Class ModelGroupParticle

  extended by com.saxonica.schema.SchemaStructure
      extended by com.saxonica.schema.SimpleComponentReference
          extended by com.saxonica.schema.Particle
              extended by com.saxonica.schema.ModelGroupParticle
All Implemented Interfaces:
ComponentReference, UserSchemaComponent, Serializable, SourceLocator, SchemaComponent
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ModelGroupParticle
extends Particle
implements ComponentReference

A reference within the content model of a complex type to a Model Group Definition. Corresponds to a non-top-level xs:group element in a schema document, that is, an xs:group element with a ref attribute.

There is no direct equivalent of a ModelGroupParticle in the W3C schema component model, because in that model the structure of a complex type is always fully expanded: that is, any group references are replaced by the content of the group they refer to. This model retains group references to allow late binding and redefinition. However, methods are provided on the ModelGroup class to give a view of the content model in which the group references disappear.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.saxonica.schema.Particle
Fields inherited from class com.saxonica.schema.SimpleComponentReference
nameCode, symbolSpace, target
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaComponent
Constructor Summary
ModelGroupParticle(EnterpriseConfiguration config, SourceLocator locator)
          Creates a new Group reference
Method Summary
 void compile(SchemaCompiler compiler)
          Compile a particle
 boolean containsElementWildcard()
          Ask whether the particle contains an element wildcard
 void elaborate(SchemaCompiler compiler)
          Elaborate the schema component: after reloading a serialized schema component model, this expands the component with derived information needed during validation episodes.
 boolean fixup(SchemaCompiler compiler)
          Fix up references to other elements in the schema.
 void gatherAllPermittedElements(IntHashSet result, boolean ignoreWildcards)
          Find the set of all element particles allowed within the content model of this particle, identified by their integer fingerprints.
 int getElementParticleCardinality(int fingerprint)
          Find an element particle within this complex type definition having a given element name (identified by fingerprint), and return the cardinality associated with that element particle, that is, the number of times the element can occur within this complex type.
 SchemaType getElementParticleType(int fingerprint)
          Find an element particle within this complex type definition having a given element name (identified by fingerprint), and return the schema type associated with that element particle.
 ModelGroup getGroup()
 int getSymbolSpace()
          Get the symbol space of the target of this reference
 SchemaComponent getTarget()
          Returns the group that this group object is a reference to.
 Term getTerm()
          Get the term corresponding to this particle
 boolean isEmptiable()
          Determine if empty content is allowed
 boolean isPointless(ModelGroup container)
          Test whether the particle is pointless, as described in XML Schema Part 1 Schema Component Constraint: Particle Valid (Restriction)
 boolean isResolved()
          Determine whether this reference has been resolved
 void lookForCycles(Stack references, SchemaCompiler compiler)
          This method is called to look for cycles.
 void markVulnerableSubParticles()
          Mark the vulnerable subParticles of this particle
 void serializeParticle(SchemaModelSerializer serializer)
          Serialize the schema component as a particle
 void tryToResolve(SchemaCompiler compiler)
          Attempt to resolved this reference using the groups defined in a given schema.
 boolean validate(SchemaCompiler compiler)
          Checks the validity of this Schema definition.
Methods inherited from class com.saxonica.schema.Particle
computeParticleCardinality, getMaxOccurs, getMinOccurs, isVulnerable, setMaxOccurs, setMinOccurs, setVulnerable
Methods inherited from class com.saxonica.schema.SimpleComponentReference
getFingerprint, getNameCode, setNameCode, setTarget
Methods inherited from class com.saxonica.schema.SchemaStructure
getColumnNumber, getConfiguration, getFixupStatus, getLineNumber, getPublicId, getRedefinitionLevel, getSchemaDocumentURI, getSystemId, getValidationStatus, setConfiguration, setFixupStatus, setLineNumber, setLocator, setRedefinitionLevel, setSchemaDocumentURI, setSystemId, setValidationStatus
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.saxonica.schema.ComponentReference
getConfiguration, getFingerprint
Methods inherited from interface javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator
getColumnNumber, getLineNumber, getPublicId, getSystemId
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaComponent
getRedefinitionLevel, getValidationStatus

Constructor Detail


public ModelGroupParticle(EnterpriseConfiguration config,
                          SourceLocator locator)
Creates a new Group reference

config - the Configuration to which this Group belongs
locator - the location of the corresponding declaration in the source schema document
Method Detail


public boolean isResolved()
Determine whether this reference has been resolved

Specified by:
isResolved in interface ComponentReference
isResolved in class SimpleComponentReference
true if the reference has been resolved to a schema component


public ModelGroup getGroup()
                    throws UnresolvedReferenceException


public int getSymbolSpace()
Get the symbol space of the target of this reference

Specified by:
getSymbolSpace in interface ComponentReference
getSymbolSpace in class SimpleComponentReference
an integer code identifying the symbol space


public boolean isEmptiable()
                    throws UnresolvedReferenceException
Determine if empty content is allowed

Specified by:
isEmptiable in class Particle
true if the particle matches empty content
UnresolvedReferenceException - if the schema contains an unresolved reference to a required component


public boolean fixup(SchemaCompiler compiler)
              throws SchemaException
Fix up references to other elements in the schema.

Specified by:
fixup in interface UserSchemaComponent
Specified by:
fixup in class Particle
compiler - the schema compiler
true if successful
SchemaException - if a fatal error occurs


public void lookForCycles(Stack references,
                          SchemaCompiler compiler)
                   throws SchemaException,
This method is called to look for cycles. The object implementing this method is required (a) to raise an exception if the object itself appears in the list of references, (b) to add itself to the list of references, and (c) to call the lookForCycles method on all the objects that it references.

Specified by:
lookForCycles in interface UserSchemaComponent
lookForCycles in class SchemaStructure
references - A list of objects that contain direct or indirect references to this object, and that must therefore not be referred to from this object.
compiler - The schema compiler


public SchemaComponent getTarget()
                          throws UnresolvedReferenceException
Returns the group that this group object is a reference to. Note this method doesn't bind irrevocably to the target group declaration, because this may change following a redefine.

Specified by:
getTarget in interface ComponentReference
getTarget in class SimpleComponentReference
the schema component if the reference has been resolved.
UnresolvedReferenceException - if the reference has not been resolved. Note that this is an unchecked exception.


public void tryToResolve(SchemaCompiler compiler)
Attempt to resolved this reference using the groups defined in a given schema. No error results if the reference cannot be resolved.

Specified by:
tryToResolve in interface ComponentReference
tryToResolve in class SimpleComponentReference
compiler - The compiler being used to compile the referring component. This is assumed to know about the schema containing the candidate target components for the reference. If null, the schema containing the reference is used.


public boolean isPointless(ModelGroup container)
Test whether the particle is pointless, as described in XML Schema Part 1 Schema Component Constraint: Particle Valid (Restriction)

Specified by:
isPointless in class Particle
container - the model group containing this particle; null if there is no containing model group
true if the particle is pointless (for example, a sequence of one item)


public SchemaType getElementParticleType(int fingerprint)
Find an element particle within this complex type definition having a given element name (identified by fingerprint), and return the schema type associated with that element particle. If there is no such particle, return null. If the fingerprint matches an element wildcard, return the type of the global element declaration with the given name if one exists, or AnyType if none exists and lax validation is permitted by the wildcard.

Specified by:
getElementParticleType in class Particle
fingerprint - Identifies the name of the child element within this content model
the type of the element identified by the given name fingerprint. The consistency rule "Element Declarations Consistent" ensures that if there are multiple matching declarations, they have consistent types


public int getElementParticleCardinality(int fingerprint)
Find an element particle within this complex type definition having a given element name (identified by fingerprint), and return the cardinality associated with that element particle, that is, the number of times the element can occur within this complex type. The value is one of StaticProperty.EXACTLY_ONE, StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_ONE, StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE, StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ONE_OR_MORE, If there is no such particle, return StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO.

Specified by:
getElementParticleCardinality in class Particle
fingerprint - Identifies the name of the child element within this content model
the computed cardinality of this child element within the complex type


public boolean containsElementWildcard()
Ask whether the particle contains an element wildcard

Specified by:
containsElementWildcard in class Particle
true if the particle is an element wildcard, or contains one


public void gatherAllPermittedElements(IntHashSet result,
                                       boolean ignoreWildcards)
                                throws SchemaException
Find the set of all element particles allowed within the content model of this particle, identified by their integer fingerprints. Ignore wildcards.

Specified by:
gatherAllPermittedElements in class Particle
result - an initially-empty integer set in which the results are accumulated
ignoreWildcards - true if wildcard particles are to be ignored. If false, the resulting set will include the value -1 if wildcards are present in the content model
SchemaException - if an error is found in the schema


public void markVulnerableSubParticles()
Mark the vulnerable subParticles of this particle

markVulnerableSubParticles in class Particle


public boolean validate(SchemaCompiler compiler)
                 throws SchemaException
Checks the validity of this Schema definition.

Specified by:
validate in interface UserSchemaComponent
Specified by:
validate in class Particle
compiler - the schema compiler
true if validation succeeded, false if errors were found.


public void compile(SchemaCompiler compiler)
             throws SchemaException
Compile a particle

Specified by:
compile in class Particle
compiler - the schema compmiler
SchemaException - if a fatal error occurs


public Term getTerm()
Get the term corresponding to this particle

Specified by:
getTerm in class Particle
the corresponding term


public void elaborate(SchemaCompiler compiler)
               throws SchemaException
Elaborate the schema component: after reloading a serialized schema component model, this expands the component with derived information needed during validation episodes. The model is assumed to be valid.

Specified by:
elaborate in interface UserSchemaComponent
elaborate in class SchemaStructure
compiler - the schema compiler
SchemaException - if the schema is found to be invalid


public void serializeParticle(SchemaModelSerializer serializer)
                       throws XPathException
Serialize the schema component as a particle

Specified by:
serializeParticle in class Particle
serializer - the object responsible for serialization
XPathException - if serialization fails

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