Class ValidationStack

  extended by net.sf.saxon.event.SequenceReceiver
      extended by net.sf.saxon.event.ProxyReceiver
          extended by com.saxonica.validate.ValidatingFilter
              extended by com.saxonica.validate.ValidationStack
All Implemented Interfaces:
Result, Receiver

public class ValidationStack
extends ValidatingFilter

This class manages the receivers that do element content validation. It maintains a stack of Validators, each of which does local element validation of the contents of a single element, adding a new validator to the stack to handle each layer of nesting.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sf.saxon.event.ProxyReceiver
Fields inherited from class net.sf.saxon.event.SequenceReceiver
pipelineConfiguration, previousAtomic, systemId
Fields inherited from interface javax.xml.transform.Result
Constructor Summary
ValidationStack(Receiver next, int initialValidationMode, SchemaType initialType)
          Create a validation stack
Method Summary
 void attribute(NodeName nameCode, SimpleType typeCode, CharSequence value, int locationId, int properties)
          Handle an attribute
 void characters(CharSequence chars, int locationId, int properties)
          Character data
 void endDocument()
          Notify the end of a document node
 void endElement()
          End of element
 Map<SchemaComponent,Integer> getCoverageStatistics()
          Get the statistics showing the usage of individual schema components during a validation episode
 int getTopLevelElement()
          Get the name of the required top-level element (if any) as a namepool fingerprint
 void setConstraintChecker(ConstraintChecker checker)
          Set the constraint checker in use (if any).
 void setInitialValidator(ContentValidator validator)
          Set the initial validator to be used for the outermost element
 void setIsNilled(boolean nilled)
          Indicate whether the current element is nilled
 void setKeepStatistics(boolean keep)
          Ask that statistics be maintained for the duration of the validation episode.
 void setPipelineConfiguration(PipelineConfiguration pipe)
          Set the pipeline configuration
 void setStartTagBuffer(StartTagBufferEE resolver)
 void setTopLevelElement(int nameCode)
          Set the name of the required top-level element (if any) as a namepool code
 void setUnparsedEntity(String name, String uri, String publicId)
          Set the URI for an unparsed entity in the document.
 void setXSIType(SchemaType type)
          Set the value of xsi:type, if present.
 void setXsiValidationErrors(List errors)
          Supply a list of errors found in attributes in the XSI namespace.
 void startContent()
          Notify the start of the content, that is, the completion of all attributes and namespaces.
 void startElement(NodeName elemName, SchemaType typeCode, int locationId, int properties)
          Process element start tag
 void testAssertions(NodeInfo root, UserComplexType type)
          Test whether all the assertions on a given complex type are true
Methods inherited from class com.saxonica.validate.ValidatingFilter
append, getErrorCode, getInvalidity, isInvalid, reportIfInvalid, reportValidationError, setErrorCode, setInvalidity, usesTypeAnnotations
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.event.ProxyReceiver
close, comment, getNamePool, getUnderlyingReceiver, namespace, open, processingInstruction, setSystemId, setUnderlyingReceiver, startDocument
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.event.SequenceReceiver
append, getConfiguration, getPipelineConfiguration, getSystemId
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ValidationStack(Receiver next,
                       int initialValidationMode,
                       SchemaType initialType)
Create a validation stack

next - the destination of events after passing through validation
initialValidationMode - the initial validation mode, strict/lax
initialType - the initial type to validate against, if any
Method Detail


public void setPipelineConfiguration(PipelineConfiguration pipe)
Description copied from interface: Receiver
Set the pipeline configuration

Specified by:
setPipelineConfiguration in interface Receiver
setPipelineConfiguration in class ProxyReceiver
pipe - the pipeline configuration


public void setTopLevelElement(int nameCode)
Set the name of the required top-level element (if any) as a namepool code

nameCode - the name of the element that must appear at the root of the subtree being validated


public int getTopLevelElement()
Get the name of the required top-level element (if any) as a namepool fingerprint

the name of the element that must appear at the root of the subtree being validated, or -1 if none has been set


public void setConstraintChecker(ConstraintChecker checker)
Set the constraint checker in use (if any). The ValidationStack is responsible for telling the constraint checker about the ElementDeclaration that defines the uniqueness constraints for the current element. This is done immediately after the startElement call.

checker - the constraint checker


public void setUnparsedEntity(String name,
                              String uri,
                              String publicId)
                       throws XPathException
Set the URI for an unparsed entity in the document.

Specified by:
setUnparsedEntity in interface Receiver
setUnparsedEntity in class ProxyReceiver
name - The name of the unparsed entity
uri - The system identifier of the unparsed entity
publicId - The public identifier of the unparsed entity
XPathException - if an error occurs


public void setXSIType(SchemaType type)
Set the value of xsi:type, if present. This will be called immediately before the startElement call for the element on which the xsi:type attribute appears.

type - the type referenced by the xsi:type attribute


public void setIsNilled(boolean nilled)
Indicate whether the current element is nilled

nilled - true if xsi:nil is set


public void setStartTagBuffer(StartTagBufferEE resolver)


public void setXsiValidationErrors(List errors)
Supply a list of errors found in attributes in the XSI namespace. This is called immediately before calling startElement on the element containing these erroneous attributes


public void startElement(NodeName elemName,
                         SchemaType typeCode,
                         int locationId,
                         int properties)
                  throws XPathException
Process element start tag

Specified by:
startElement in interface Receiver
startElement in class ProxyReceiver
elemName - integer code identifying the name of the element within the name pool.
typeCode - integer code identifying the element's type within the name pool.
locationId - an integer which can be interpreted using a LocationProvider to return information such as line number and system ID. If no location information is available, the value zero is supplied.
properties - properties of the element node
XPathException - if an error occurs


public void setInitialValidator(ContentValidator validator)
Set the initial validator to be used for the outermost element

validator - the validator to be used for the outermost element being validated


public void attribute(NodeName nameCode,
                      SimpleType typeCode,
                      CharSequence value,
                      int locationId,
                      int properties)
               throws XPathException
Handle an attribute

Specified by:
attribute in interface Receiver
attribute in class ProxyReceiver
nameCode - integer identifying the name of the attribute
typeCode - integer identifying the pre-validation type annotation (typically untypedAtomic)
value - the value of the attribute
properties - additional properties of the attribute
locationId - an integer which can be interpreted using a LocationProvider to return information such as line number and system ID. If no location information is available, the value zero is supplied.
XPathException - On any failure to write the attribute


public final void startContent()
                        throws XPathException
Notify the start of the content, that is, the completion of all attributes and namespaces. Note that the initial receiver of output from XSLT instructions will not receive this event, it has to detect it itself. Note that this event is reported for every element even if it has no attributes, no namespaces, and no content.

Specified by:
startContent in interface Receiver
startContent in class ProxyReceiver
XPathException - if an error occurs


public void characters(CharSequence chars,
                       int locationId,
                       int properties)
                throws XPathException
Description copied from class: ProxyReceiver
Character data

Specified by:
characters in interface Receiver
characters in class ProxyReceiver
chars - The characters
locationId - an integer which can be interpreted using a LocationProvider to return information such as line number and system ID. If no location information is available, the value zero is supplied.
properties - Bit significant value. The following bits are defined:
Disable escaping for this text node
Output as a CDATA section
XPathException - if an error occurs


public void endElement()
                throws XPathException
End of element

Specified by:
endElement in interface Receiver
endElement in class ProxyReceiver
XPathException - if an error occurs


public void endDocument()
                 throws XPathException
Notify the end of a document node

Specified by:
endDocument in interface Receiver
endDocument in class ProxyReceiver
XPathException - if an error occurs


public void testAssertions(NodeInfo root,
                           UserComplexType type)
                    throws XPathException
Test whether all the assertions on a given complex type are true

root - the element whose assertions are to be tested
type - the type on which the assertions are defined
ValidationException - if any of the assertions are not true


public void setKeepStatistics(boolean keep)
Ask that statistics be maintained for the duration of the validation episode. The statistics indicate how often particular schema components (currently, element declarations and types) have been used.

keep - true if statistics are to be kept, false if not


public Map<SchemaComponent,Integer> getCoverageStatistics()
Get the statistics showing the usage of individual schema components during a validation episode

a table showing for each component that has been used, the number of times it has been used. If statistics are not being maintained, returns null.

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