Package com.saxonica

This package together with its subpackages contains the code of Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE, other than the code that is in common with the open-source version Saxon-HE.


Class Summary
Query This is a synonym of net.sf.saxon.Query, the command line interface for running XQuery.
Transform This is a synonym of the command line interface net.sf.saxon.Transform for running XSLT transformations.
Validate This Validate class provides a command line interface that allows validation of a source document against a schema, and/or checking that a source schema is a valid schema.

Package com.saxonica Description

This package together with its subpackages contains the code of Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE, other than the code that is in common with the open-source version Saxon-HE.

Most of the code is in subsidiary packages, which are described individually.

The classes that are directly in this package support command-line interfaces to Saxon.

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
30 July 2010

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