Package com.saxonica.functions.xpath3

This package implements functions that appear for the first time in the third version of the XPath function library, currently titled Functions and Operators 1-1, other than functions that naturally fit into another category, such as higher-order functions.


Class Summary
AnalyzeStringFn Implements the fn:analyze-string function defined in Functions and Operators 1.1.
Atan2Fn Abstract class providing functionality common to functions math:sin(), math:cos(), math:sqrt() etc; contains the concrete implementations of these functions as inner subclasses
EnvironmentVariable Implement the XPath 3.0 fn:environment-variable() function
HeadFn This class implements the function fn:head(), which is a standard function in XQuery 1.1
ParseJsonFn Implements the parse-json function defined in Functions and Operators 3.0.
Path Implement the fn:path function
Pi This class implements the function math:pi(), which is a standard function in XPath 3.0 and XQuery 3.0
PowFn Abstract class providing functionality common to functions math:sin(), math:cos(), math:sqrt() etc; contains the concrete implementations of these functions as inner subclasses
SerializeJsonFn Implements the serialize-json function defined in Functions and Operators 3.0.
TailFn This class implements the function fn:tail(), which is a standard function in XQuery 1.1
TrigonometricFn Abstract class providing functionality common to functions math:sin(), math:cos(), math:sqrt() etc; contains the concrete implementations of these functions as inner subclasses
TrigonometricFn.AcosFn Implement math:acos
TrigonometricFn.AsinFn Implement math:asin
TrigonometricFn.AtanFn Implement math:atan
TrigonometricFn.CosFn Implement math:cos
TrigonometricFn.Exp10Fn Implement math:exp10
TrigonometricFn.ExpFn Implement math:exp
TrigonometricFn.Log10Fn Implement math:log10
TrigonometricFn.LogFn Implement math:log
TrigonometricFn.SinFn Implement math:sin
TrigonometricFn.SqrtFn Implement math:sqrt
TrigonometricFn.TanFn Implement math:tan

Package com.saxonica.functions.xpath3 Description

This package implements functions that appear for the first time in the third version of the XPath function library, currently titled Functions and Operators 1-1, other than functions that naturally fit into another category, such as higher-order functions.

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
30 July 2010

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