Class LocalParam

  extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.GeneralVariable
      extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.LocalParam
All Implemented Interfaces:
SourceLocator, Binding

public final class LocalParam
extends GeneralVariable

The compiled form of an xsl:param element within a template in an XSLT stylesheet.

The xsl:param element in XSLT has mandatory attribute name and optional attribute select. It can also be specified as required="yes" or required="no".

This is used only for parameters to XSLT templates. For function calls, the caller of the function places supplied arguments onto the callee's stackframe and the callee does not need to do anything. Global parameters (XQuery external variables) are handled using GlobalParam.

The LocalParam class is also used to represent parameters with the saxon:iterate instruction

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.GeneralVariable
evaluationMode, referenceCount, slotNumber, variableQName
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 ValueRepresentation evaluateVariable(XPathContext c)
          Evaluate the variable
 void explain(ExpressionPresenter out)
          Diagnostic print of expression structure.
 Expression getConversion()
          Get the conversion expression
 int getConversionEvaluationMode()
 int getInstructionNameCode()
          Get the name of this instruction for diagnostic and tracing purposes
 IntegerValue[] getIntegerBoundsForVariable()
          If the variable is bound to an integer, get the minimum and maximum possible values.
 int getParameterId()
          Get the parameter id, which is essentially an alias for the parameter name, unique within a stylesheet
 Iterator<Expression> iterateSubExpressions()
          Get all the XPath expressions associated with this instruction (in XSLT terms, the expression present on attributes of the instruction, as distinct from the child instructions in a sequence construction)
 TailCall processLeavingTail(XPathContext context)
          Process the local parameter declaration
 boolean replaceSubExpression(Expression original, Expression replacement)
          Replace one subexpression by a replacement subexpression
 void setConversion(Expression convertor)
          Define a conversion that is to be applied to the supplied parameter value.
 void setParameterId(int id)
          Allocate a number which is essentially an alias for the parameter name, unique within a stylesheet
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.GeneralVariable
addReference, checkAgainstRequiredType, computeEvaluationMode, copy, getCardinality, getColumnNumber, getContainer, getEvaluationMode, getExecutable, getLineNumber, getLocalSlotNumber, getLocationId, getLocationProvider, getPublicId, getRequiredType, getSelectExpression, getSelectValue, getSlotNumber, getSystemId, getSystemId, getVariableQName, init, isAssignable, isGlobal, isImplicitlyRequiredParam, isRequiredParam, isTunnelParam, optimize, setAssignable, setContainer, setImplicitlyRequiredParam, setLocationId, setReferenceCount, setRequiredParam, setRequiredType, setSelectExpression, setSlotNumber, setTunnel, setVariableQName, simplify, typeCheck
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LocalParam()
Method Detail


public void setParameterId(int id)
Allocate a number which is essentially an alias for the parameter name, unique within a stylesheet

id - the parameter id


public int getParameterId()
Get the parameter id, which is essentially an alias for the parameter name, unique within a stylesheet

the parameter id


public void setConversion(Expression convertor)
Define a conversion that is to be applied to the supplied parameter value.

convertor - The expression to be applied. This performs type checking, and the basic conversions implied by function calling rules, for example numeric promotion, atomization, and conversion of untyped atomic values to a required type. The conversion uses the actual parameter value as input, referencing it using a VariableReference. The argument can be null to indicate that no conversion is required.


public Expression getConversion()
Get the conversion expression

the expression used to convert the value to the required type, or null if there is none


public int getConversionEvaluationMode()


public int getInstructionNameCode()
Get the name of this instruction for diagnostic and tracing purposes

getInstructionNameCode in class GeneralVariable
the name of this instruction, as a name pool name code


public Iterator<Expression> iterateSubExpressions()
Get all the XPath expressions associated with this instruction (in XSLT terms, the expression present on attributes of the instruction, as distinct from the child instructions in a sequence construction)

iterateSubExpressions in class GeneralVariable
an iterator over all the contained expressions (in practice, the select expression)


public boolean replaceSubExpression(Expression original,
                                    Expression replacement)
Replace one subexpression by a replacement subexpression

replaceSubExpression in class GeneralVariable
original - the original subexpression
replacement - the replacement subexpression
true if the original subexpression is found


public TailCall processLeavingTail(XPathContext context)
                            throws XPathException
Process the local parameter declaration

context - the dynamic context
either null if processing is complete, or a tailcall if one is left outstanding
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs in the evaluation


public IntegerValue[] getIntegerBoundsForVariable()
If the variable is bound to an integer, get the minimum and maximum possible values. Return null if unknown or not applicable

Specified by:
getIntegerBoundsForVariable in interface Binding
getIntegerBoundsForVariable in class GeneralVariable
a pair of integers containing the minimum and maximum values for the integer value; or null if the value is not an integer or the range is unknown


public ValueRepresentation evaluateVariable(XPathContext c)
Evaluate the variable

c - the XPath dynamic evaluation context
the result of evaluating the variable


public void explain(ExpressionPresenter out)
Diagnostic print of expression structure. The abstract expression tree is written to the supplied output destination.

explain in class GeneralVariable
out - the object used to present the output

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