Package net.sf.saxon.functions.regex

This package contains the code to map XML Schema and XPath regular expressions to the regular expression engine of the underlying Java platform.


Interface Summary
RegexIterator This class is an interator that supports the evaluation of xsl:analyze-string.
RegexIterator.OnGroup Interface defining a call-back action for processing captured groups
RegularExpression This interface represents a compiled regular expression

Class Summary
CaseVariants This class holds data about the case-variants of Unicode characters.
Categories Data for Regular expression character categories.
JDK15RegexTranslator This class translates XML Schema regex syntax into JDK 1.5 regex syntax.
JRegexIterator Class JRegexIterator - provides an iterator over matched and unmatched substrings.
JRegularExpression A compiled regular expression implemented using the Java JDK regex package
JTokenIterator A JTokenIterator is an iterator over the strings that result from tokenizing a string using a regular expression
RegexData Non-instantiable class containing constant data definitions used by the various Regular Expression translators
RegexTranslator Abstract superclass for the various regex translators, which differ according to the target platform.
RegexTranslator.Range A Range represents a range of consecutive Unicode codepoints
UnicodeBlocks This class provides knowledge of the names and contents of Unicode character blocks, as referenced using the \p{IsXXXXX} construct in a regular expression.

Exception Summary
RegexSyntaxException Thrown when an syntactically incorrect regular expression is detected.

Package net.sf.saxon.functions.regex Description

This package contains the code to map XML Schema and XPath regular expressions to the regular expression engine of the underlying Java platform.

Regular expressions are translated into the form accepted by JDK 1.5 or JDK 1.4. There are two separate versions of the translator because these two platforms differ radically in how Unicode characters outside the basic multilingual plane are handled.

Users should not normally need to use these classes directly.

Most of the code used in these translators was developed originally by James Clark.

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