Package com.saxonica.functions.hof

The package com.saxonica.hof contains code to support higher-order functions.


Class Summary
AbstractFunctionItem Abstract superclass (and factory class) for implementations of FunctionItem
CoercedFunction A function item obtained by coercing a supplied function; this adds a wrapper to perform dynamic type checking of the arguments in any call, and type checking of the result.
CurriedFunction A function obtained by currying another function, that is, the result of calling fn:partial-apply
DynamicFunctionCallDefinition This class implements the extension function saxon:call(), which calls a FunctionItem The first argument is the FunctionItem object, the remaining arguments are the parameters to be supplied in the call.
DynamicFunctionConstructor This class implements the extension function saxon:function(), which returns a FirstClassFunction object representing the function named in the first argument.
FilterFn This class implements the function fn:filter(), which is a standard function in XQuery 1.1
FirstClassFunction A FirstClassFunction is a value that encapsulates a function; it can therefore be manipulated like any other value: for example it can be assigned to a variable and passed as a parameter to a function.
FoldLeftFn This class implements the function fn:fold-left(), which is a standard function in XQuery 1.1
FoldRightFn This class implements the function fn:fold-right(), which is a standard function in XQuery 1.1
FunctionItemExpression A FunctionItemExpression is a wrapper around a FunctionItem; it is an expression, whose value is the function item that it wraps.
FunctionLookup This class supports the function-lookup() function in XPath 3.0.
FunctionSequenceCoercer An FunctionSequenceCoercer performs function coercion on a sequence of function items
FunctionType An instance of this class represents a specific function item type, for example function(xs:int) as xs:boolean
MapFn This class implements the function fn:map(), which is a standard function in XQuery 1.1
MapPairsFn This class implements the function fn:map-pairs(), which is a standard function in XQuery 1.1
PartialApply This expression class implements the operation of currying (or performing partial application) of a function.
UserFunctionItem A UserFunctionItem is a function item representing a call on a user-defined function.

Package com.saxonica.functions.hof Description

The package com.saxonica.hof contains code to support higher-order functions.

Higher-order functions are supported in XQuery 1.1 using native language syntax, and they are also available in other environments (including XSLT) using the Saxon extension functions saxon:function() and saxon:call().

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
12 June 2009

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