Class PathMap.PathMapNode

  extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.PathMap.PathMapNode
Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing class:

public static class PathMap.PathMapNode
extends Object

A node in the path map. A node holds a set of arcs, each representing a link to another node in the path map.

Method Summary
 boolean allPathsAreWithinStreamableSnapshot()
          Determine whether the path is entirely within a streamable snapshot of a streamed document: that is, it must only navigate to ancestors and to attributes of ancestors
 PathMap.PathMapNode createArc(byte axis, NodeTest test)
          Create a new arc
 void createArc(byte axis, NodeTest test, PathMap.PathMapNode target)
          Create a new arc to an existing target
 PathMap.PathMapArc[] getArcs()
          Get the arcs emanating from this node in the PathMap
 boolean hasReachableReturnables()
          Test whether there are any returnable nodes reachable from this node by zero or more arcs
 boolean hasUnknownDependencies()
          Ask whether the path has unknown dependencies, typically because a node reached by the path is supplied as an argument to a user-defined function
 boolean isAtomized()
          Ask whether the typed value (or string value) of the node reached by this path will be required.
 boolean isReturnable()
          Ask whether the node represents a value that is returnable as the result of the supplied expression, rather than merely a node that is visited en route
 void setAtomized()
          Indicate that the typed value or string value of the node reached by this path will be used.
 void setHasUnknownDependencies()
          Indicate that the path has unknown dependencies, typically because a node reached by the path is supplied as an argument to a user-defined function
 void setReturnable(boolean returnable)
          Indicate that the node represents a value that is returnable as the result of the supplied expression, rather than merely a node that is visited en route
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public PathMap.PathMapNode createArc(byte axis,
                                     NodeTest test)
Create a new arc

axis - the axis of this step
test - the node test of this step
the newly-constructed target of the new arc


public void createArc(byte axis,
                      NodeTest test,
                      PathMap.PathMapNode target)
Create a new arc to an existing target

axis - the axis of this step
test - the node test of this step
target - the target node of the new arc


public PathMap.PathMapArc[] getArcs()
Get the arcs emanating from this node in the PathMap

the arcs, each representing an AxisStep. The order of arcs in the array is undefined.


public void setReturnable(boolean returnable)
Indicate that the node represents a value that is returnable as the result of the supplied expression, rather than merely a node that is visited en route

returnable - true if the node represents a final result of the expression


public boolean isReturnable()
Ask whether the node represents a value that is returnable as the result of the supplied expression, rather than merely a node that is visited en route

true if the node represents a final result of the expression


public boolean hasReachableReturnables()
Test whether there are any returnable nodes reachable from this node by zero or more arcs

true if any arcs lead to a pathmap node representing a returnable XDM node


public void setAtomized()
Indicate that the typed value or string value of the node reached by this path will be used. Note that because this is being used only to determine navigation paths, the property does not need to be set when nodes other than element or document nodes are atomized.


public boolean isAtomized()
Ask whether the typed value (or string value) of the node reached by this path will be required.

true if the typed value or string value of the node is required


public void setHasUnknownDependencies()
Indicate that the path has unknown dependencies, typically because a node reached by the path is supplied as an argument to a user-defined function


public boolean hasUnknownDependencies()
Ask whether the path has unknown dependencies, typically because a node reached by the path is supplied as an argument to a user-defined function

true if the path has unknown dependencies


public boolean allPathsAreWithinStreamableSnapshot()
Determine whether the path is entirely within a streamable snapshot of a streamed document: that is, it must only navigate to ancestors and to attributes of ancestors

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