution time)
 void compileToValueRepresentation(Expression expression)
          Compile code to evaluate a variable reference, or any other expresssion, leaving a ValueRepresentation on the stack
 void generateGetContext()
          Generate code to load the current XPathContext, leaving it on the top of the stack
 void generateGetReceiver()
          Generate code to load the current Receiver, leaving it on the top of the stack
 Class getCompiledClass(Object expr)
 Configuration getConfiguration()
          Get the Configuration used by this CompilerService
 CompilerService.GeneratedClassInfo getCurrentClass()
 Generator getCurrentGenerator()
 GeneratedMethodInfo getCurrentMethod()
 Stack<GeneratedMethodInfo> getCurrentMethods()
 int getFlags()
          Get the flag options used by the ClassWriter
 int getUniqueNumber()
          Get a unique number which is different from any other number allocated by a call on this method, for the same CompilerService instance
 void initNewMethod(Generator ga, boolean holdReceiverAsLocal)
          Initialize context information for a new method.
 boolean isDisplayByteCode()
 boolean isInRangeForInt(Expression exp)
 boolean isInRangeForLong(Expression exp)
static boolean isLanguagePrimitiveType(AtomicType targetType)
 Class makeClass(org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter writer, String className)
          Having written the bytecode for all the methods for a class, create the Class itself so it can be used
 String makeValidJavaName(String name)
          Given a candidate Java name, make it into a valid Java name
 void popCurrentMethodInfo()
 void popReceiverInfo()
          Generate code to reinstate the previous current receiver by popping it from the receiver stack.
 void pushNewClassInfo(String className, Class superclass, org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter cw)
 void pushNewMethodInfo(Generator ga, boolean contextIsArgument, int contextVariablePosition)
 void pushNewReceiverInfo(Generator ga)
          Generate code to set a new current receiver on the top of the receiver stack.
 void setCompiledClass(Object expr, Class clss)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static int tracePoint


public HashMap<com.saxonica.bytecode.util.CompilerService.ObjectIdentityWrapper,CompilerService.StaticSubClasses> cClassMap
Constructor Detail


public CompilerService(Configuration config)
Method Detail


public static boolean isLanguagePrimitiveType(AtomicType targetType)


public boolean isDisplayByteCode()


public void addNewMethod(ExpressionCompiler ec,
                         Expression e)
The methods adds the

ec - - The ExpressionCompiler that needs to generate a method
e - - The expression represented by the Expressioncompiler


public void compileToValueRepresentation(Expression expression)
                                  throws CannotCompileException
Compile code to evaluate a variable reference, or any other expresssion, leaving a ValueRepresentation on the stack

expression - the expression to be compiled
CannotCompileException - if the expression cannot be compiled


public Class getCompiledClass(Object expr)


public void setCompiledClass(Object expr,
                             Class clss)


public int getUniqueNumber()
Get a unique number which is different from any other number allocated by a call on this method, for the same CompilerService instance

a unique number


public void pushNewReceiverInfo(Generator ga)
Generate code to set a new current receiver on the top of the receiver stack.

Runtime precondition: the new receiver is on the top of the bytecode stack

Runtime postcondition: the new receiver is now the current receiver; the previous current receiver has been added to the receiver stack. The top entry from the bytecode stack has been consumed.

ga - the code generator


public void popReceiverInfo()
Generate code to reinstate the previous current receiver by popping it from the receiver stack.

Runtime precondition: there is a non-empty receiver stack

Runtime postcondition: the top entry in the receiver stack has been removed from the receiver stack and is now the current receiver.


public void pushNewMethodInfo(Generator ga,
                              boolean contextIsArgument,
                              int contextVariablePosition)


public void initNewMethod(Generator ga,
                          boolean holdReceiverAsLocal)
Initialize context information for a new method. On entry, the XPathContext object must be on the top of stack.

ga - the code generator
holdReceiverAsLocal - true if a local variable on the bytecode stack is to be allocated to hold the current receiver; if false, the receiver is obtained via the context when required


public void pushNewClassInfo(String className,
                             Class superclass,
                             org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter cw)


public Stack<GeneratedMethodInfo> getCurrentMethods()


public GeneratedMethodInfo getCurrentMethod()


public CompilerService.GeneratedClassInfo getCurrentClass()


public Configuration getConfiguration()
Get the Configuration used by this CompilerService

the Saxon Configuration


public int getFlags()
Get the flag options used by the ClassWriter

the flags set


public CompiledExpression compileToByteCode(Expression expr,
                                            String objectName,
                                            int evaluationModes)
Compile a top-level expression to bytecode, and return the resulting expression

expr - The expression to be compiled
objectName - The name of the object (e.g. function) being compiled
evaluationModes - The evaluation modes for which code is generated. Currently a subset of Expression.PROCESS_METHOD, Expression.ITERATE_METHOD, Expression.EVALUATE_METHOD. If no code is generated for a given evaluation method, the fallback implementation from the superclass is used.
The compiled expression if compilation was possible; otherwise null


public void compileToIterator(Expression expr)
                       throws CannotCompileException
Generate bytecode to evaluate an expression leaving a SequenceIterator on the stack

expr - the expression to be evaluated
CannotCompileException - if the expression cannot be compiled


public void compileToPush(Expression expr)
                   throws CannotCompileException
Generate bytecode to evaluate an expression by writing events to the current SequenceReceiver (leaving nothing on the stack at execution time)

expr - the expression to be evaluated
CannotCompileException - if the expression cannot be compiled


public void compileToItem(Expression expr)
                   throws CannotCompileException
Generate bytecode to evaluate an expression leaving either an Item or null on the stack (null indicating that the expression evaluated to an empty sequence).

expr - the expression to be evaluated
CannotCompileException - if the expression cannot be compiled


public void compileToBoolean(Expression expr)
                      throws CannotCompileException
Generate bytecode to evaluate an expression leaving a boolean on the stack. The boolean represents the effective boolean value of the result of the evaluation. This method must be implemented for all expressions except where it is statically known that the expression has no effective boolean value

expr - the expression to be evaluated
CannotCompileException - if the expression cannot be compiled


public boolean isInRangeForInt(Expression exp)


public boolean isInRangeForLong(Expression exp)


public void compileToPrimitive(Expression expr,
                               Class requiredClass,
                               OnEmpty onEmpty)
                        throws CannotCompileException
Compile an expression that returns a singleton (or empty) result of type xs:double, xs:float, xs:string, xs:untypedAtomic. An ExpressionCompiler must support this method if the expression is known statically to return one of these types. The code generated will leave an "unboxed" result on the bytecode stack: specifically a double, a float, a String or CharSequence.

expr - the expression to be compiled
requiredClass - the required class. For an expression with static type xs:double, this will be Double.TYPE; for xs:float it will be Float.TYPE; for xs:string and xs:untypedAtomic it may be either String.class or CharSequence.class. The expression compiler MUST generate code that leaves this class of value on the top of the bytecode stack. For an expression whose static type is xs:integer, the requiredClass may be Integer.TYPE or Long.TYPE, provided that either (a) the expression is known always to deliver a value in the range of an int or long respectively, or (b) that any other value would exceed system limits in the context where it is used (for example, if it is used as an index into a sequence then it cannot exceed a 32-bit integer). All expressions that have a static type of xs:integer must therefore implement this method.
onEmpty - action to be taken when the expression returns an empty result.
CannotCompileException - if the expression cannot be compiled


public boolean canCompileToLoop(Expression expr)
Ask if an expression can be compiled using the compileToLoop() method

expr - the expression in question
true if it can be compiled to a loop


public void compileToLoop(Expression expr,
                          LoopBodyGenerator bodyGen)
                   throws CannotCompileException


public Generator getCurrentGenerator()


public void popCurrentMethodInfo()


public void generateGetContext()
Generate code to load the current XPathContext, leaving it on the top of the stack


public void generateGetReceiver()
Generate code to load the current Receiver, leaving it on the top of the stack


public Class makeClass(org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter writer,
                       String className)
Having written the bytecode for all the methods for a class, create the Class itself so it can be used

writer - the writer that was used to create the class
className - the name of the class
the constructed Class object


public CompilerService.StaticVariableInfo allocateStaticVariableInfo(Object value)
Create a StaticVariableInfo containing the information needed to allow a static reference to a given object to be added as a static field in the currently-being-compiled class

value - the object to be referenced
a StaticVariableInfo object, which will have been queued for later addition to the class


public String makeValidJavaName(String name)
Given a candidate Java name, make it into a valid Java name

name - a candidate Java name
a valid Java name

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