Class SingletonMap

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
MapItem, PullEvent, FunctionItem<MapItem>, GroundedValue<MapItem>, Item<MapItem>, ValueRepresentation<MapItem>

public class SingletonMap
extends Object
implements MapItem, GroundedValue<MapItem>

A map containing a single entry

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
SingletonMap(AtomicValue key, ValueRepresentation<? extends Item> value)
          Construct the singleton map
Method Summary
 FunctionItem curry(ValueRepresentation<? extends Item>[] value)
          Curry a function by binding one or more (but not all) of its arguments
 boolean deepEquals(FunctionItem other, XPathContext context, GenericAtomicComparer comparer, int flags)
          Test whether this FunctionItem is deep-equal to another function item, under the rules of the deep-equal function
 ValueRepresentation<? extends Item> get(AtomicValue key, XPathContext context)
          Get an entry from the Map.
 int getArity()
          Get the arity of the function
 StringCollator getCollation()
          Get the collation of the map
 String getCollationName()
          Get the name of the collation of the map
 FunctionItemType getFunctionItemType(TypeHierarchy th)
          Get the item type of the function item
 StructuredQName getFunctionName()
          Get the name of the function, or null if it is anonymous
 AtomicType getKeyType(TypeHierarchy th)
          Get the lowest common item type of the keys in the map
 int getLength()
          Get the size of the value (the number of items)
 String getStringValue()
          Get the value of the item as a string.
 CharSequence getStringValueCS()
          Get the string value of the item as a CharSequence.
 SequenceIterator<? extends AtomicValue> getTypedValue()
          Get the typed value of the item.
 SequenceType getValueType(TypeHierarchy th)
          Get the lowest common sequence type of all the values in the map
 SequenceIterator<? extends Item> invoke(SequenceIterator<? extends Item>[] args, XPathContext context)
          Invoke the function
 boolean isEmpty()
          Ask whether the map is empty
 MapItem itemAt(int n)
          Get the n'th item in the value, counting from 0
 UnfailingIterator<AtomicValue> keys()
          Get the set of all key values in the map.
 MapItem remove(AtomicValue key, XPathContext context)
          Remove an entry from the map
 void setCollation(String collationName, StringCollator collation)
          Set the collation of the map
 int size()
          Get the size of the map
 GroundedValue<MapItem> subsequence(int start, int length)
          Get a subsequence of the value
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SingletonMap(AtomicValue key,
                    ValueRepresentation<? extends Item> value)
Construct the singleton map

key - the key
value - the value
Method Detail


public int getLength()
Get the size of the value (the number of items)

Specified by:
getLength in interface GroundedValue<MapItem>
the number of items in the sequence


public void setCollation(String collationName,
                         StringCollator collation)
Set the collation of the map

collationName - the name of the collation to be used by this map
collation - the corresponding collation object


public StringCollator getCollation()
Get the collation of the map

Specified by:
getCollation in interface MapItem
the collation of the map


public String getCollationName()
Get the name of the collation of the map

Specified by:
getCollationName in interface MapItem
the collation name


public ValueRepresentation<? extends Item> get(AtomicValue key,
                                               XPathContext context)
                                        throws XPathException
Get an entry from the Map. Return null if there is no matching entry.

Specified by:
get in interface MapItem
key - the value of the key
context - the XPath dynamic evaluation context
the value associated with the given key, or null if the key is not present in the map
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs


public MapItem remove(AtomicValue key,
                      XPathContext context)
               throws XPathException
Remove an entry from the map

Specified by:
remove in interface MapItem
key - the key of the entry to be removed
context - the XPath dynamic context
a new map in which the requested entry has been removed; or this map unchanged if the specified key was not present
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs


public int size()
Get the size of the map

Specified by:
size in interface MapItem
the number of entries in the map (always one for this implementation)


public boolean isEmpty()
Ask whether the map is empty

Specified by:
isEmpty in interface MapItem
true if and only if the size of the map is zero


public UnfailingIterator<AtomicValue> keys()
Get the set of all key values in the map.

Specified by:
keys in interface MapItem
a set containing all the key values present in the map.


public AtomicType getKeyType(TypeHierarchy th)
Get the lowest common item type of the keys in the map

Specified by:
getKeyType in interface MapItem
th - the type hierarchy
the most specific type to which all the keys belong. If the map is empty, return AnyAtomicType by convention


public SequenceType getValueType(TypeHierarchy th)
Get the lowest common sequence type of all the values in the map

Specified by:
getValueType in interface MapItem
th - the type hierarchy
the most specific sequence type to which all the values belong. If the map is empty, return ANY_SEQUENCE by convention


public FunctionItemType getFunctionItemType(TypeHierarchy th)
Get the item type of the function item

Specified by:
getFunctionItemType in interface FunctionItem<MapItem>
th - the type hierarchy cache. If null is supplied, the resulting item type may be less precise.
the function item's type


public StructuredQName getFunctionName()
Get the name of the function, or null if it is anonymous

Specified by:
getFunctionName in interface FunctionItem<MapItem>
the function name, or null for an anonymous inline function


public int getArity()
Get the arity of the function

Specified by:
getArity in interface FunctionItem<MapItem>
the number of arguments in the function signature


public SequenceIterator<? extends Item> invoke(SequenceIterator<? extends Item>[] args,
                                               XPathContext context)
                                        throws XPathException
Invoke the function

Specified by:
invoke in interface FunctionItem<MapItem>
args - the actual arguments to be supplied
context - the XPath dynamic evaluation context
the result of invoking the function
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs


public FunctionItem curry(ValueRepresentation<? extends Item>[] value)
                   throws XPathException
Curry a function by binding one or more (but not all) of its arguments

Specified by:
curry in interface FunctionItem<MapItem>
value - the values to which the arguments are to be bound
a new function item in which the specified arguments of the original function is bound to a value
XPathException - if any dynamic error occurs


public String getStringValue()
Get the value of the item as a string. For nodes, this is the string value of the node as defined in the XPath 2.0 data model, except that all nodes are treated as being untyped: it is not an error to get the string value of a node with a complex type. For atomic values, the method returns the result of casting the atomic value to a string.

If the calling code can handle any CharSequence, the method getStringValueCS() should be used. If the caller requires a string, this method is preferred.

Specified by:
getStringValue in interface Item<MapItem>
Specified by:
getStringValue in interface ValueRepresentation<MapItem>
the string value of the item
UnsupportedOperationException - if the item is a function item (an unchecked exception is used here to avoid introducing exception handling to a large number of paths where it is not needed)
See Also:


public CharSequence getStringValueCS()
Get the string value of the item as a CharSequence. This is in some cases more efficient than the version of the method that returns a String. The method satisfies the rule that X.getStringValueCS().toString() returns a string that is equal to X.getStringValue().

Note that two CharSequence values of different types should not be compared using equals(), and for the same reason they should not be used as a key in a hash table.

If the calling code can handle any CharSequence, this method should be used. If the caller requires a string, the getStringValue() method is preferred.

Specified by:
getStringValueCS in interface Item<MapItem>
Specified by:
getStringValueCS in interface ValueRepresentation<MapItem>
the string value of the item
UnsupportedOperationException - if the item is a function item (an unchecked exception is used here to avoid introducing exception handling to a large number of paths where it is not needed)
See Also:


public SequenceIterator<? extends AtomicValue> getTypedValue()
                                                      throws XPathException
Get the typed value of the item.

For a node, this is the typed value as defined in the XPath 2.0 data model. Since a node may have a list-valued data type, the typed value is in general a sequence, and it is returned in the form of a SequenceIterator.

If the node has not been validated against a schema, the typed value will be the same as the string value, either as an instance of xs:string or as an instance of xs:untypedAtomic, depending on the node kind.

For an atomic value, this method returns an iterator over a singleton sequence containing the atomic value itself.

Specified by:
getTypedValue in interface Item<MapItem>
an iterator over the items in the typed value of the node or atomic value. The items returned by this iterator will always be atomic values.
XPathException - where no typed value is available, for example in the case of an element with complex content


public boolean deepEquals(FunctionItem other,
                          XPathContext context,
                          GenericAtomicComparer comparer,
                          int flags)
                   throws XPathException
Test whether this FunctionItem is deep-equal to another function item, under the rules of the deep-equal function

Specified by:
deepEquals in interface FunctionItem<MapItem>
other - the other function item
context - the dynamic evaluation context
comparer - the object to perform the comparison
flags - options for how the comparison is performed
true if the two function items are deep-equal
XPathException - if the comparison cannot be performed


public MapItem itemAt(int n)
Description copied from interface: GroundedValue
Get the n'th item in the value, counting from 0

Specified by:
itemAt in interface GroundedValue<MapItem>
n - the index of the required item, with 0 representing the first item in the sequence
the n'th item if it exists, or null otherwise


public GroundedValue<MapItem> subsequence(int start,
                                          int length)
Description copied from interface: GroundedValue
Get a subsequence of the value

Specified by:
subsequence in interface GroundedValue<MapItem>
start - the index of the first item to be included in the result, counting from zero. A negative value is taken as zero. If the value is beyond the end of the sequence, an empty sequence is returned
length - the number of items to be included in the result. Specify Integer.MAX_VALUE to get the subsequence up to the end of the base sequence. If the value is negative, an empty sequence is returned. If the value goes off the end of the sequence, the result returns items up to the end of the sequence
the required subsequence. If min is

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